
Understanding Leadership in the 21st century: reorganisation of international relations

 GLOBALIST ELITE FEARS PEACE, WANTS WAR The deep state considers negotiating with opponents to be wrong and counterproductive Federico Pieraccini | The Strategic Culture Foundation – JULY 14, 2018 38 Comments The announced meeting between Trump and Putin has already produced a good result by revealing the hypocrisy of the media and politicians. The meeting has been branded as the…


Iraq can kill fanatics, but not the fanaticism of barbaric Jihadist threats

JUNE 18, 2014 A THIRD IRAQ WAR? POSTED BY ROBIN WRIGHT     The United States now faces the possibility of its third intervention in Iraq. On paper, the two earlier wars quickly achieved their military goals. In 1991, a muscular alliance of thirty-four nations, led by the United States, forced Iraq to withdraw from…