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How the Chinese mob runs America’s illegal weed market

Asiatimes | 2024-03-15

DEVELOPING! Martial Law Declared, Deep State Crumbles, Quantum Voting & Internet, Global Currency Reset Enacted!

The seismic shift in global power dynamics is not just a footnote in history; it’s the headline of our current reality. As the dust settles on the collapse of traditional bastions of power, the world finds itself at the precipice of a new era, one that promises to redefine the very fabric of governance, finance, and intelligence.

The disintegration of the IMF, the UN, the World Bank, and the WEF has not just left a vacuum; it has opened the floodgates for an unprecedented global restructuring. At the heart of this tumultuous transformation is the enigmatic Ground Command, a force that has single-handedly orchestrated what can only be described as a coup against the old guard.

This is not merely a transition; it’s a total overhaul of the global order. The establishment of international martial law by Ground Command has effectively neutralized the sovereignty of nations, rendering traditional geopolitical boundaries obsolete. In this new world order, the concept of national governance is being replaced by a more streamlined, efficient, and, dare we say, enlightened form of leadership.

Enter the Global Intelligence Agency (GIA) and CARE. These are not just new acronyms to add to the lexicon of global governance; they represent the vanguard of a revolutionary approach to managing the planet’s affairs. The GIA, with its roots in military intelligence, is poised to become the central nervous system of global security, operating with an efficiency and transparency that traditional intelligence agencies could only dream of.

Important! – The Dawn of a New Era: Essential GESARA Teachings Every American Must Learn Before the Global Reset Changes Everything!

CARE, on the other hand, is more than just a force; it’s a philosophy. It stands as a beacon of hope in a world weary of conflict and division. CARE’s mandate goes beyond mere governance; it aims to heal the wounds of a fractured world, to rebuild the trust that has been eroded by years of corruption and deceit.

The implications of this global reset are profound. The transition to gold-backed currencies, the implementation of the Quantum Financial System (QFS), and the advent of Quantum Gesara are not just economic reforms; they are the cornerstones of a new financial paradigm that promises to liberate humanity from the shackles of debt and dependency.

The Quantum Voting System (QVS) and Quantum Internet signify a leap towards true democratic engagement and information freedom. In this new era, the dark web of manipulation and surveillance that characterized the old internet is being replaced by a platform of transparency and integrity.

The narrative of the Global Currency Reset (1955), the Precious Metals Standard, and the DECLAS of everything on Earth is not just a story of financial upheaval; it’s a saga of liberation. The bankruptcy of central banks and the dissolution of the American corporation are not signs of defeat; they are milestones on the road to freedom.

As we stand on the brink of this new dawn, it’s clear that the journey ahead will be fraught with challenges. The DS cabal, wounded and desperate, will not go quietly into the night. The revelation of satanic energies and the unveiling of unpleasant truths will test the resolve of humanity.

Must Watch! – The Powerful Divine Prayer Trump Uses to Fight the Deep State Cabal!

But in this moment of upheaval, there is also a promise of renewal. The Great Awakening is not just a period of turmoil; it’s an opportunity for humanity to reclaim its destiny, to build a world that reflects our highest aspirations.

This is not a conspiracy; it’s a revolution. A revolution that is unfolding in real-time, under the watchful eyes of Ground Command and the guardians of the new world order. As we navigate this uncharted territory, one thing is clear: the future is not written. It’s ours to create.

In the face of such monumental change, one might be tempted to look back with nostalgia at the world we’re leaving behind. But to do so would be to miss the point entirely. This is not a time for looking back; it’s a time for bold steps forward. The old world, with its corruption, its inefficiencies, and its injustices, is crumbling. In its place, a new world is emerging, one that promises to be cleaner, fairer, and more just.

As professional journalists, it’s our duty to chronicle these changes, to question, to probe, and to hold those in power accountable. But it’s also our privilege to bear witness to the birth of a new era, one that, if we’re brave enough to embrace it, could herald a golden age for humanity.

The road ahead is uncertain, and the challenges are daunting. But if history has taught us anything, it’s that the human spirit is indomitable.


FDA Drops Ivermectin Truth (That We Knew All Along) | Facts Matter

Funny How the UFO Narrative Coincides With the Race to Weaponize Space

Posted By: NightSky
Date: Tuesday, 1-Aug-2023 12:10:12



By Caitlin Johnstone

If Wednesday’s House Oversight subcommittee hearing on UFOs had happened ten years ago instead of today, it would have shaken the world. Imagine someone from 2013 hearing congressional testimonies about “routine” military pilot encounters with giant flying tic tacs, floating orbs, 300-foot red squares, and cubes in clear spheres zipping around in ways that surpass all known earthly technology by leaps and bounds, or about secret government possession of otherworldly aircraft they’re trying to reverse engineer and the dead bodies of their non-human pilots, or about the possibility that these creatures are not merely extraterrestrial but extra-dimensional. Their jaws would have hit the floor.

Now in 2023 we’ve been getting incrementally drip-fed bits and pieces of these stories for six years, so the scene on Capitol Hill on Wednesday didn’t have the impact it would’ve had in 2013. It’s making headlines and getting attention, but not as much as Sinead O’Connor’s death or people’s thoughts on Barbie and Oppenheimer. The response from the general public could be described as a collective nervous laugh and a shrug.

People scroll past the footage from the hearing on social media, go “Whoa, that’s weird,” and move on with their lives. The information’s going in, but just kind of on the periphery of mainstream consciousness. Maybe next year they’ll show us something that would’ve been even more shocking to someone in 2013 than Wednesday’s hearing would’ve been, and it will be met with the same nervous laugh and shrug by the people of 2024.

Of course in the circles I tend to interact with, the response is a bit different. People who are highly skeptical of the US war machine tend to also be highly skeptical of this UFO narrative we’ve been seeing since 2017.

“Distraction” is a word you hear a lot. “It’s just a distraction from ______”, where “______” is whatever hot story they personally happen to be fascinated by at the moment. I personally don’t buy that explanation; the new UFO narrative wasn’t just cooked up at the last minute to distract from current headlines, it’s been unfolding for six years, and people aren’t even paying that much attention to it. The empire doesn’t tend to orchestrate spectacular events as a “distraction” anyway; the adjustment of public attention tends to take the much more mundane form of agenda setting in the media, where some stories receive more attention than others based on what’s convenient for the oligarchs who own the press.

I also see people theorizing that this is all a ploy to ramp up the US military budget. There could totally be something to that, but again this narrative has been unfolding for six years and so far the military budget has just been swelling in the usual yearly increments as always.

Don’t get me wrong, though — I’m as skeptical about this thing as anyone. For one thing the origins of the mainstream UFO narrative which began in 2017 were steeped in extensive distortion, dishonesty and journalistic malpractice, and were carried forward by shady intelligence operatives like Lue Elizondo. David Grusch, who made by far the most sensational claims at Wednesday’s congressional hearing with his tales of dead aliens and reverse-engineered UFOs, is himself an insider of the US intelligence cartel.

But for me what really stinks about all this UFO stuff is the timing. Here we are in the early stages of a new cold war which features a race to militarize space, and we’re hearing congressional testimony about mysterious vehicles posing a threat to US airspace which have the ability to go up and down between earth and space very quickly. That smells off.

I mean, does it really sound like a coincidence that we’re seeing all these news stories about UFOs and aliens at the same time we’re seeing news stories about a race between the US and China and Russia to dominate space militarily? A Foreign Policy article from last year blares the headline “China and Russia Are Catching Up to U.S. in Space Capabilities, Pentagon Warns” with the subheading “The militarization of space is picking up pace.” These warnings are echoed in articles by Defense One and Time. An article on the United Nations website from last year carries the title “‘We Have Not Passed the Point of No Return’, Disarmament Committee Told, Weighing Chance Outer Space Could Become Next Battlefield.” A 2021 report from the war machine-funded Center for Strategic and International Studies titled “Defense Against the Dark Arts in Space: Protecting Space Systems from Counterspace Weapons” warns of the urgent need to build more space weapons to counter US enemies. A Global Times article from last year carries the title “Chinese experts urge avoidance of space weaponization amid commercial space capability deployment in Ukraine.”

These stories about the space militarization race aren’t getting the attention the much more entertaining UFO stories are getting, but it seems likely that those who are responsible for moving the war machinery around are paying a lot more attention to the former than the latter. The US Space Force took its first steps toward becoming a reality in 2017, the same year these mainstream UFO stories started coming out, with the explicit purpose of countering Russia and China.

And it just seems mighty suspicious to me how we’re being slowly paced into this UFO narrative (or UAP narrative for those hip to the current jargon) right when there’s a mad rush to get weapons into space. I can’t actually think of any other point in history when the timing of something like this would have looked more suspicious.

So for me the most disturbing parts of the UFO hearing were the parts that could wind up facilitating the agenda to militarize space, like when this phenomenon was framed as a “national security” threat or when it was mentioned that they can transition from earth to space very rapidly.

When asked by congressman Glenn Grothman “do you believe UAPs pose a threat to our national security?”, former Navy commander David Fravor answered with an unequivocal yes. A few minutes later Fravor described these vehicles as being able to “come down from space, hang out for three hours and go back up.”

When asked by congressman Andy Ogles whether UFOs could be “collecting reconnaissance information” on the US military, all three witnesses — Grusch, Fravor, and former Navy pilot Ryan Graves — answered in the affirmative. Asked by Ogles if UFOs could be “probing our capabilities,” all three again said yes. Asked if UFOs could be “testing for vulnerabilities” in US military capabilities, all three again said yes. Asked if UFOs pose an existential threat to the national security of the United States, all three said they potentially do. Asked if there was any indication that UFOs are interested in US nuclear technology, all three said yes.

Ogles concluded his questioning by saying, “There clearly is a threat to the national security of the United States of America. As members of Congress, we have a responsibility to maintain oversight and be aware of these activities so that, if appropriate, we take action.”

When asked by congressman Eric Burlison if “there has been activity by alien or non-human technology, and/or beings, that has caused harm to humans,” Grusch said he couldn’t get into specifics in a public setting (a common theme throughout the hearing), but said that “what I personally witnessed, myself and my wife, was very disturbing.”

Grusch would complicate this cryptic statement a few minutes later by saying that he’s never seen a UFO. How this statement doesn’t contradict his previous statement about having witnessed harmful behavior from non-human technology and/or beings was not made clear.

So you’ve got US policymakers being told that there are vehicles using technology not of this world routinely violating US airspace and posing an existential threat to US national security, and that these craft can go from earth to space and back at will, and that they need to help make sure their nation can address this threat.

What conclusions do you come to when presented with that kind of information? If you’re a lawmaker in charge of facilitating the operation of a highly militaristic empire, you’re probably not going to conclude that it’s time to hold hands and sing Kumbaya. You’re probably eventually going to start thinking in terms of military technology.

One of the most important unanswered questions in all this UFO hullabaloo is, why now? Why are we seeing all this movement on “disclosure” after generations of zero movement? If these things are in fact real and the government has in fact been keeping them secret, why would the adamant policy of dismissal and locked doors suddenly be reversed, allowing “whistleblowers” to come forward and give testimony before congress? If they had motive to keep it a secret this entire time, why would that motive no longer be there?

If you ask the online UFO community, many will essentially take credit for the whole thing, saying the most powerful war machine ever assembled has reversed its policy of total opacity because of “pressure” applied by disclosure activists. This doesn’t pass the smell test; the most powerful empire in history isn’t reversing course on a longstanding policy of blanket secrecy because of internet forums and FOIA requests.

So why now? Why the drastic and sudden shift from UFOs and aliens being laughable tinfoil hat nonsense to the subject of serious congressional inquiries and widespread mainstream media coverage?

Well, the timing of the race to militarize space might provide an answer to the “why now?” question. Is it a coincidence that this new UFO narrative began its rollout in 2017, around the same time as the rollout of the Space Force? Are we being manipulated at mass scale about aliens and UFOs to help grease the wheels for the movement of war machinery into space? How likely is it that by pure coincidence this extraplanetary narrative timed out the way it did just as the US empire makes a last-ditch grab at unipolar planetary domination?

I don’t know. I do know that if I’m assigning degrees of probability, “Extraterrestrial or extradimensional beings are here and take a special interest in us and sometimes crash their vehicles and our government recovered them but kept them a secret but suddenly decided not to be so secretive about them anymore” ranks significantly lower than “Our rulers are lying and manipulating to advance their own interests again.”

I am 100 percent wide open to the possibility of extraterrestrials and otherworldly vehicles zipping around our atmosphere. What I am not open to is the claim that the most depraved institutions on earth have suddenly opened their mind to telling us the truth about these things, either out of the goodness of their hearts or because they were “pressured” by UFO disclosure activists.

I don’t know what the hell is going on with this UFO thing, but I do know the drivers of the US empire have an extensive history of manipulating and deceiving at mass scale to advance imperial agendas. And I do know that at this crucial juncture in history where the empire is clinging to planetary domination with the tips of its fingernails, there are a lot of imperial agendas afoot.

All my work is free to bootleg and use in any way, shape or form; republish it, translate it, use it on merchandise; whatever you want.


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DO NOT EAT ANYTHING WITH THIS LABEL!! This is a Bill Gates founded company using toxic mono & diglycerides to make you SICK!


Stephen Orchard


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Microsoft, July 20, 2021, Beijing, China


Nesara / Gesara Begins 06/10/23

The National Economic Security and Recovery Act (NESARA) is a set of proposed economic reforms for the United States suggested during the 1990s by private citizen Harvey Francis Barnard. Barnard claimed that the proposals, which included replacing the income tax with a national sales tax, abolishing compound interest on secured loans, and returning to a bimetallic currency, would result in 0% inflation… Wikipedia


Close Modal Dialog DR. RASHID BUTTAR murdered for AIRING This VIDEO – Share to EVERYONE

Posted By: CrystalRiver
Date: Thursday, 1-Jun-2023 15:17:27


The Prisoner
Published Yesterday

Many Blessings,


WAYNE ROOT: Everyone Has Missed Real Revelation of the Durham Report: Obama is the REAL ‘Big Guy.’ Obama is the Criminal Mastermind. Obama Committed Treason.

Former President Barack Obama speaks during an interview with CBS News.We are living in an age of mass deception, distraction and denial, of mass brainwashing. We might as well all be living in Jonestown, Guyana and following the orders of Jim Jones.

By Wayne Allyn Root



We are the WHITE HATS who must RESCUE the Republic – (feat. Steve Bannon)

This article may contain statements that reflect the opinion of the author

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Image: We are the WHITE HATS who must RESCUE the Republic – (feat. Steve Bannon)

(Natural News) If you’ve been waiting for the white hats to rescue the republic, look in the mirror: We are the white hats, and the restoration of freedom, justice and liberty in America is coming down to us and no one else.

There is no one else coming to rescue America. It is up to us — We the People — to peacefully but firmly take back the power that has been usurped by a rogue government, a wholly dishonest media, a death-promoting sick care industry and centralized tech platforms that despise free speech (which includes Twitter, as they still censor leading voices of freedom).

Today I’ve interviewed a true patriot and courageous information warrior: Steve Bannon from His resume is too long to list here. Bannon is a force of nature, and America needs men like Bannon more than ever!

Steve Bannon believes we can rescue the republic, but it’s going to take dedication, courage and (peaceful) effort to defeat the Marxist cabal of criminals and bureaucrats that are carrying out a well-funded, deeply nefarious insurrection against America.

In today’s Brighteon Broadcast News, I interview Steve Bannon where we have a fiery discussion about “woke” AI terminators, the elimination of the middle class, the open borders invasion of America and more. Watch the full interview in today’s BBN episode via and other platforms:

– NYC to start tracking meat purchases by citizens
– Food RATIONING will happen soon, and “climate crisis” will be the excuse
– 60,000 lbs. of ammonium nitrate have been hijacked off a train
– That’s about 12 PALLETS of explosives
– Fed-run black ops groups likely planning something bigger than 9/11
– We must PEACEFULLY save this republic from those who seek to destroy it
– Adams offers sneak preview of amazing new silver-infused textiles
– Full interview with Steve Bannon: America, AI terminators, Trump, RFK, censorship, Elon Musk and the CCP
– Full interview with Jason Crowe from, the distributed content platform that CANNOT be censored or stopped






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MAJOR NEWS: The Gateway Pundit Wins Historic First Amendment Lawsuit, Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Agrees to Settlement

Jim Hoft


Monday, April 10, 2023

The Power to Destroy

By Anna Von Reitz

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court in regard to our Claims, March 6th 2005, January 19th 2023, in seq:

In the American Government, the state holds the national jurisdiction of the soil and the State holds the international jurisdictions, so although the states and living people receive the benefit of Federal Services, the responsibility of contracting for and payment for those services remains with the States.

Having gotten a Constitution in place and therefore, a contract to provide the eighteen stipulated and enumerated services associated with the (also) enumerated powers, the Federal Subcontractors were loath to revisit any aspect of it.

The three Federal Constitutions were to be enshrined as Holy Scriptures, and obeyed to the letter, so far as the rights and prerogatives of the Subcontractors were concerned, including freedom from State taxation, a topic which was never actually discussed in the Constitutions.

However, in a famous 1819 decision, McCulloch v Maryland, the Marshall-led Supreme Court agreed that the States of the Union retained no right to tax the Federal Service Providers, which were to be considered part of the government, immune to taxation despite their nature as private foreign Subcontractors.

Chief Justice John Marshall famously declared that the “Power to tax was the power to destroy.”

So how did the Federal Subcontractors presume the power to tax their Employers — the States and People of this country — for their services, when the States are only obligated to pay in gold or silver?

There is no constitutional agreement for our States to submit to taxation imposed by any Federal Subcontractor and no allocation of our credit to them made under any Federal Constitution.

Instead, the Federal Constitutions all established a very simple quid pro quo: the Subcontractors provide the stipulated services, and the States provide gold or silver as payment. No service, no gold — and equally, no gold, no service.

In the confusion coming out of the so-called American Civil War, States were denied access to their own assets by unauthorized territorial state-of-state organizations. These foreign state-of-state franchises of the British Crown DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, INC, cashiered our assets via the establishment of unauthorized “State Trusts”.

This was the beginning of all the blocked and off-ledger physical asset accounts in the banking system. The banks and unauthorized territorial state-of-state organizations conspired to lockdown our accounts “for” us, while conveniently also controlling our assets “for” us, without our permission and without public disclosure.

Thus, the constitutional contracts were rendered inoperable through no fault of the States, and logically, if they had been operating honestly and in good faith, the usurping Federal Subcontractors should have left our shores and our assets to our own management, but instead, they stayed, acted as Executors de Son Tort, and unilaterally decided to accept our credit as payment for their services.

To this day, no shadow of a mutual agreement allowing the Federal Subcontractors to tax the States or anyone living in the States exists, yet Federal Taxation is ubiquitous and has been attached to nearly everyone and everything, either directly, or indirectly through their veiled state-of-state franchise operations.

How is this possible?

More deceit, non-disclosure, bad faith, manipulation, and all predicated on the unlawful and undisclosed conversion of the natural political status of Americans to that of Federal Dual citizenry — the “lost” Territorial U.S. Citizens and the public interest Municipal PERSONS the Perpetrators created to act as their franchises out of thin air.

The Municipal and British Crown Corporations housed in the District of Columbia and their deceitfully undisclosed “State of State” franchises which have been illegally and unlawfully acting “for” us in each one of our States, have been mischaracterizing Americans as Federal Citizenry of one kind of another for decades.

This fundamental Big Lie and personage scheme has allowed the Perpetrators to effectively tax us as Federal Citizenry residing in the States, and to coercively subject us to their foreign laws within our borders, and all while pretending to address us as their own citizens— which we are not and have no cause or desire to be.

The means by which Americans were coerced and herded into appearing to accept Federal citizenship obligations all took place under color of law and under conditions of deceit and non-disclosure.

For example, the only Public Notice provided by Franklin Delano Roosevelt to the effect that he was selling (as slaves) and offshoring all the Municipal citizens of the United States came as cryptic statements made in his First Inaugural Address, which included references to sacrifice and consecration and clearinghouse certificates, that is, birth certificates, which made no sense at all to any average American.

Similarly, in dozens of premeditated and undisclosed registration and enrollment processes, Americans were asked if they were citizens of the United States, which they naturally interpreted as the name of their country — The United States, and the concept and meaning of citizenship was not disclosed to them at all.

As another example, Americans were told, under color of law, that they “had to” sign up for a Social Security Number in order to have a job; they were not told that this requirement applied only to Federal Employees — and only some Federal Employees at that.

As a result, millions upon millions of Americans have been enrolled in a federal pension scheme and subjected to a federal tax on the privilege of federal employment purportedly taking place in Washington, DC, Puerto Rico, Guam or American Samoa — while never actually being Federal Employees, never exercising any privilege, never receiving a dime’s worth of federal income and never working in the geographical confines specified.

They and their private sector employers have been charged 7.5% of their total earnings, plus an equal 7.5% employer contribution — an amount equivalent to 15% of their lifetime earnings for a shoddy, substandard, federal “retirement benefit” program that they weren’t technically eligible to participate in.

Again, how is this fraud and pillaging possible? The Municipal Corporation franchises named after each American have been housed in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, where they specialize in the illegal — in the 50 States — and unsavory business of Child Labor Contracting.

These are all commercial corporation fraud schemes applied against Americans who are owed good faith service and their private sector employers who are also being unlawfully and immorally taxed by these foreign Municipal and British Crown Subcontractors housed in the District of Columbia.

We wish for the unauthorized State Trusts to be dissolved in our favor, and for all our blocked asset accounts and credit accounts to be returned to us, both individually and to the lawful government owed to this country.

We wish for the Federal Persons/PERSONS that have been attached to us under conditions of bad faith and non-disclosure, and which have been deceitfully promoted under color of law, to be dissolved in our favor and for all legal presumptions misapplied to Americans who are not actually Federal Employees and who are not actually, knowingly, freely and consensually adopting the status of Federal Persons / PERSONS, to be disallowed with prejudice.

We wish for an end to all these fraudulent revenue collection schemes and for the victims of these artifices, meaning both the unique individuals and their private sector employers who have been misrepresented and mischaracterized and forced to contribute to these and other federal programs under color of law, to receive prepaid credit accounts to discharge all Municipal and Territorial charges and expedite receipt of any service they may require and may not have access to as a result of federal corporation bankruptcies or other gratuitous debt-dumping engaged in by these criminals.

We wish for the banks to take immediate corrective action to release our accounts and expedite our use of our assets and the restored credit resources owed to us without further excuse or delay.

As we never consensually agreed to be taxed by our employees nor to extend our credit to them in exchange for their services, and as we were prevented from making actual payment by the Perpetrators themselves unlawfully seizing upon our assets to create State Trusts which they have controlled and benefited from, we wish for amends to be applied to our accounts and correction applied to our status.

We are not now and have never been debtors or paupers; we have been non-consensually misrepresented and defrauded by foreign Municipal and British Crown Corporations housed in the District of Columbia,all operating in breach of trust and violation of their service contracts. We wish for our Good Names, credit, and control of our physical assets to be restored, and for the offending Municipal and British Crown Corporations to be forfeited to us or liquidated, as common sense and prudence dictate.

We wish for all unlawful publication, collection, and enforcement of “federal taxes” taking place within the borders of our physical States to stop, along with all federal tax-related prosecutions against Americans living within the borders of our States. Generations of Americans have been bullied and coerced under color of law to pay taxes and mortgages they don’t owe, by these same Subcontractors acting in breach of trust and violation of their service contracts. This amounts to illegal, unlawful, and non-consensual foreign taxation being misapplied within the States of the Union and it is a crime under international law.

We have demonstrated the criminal and self-interested nature of these Federal Subcontractors, and attest to their unlawful activities carried out against ourselves and many other nations over the course of five centuries. These Municipal and British Crown Corporations have consistently abused the public trust, maliciously defrauded their employers, and dishonored their contracts; we see no reason for their continued existence.

We wish for the return of all federal taxes and asset forfeitures which have been unlawfully assessed against Americans who have, in turn, been mischaracterized as any species of Federal citizenry, Americans who have suffered entrapment schemes and non-disclosure and worse, at the hands of undeclared foreign agents, including but not limited to Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S Grant also known as Hiram Grant, William H. Seward, Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Richard M Nixon, Barack Hussein Obama, and their Heirs and Successors, Employees, Agents and Affiliates.

We retain the right to tax and impose regulation on all and any foreign corporations including commercial corporations and governmental services corporations operating at any location within the borders of our States.

We retain the right to dissolve any and all federal enclaves that have been non-consensually established, operated in violation of their Use Permits, operated in violation of Constitutional limitations or that exist because of assumptions of custodial or successor interests on the part of Municipal and British Crown Corporations that have usurped against us. This includes but is not limited to the District of Columbia and the City of Washington, DC, some federal Post Offices, Post Roads, and Sea Lanes, ports, bridges, military encampments and district management areas, railroad, highway and utilities easements and associated facilities, free trade zones, national parks, university grounds, public land trusts, game management areas, soil and water conservation districts, and similar grants and acquisitions made under non-existent custodial and emergency managements authorities assumed by the officers and personnel of the Municipal and British Crown Corporations housed in the District of Columbia.

We do not recognize any contractual obligation on our part to continue doing business with corporations that have evaded and dishonored and deliberately disabled their own service contracts.

We do not recognize any substantive debt alleged against our States or any private contractual obligation resulting from conferred or deceitfully obtained foreign citizenship obligations foisted off on Americans under color of law.

We do not accept any allegation or commercial claim of default or dishonor on our part resulting from unauthorized interference in our affairs by officers of our erstwhile British Crown and Municipal Corporation Subcontractors seeking to illegally, unlawfully, and immorally control our assets to create a default and otherwise to benefit themselves in breach of trust.

We do not recognize any unilateral, merely implied, or non-consensual obligations resulting from the exercise of self-interest; this includes any presumed contract obligating federal employees to accept our purloined credit as legal tender bonded on a non-existent public interest in private assets, that is, the illegal securitization and bonding of living flesh under false presumptions of foreign citizenship obligations, fraudulent debts created by preventing their payment, and similar commercial fraud and mischief promoted by the British Crown and Municipal Corporations housed in the District of Columbia.

We do not recognize any custodial interest or role for our Municipal and British Crown Corporation Employees beyond that established by the Northwest Ordinance, which provides for territorial occupation prior to enrollment of new states of the Union, and those resulting from Treaty Agreements.

We hereby provide the Court with Notice that all fifty (50) States, including the western states, have been formally accepted and enrolled as actual nation states of the Union and as State Members of our Federation effective with the first of October 2020 and are no longer in any form or under any obligation of Territorial Statehood at all.

We have honored the Residence Act of 1790 and the grant of Federal Regulation of alcohol, tobacco and firearms, which are the only substances that the Federal Subcontractors are allowed to regulate; we continue to honor the intent of the interstate commerce clause, but do not accept the widespread misinterpretation of it to allow the Federal Subcontractors any power to obstruct either trade or commerce within The United States.

We do not recognize any power conferred on any Congress by any Constitution to address our sexual preferences or health decisions or religious beliefs or banking preferences or other similar issues within the realm of our privacy with any acts of legislation whatsoever; likewise, we do not recognize “Executive Orders” issued by a British Crown Corporation Officer to his employees as any form of authority related to us and we object to having Executive Orders and Mandates of foreign governments presented to us as if we were obligated to obey them.

We are exempt from any authority belonging to our Federal Employees, except in those few and extremely limited circumstances explicitly described by our written contracts and treaties. Any other assumption is uncalled for, inappropriate, and unwelcome. For example, if our British Crown Corporation Employees should declare “war” against the toothpaste brand favored by our Municipal Corporation Employees, we cannot be assumed to have any position related to their nonsense or responsibility for their self-engendered mercenary conflict, but their Principals and Officers are responsible for keeping their commercial spats off our land and soil and avoiding any injury to their employers.

We do recognize the binding public contract established by President Andrew Johnson guaranteeing peace on the land and obligating all Officers of the British Territorial United States Government to provide The Law of Peace to all non-combatant Americans then and grandfathered-in forevermore.

The American Civil War was an illegal commercial mercenary conflict and it has been over for more than a 150 years. We wish for everyone everywhere to know and acknowledge and accept these facts, and stop trying to promote any additional such “wars” against anything or anyone, including “wars” against poverty, “wars” against drugs, or any other similar specious pretense of war of any kind, or attempting to evoke any continuation of wars long dead and gone, as an excuse to maintain a British Crown Corporation occupation of our land and soil, using “territorial forces” or a Municipal Corporation occupation of our land and soil using Municipal Federal Civil Service employees, either.

We are occupying our land and soil and our Federal Republic and neither our erring British Crown Corporation Subcontractors nor our run amok Municipal Corporation Subcontractors need to think anything more about it.

The greatest and longest running war fraud in world history is over. Our lawful government is in Session, and it’s the responsibility of all Federal Employees to keep the peace from now on.

Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary

The United States of America

In care of: Box 520994

Big Lake, Alaska 99652

April 10th 2023



AI will be weirder than we can imagine

It can seem as though the future of artificial intelligence is being set as we speak. In reality, the future of artificial intelligence will be a lot weirder than the public discourse around it suggests.

“Artificial intelligence as imagined by Samuel Madden.” Bin


ALL COVERAGE    3/28/23




For his opening monologue Wednesday night Fox News host Tucker Carlson revisited the status of the conflict between Ukraine and Russia and the disconnect between Washington DC and American voters.

Watch Below:

The post Tucker Carlson Contrasts DC’s Effort to Expand NATO War Against Russia with Position of American Voters appeared first on The Last Refuge.

[H/T Conservative Tree House]


THE WORD ON EVERYBODY MOUTH…….URGENT INFO: How to DETOX from DIOXIN exposure – share this everywhere

URGENT INFO: How to DETOX from DIOXIN exposure – share this everywhere







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By James Red Pills America

NFL Players’ Association Urged to Screen for Heart Issues Over Vaccine Side Effects

Why Do Those Who Don’t Drink Alcohol Have Liver Cancer?

Liver cancer ranks as the fifth most common cancer and has been the third leading cause of cancer death in Hong Kong for years. However, there are still many misconceptions …

Be Alert: Acute Abdominal Pain and Distension Could Be the COVID-19 Vaccination.

Be Alert: Acute Abdominal Pain and Distension Could Be the COVID-19 Vaccination.

Over the course of the pandemic, I received many calls from patients and their families. One of the most difficult symptoms to evaluate over the phone is abdominal pain. Most …

The Desire to Be God

The Desire to Be God

This should never be the role of science or medicine

‘Is COVID-19 a Bioweapon?’ Medical Researcher Decodes Genetic Sequence of COVID-19—Book Review

‘Is COVID-19 a Bioweapon?’ Medical Researcher Decodes Genetic Sequence of COVID-19—Book Review

The Genetic Sequence of the COVID-19 Bioweapon In his 135-page book “Is COVID-19 a Bioweapon? A Scientific and Forensic Investigation,” Dr. Richard M. Fleming decodes the genetic sequence of COVID-19. The …

The Federal Government Is Tracking the Unvaccinated

The Federal Government Is Tracking the Unvaccinated

The U.S. government has been secretly tracking those who didn’t get the COVID jab, as well as those who aren’t up to date on their shots. Worse, it is recording …

When Is the Best Time to Drink Water? Doctor Shares Tips for Gut Health

When Is the Best Time to Drink Water? Doctor Shares Tips for Gut Health

Study: Tumor Suppressor Gene Deletion Causes Resistance to Breast Cancer Treatment

Study: Tumor Suppressor Gene Deletion Causes Resistance to Breast Cancer Treatment

Pomegranates Fuel Tumor-Fighting Cells

Pomegranates Fuel Tumor-Fighting Cells

Sleep Apnea Device Works From Inside the Body

Sleep Apnea Device Works From Inside the Body

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Urgent Situation Update & GCR Report Feb 11: Absolute Proof That QFS NESARA GESARA Is Real & Happening Right Now! The Largest Collection of Proofs on the Internet! All the Top Authorities Spell it Out! Plus Med Beds, Free Energy & More! Wow!

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GLORIOUS NEWS ABOUT the QFS, NESARA & GESARA, PATRIOTS! THIS SITUATION UPDATE IS AN INTEL SUPER DUMP! Have NO FEAR, they are REAL – and it’s ALL HAPPENING RIGHT NOW!! After watching this FACT-PACKED GCR update, you will KNOW WITHOUT A DOUBT that these things are REAL and not just some CONSPIRACY THEORY made up by hopefuls! The is WAY TOO MUCH UNBELIEVABLE TRUTH & FACTS shown in this video to even THINK about arguing with it! You will be AMAZED at the depth of information and the easily checked FACTS laid out in a manner that you simply will NOT be able to question!


NEXT VIDEO: ”JUAN O’SAVIN’s SUPER SITUATION UPDATE! What’s Happening With QFS, Nesara/Gesara, Digital Currency?! What About POTUS Trump & Military?! McAfee?! Intel MEGA DUMP!”

JUAN O’SAVIN NEVER DISAPPOINTS, Patriots, and THIS UPDATE is NO DIFFERENT! What is going on with the Digital Currency & QFS (Quantum Financial System)..?! You said WHAAAAAT about POTUS Trump and the Military..?! What is that I heard about McAFEE….?! WOW! I can HARDLY contain myself with THIS EPIC VIDEO – It’s JAM PACKED with INTEL that will make your heart SOAR! Hold onto your seats and BUCKLE UP for the RIDE of Your LIFE! BQQQM!



NEXT VIDEO: ”SITUATION REPORT & GCR UPDATE! “We’re Going To HUNT You Down! NCSWIC!” US Marshals ARRESTING Pedos! Satanic Families! WOW!”

US Marshalls Arresting Pedophiles, Russia Declares War With NATO, Escalation To Scare Event? Banks Closing Could Lead To Bank Runs Soon, Biden Secret Docs Reveal Ukraine Corruption, GCR Update, CIA MkUltra and Media/Gov Connection, Satanic Generational Families, Russian Mod, Scott Ritter On War Escalation, Abduction Testimony And More!


NEXT VIDEO: ”MOAB SUPERCUT! Lara Logan In FULL ATTACK MODE Obliterates Deep State In EPIC Rants! DROPS BOMBS On Cabal Demons In This MUST SEE VIDEO!”

INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST Lara Logan drops some MOAB SIZED WALLOPS on the Deep State Demons in this EPIC VIDEO! You know Lara – and you know she’s NOT about to pull any punches as she LAMBASTS the LAME-BRAIN LOSERS. This video proves to be an EPIC ADVENTURE – one that only Lara Logan can take you on! ENJOY THE SHOW!



THIS is one of the MOST SATISFYING SITUATION UPDATES I’ve EVER presented to you – just watch and you’ll understand why! As you watch this EPIC Situation Update featuring SG Anon, ponder this question: “WHY was this interview INSTANTLY BANNED in Australia..?!” Hang onto your seats for this FEROCIOUS, EYE-GOUGING INTERVIEW with the ‘Take No Prisoner’ Aussie, Dave Graham, straight outta Australia, the (near) GULAG CAPITAL of the WORLD! SG Anon DROPS BOMBS on the Dastardly Deep State Demons who, until recently, all but had their BLOODY TALONS sunk so DEEP into the flesh of the Australian Patriots, one would think escape was absolutely impossible!

? In a FANTASTIC TURN OF EVENTS, the Proud Patriotic People of Australia HOISTED THEIR FLASHING FINGERS straight into the faces of their would-be Oppressors Down Under! SG Anon proclaims LOUDLY that “….THIS is the ‘Year Of The RABBIT HOLE’ and we’re witnessing the CONTROLLED DEMOLITION of the Satanic Elite’s Narratives as we stand back and watch THEIR WALLS OF CONTROL CRUMBLE DOWN AROUND THEM!


These are GLORIOUS DAYS, INDEED, that we live in Patriots, ESPECIALLY for our Australian Brother & Sisters who have developed a TAKE NO PRISONER attitude and stance toward the MISERABLY ODIFEROUS DEEP STATE DEMONS! “This is a YEAR of RECKONIN!G” – one which will prove to be the GLORIOUS BEGINNING to the DEMISE OF THE DEMONIC DEAD BEATS who are now LOSING ALL CONTROL & THEIR GRIP on the (not so) helpless victims around the world!

NEXT VIDEO: ”SG ANON ON THE RECORD! “NESARA GESARA Is VERY Real! TRIBUNALS This Year! We Control The Vatican! DeSantis a Black Hat?! Trump Returns!” Is The Earth FLAT?! WOW!”

LATEST BOMBSHELL SG ANON INTERVIEW! If you thought SG Anon’s LAST interview was eye-opening, you DEFINITELY won’t want to miss out on what’s revealed in THIS one. It’s even more shocking… and the good news is, there’s GREAT NEWS!
?? The White Hats are IN CONTROL of the VATICAN!
?? Is Ron DeSantis a Black Hat?!
?? Is the Earth FLAT?!
?? TrumIs Returning Soon!
?? Even the NYT is frightened about the TRIBUNALS starting THIS YEAR!

NEXT VIDEO: ”How Is This Still Secret?! Military Insider Interview: Special Ops Revealed! [DS] Cabal’s Dirty Secret Exposed! How Is The POPE Involved In All This?! The 200 Year Plan! Does TRUMP Know About This?! They Will Hide This From You at All Cost! Must See, Mind-Blowing Whistleblower Video!”


THIS is the TELL ALL Documentary you’ve been waiting to see! This Military Intel Insider (US ARMY CIVIL AFFAIRS & PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS COMMAND #PsyOp) Trains U.S. ARMY SPECIAL FORCES GREEN BERETS – he concisely explains – among other intriguing things – the inner-workings of our slavery to the CABAL in this compelling, revealing.- and sometimes just downright CREEPY – tale of our Slavery and the 200 Year Plan (that’s right, the ‘Plan’ was in play MUCH longer than the 16 Year Plan that’s been reported). Get a #FullBriefing on his AMAZING story in this FANTASTIC documentary that’s sure to have you on the edge of your seat the ENTIRE way through it!

HOW IS THIS STILL A SECRET?! Special Ops REVEALED! How is the POPE involved in all of this?! They will HIDE THIS FROM YOU at ALL COST! Buckle up & ENJOY the SHOW, PATRIOTS! This video REVEALS the DIRTIEST and BEST KEPT SECRET that’s been kept HIDDEN for DECADES! A 5 Star Trust is, herein, EXPOSED for the ENTIRE WORLD to see! Many do know know that at Birth, you are considered MISSING, LOST at SEA or DEAD. You are NOT a PERSON. but, rather, mere CARGO or a VESSEL! Through the fraudulent Birth Certificate System set up in 1933, WE THE PEOPLE became the method of finance for the USA. BUT HOW IS THE POPE INVOLVED IN ALL OF THIS?! Let’s travel down this VIRAL MIND-BLOWING Rabbit Hole, shall we now, Patriots?!


? SCAMdemic Being EXPOSED Big Time!



NEXT VIDEO: ”SITUATION UPDATE Jan 21! JFK Jr DECODED! Explosive Donald Trump FACTS! The REAL Joe (FAKE?!) & Hunter Biden! STRONG Language Warning! Must See Video!”

????SITUATION UPDATE JANUARY 21, 2023 MIND-BLOWING JFK Jr DECODE! Facts & Fakes Related to POTUS Trump & The REAL (Fake..?!) Joe Biden?! MUST SEE SITUATION REPORT!”????
? STRONG LANGUAGE WARNING! Viewer Discretion Advised!
? The REAL (or FAKE?!) Joe Biden – Do NOT Miss THIS!
? What’s Up With OBAMA?!

NEXT VIDEO: ”DEREK JOHNSON DROPS MOABS in Jan. 18 SITUATION UPDATE! “It’s All FAKE!” Trump Comms DECODED! Pelosi Heads to GITMO! Where’s Hillary & Schiff? Evil RINOs Being Set Up! GOLD STANDARD Returns! Bombshell John ‘McTraitor’ News!”

? EVIL RINOs Are Being SET UP!
? WHERE In The WORLD Is Hillary & Schiff?!
? GOLD STANDARD Coming Back!

NEXT VIDEO: ”SG ANON LATE NIGHT! Situation Update Jan. 18! “We’re Witnessing The Fall Of World History’s Most Evil Empire! They’re All DOOMED! Digital Soldiers Are Awakening The Masses! Glorious Peace Awaits Us Around The Corner!” Absolutely MUST Video!”

? WE THE PEOPLE Are Changing The World!
? THE DIGITAL ARMY Is Awakening The Masses!
? GLORIOUS PEACE AWAITS US Right Around he Corner!

NEXT VIDEO: ”SG ANON SITUATION UPDATE! Update January 15 “No Holds Barred! Nobody Escapes!” Black Hats Flee Like Cockroaches! White Hat Ops, Mass Arrests, Tribunals! Fighter Jets Everywhere! Mass Arrests, Hussein/Biden/Harris Going Down! Glorious News!”

? White Hat Military Flight Grounding Ops? White Hats Expose The Actors! ? Huge Events Happening This Weekend? Mass Arrests! ? Biden/Harris Going Bye Bye! ? Barak Is Going Down!? DUMBS Crumbling! ?….and MORE HEART-POUNDING INTEL Than You Can Shake A Stick At!




NEXT VIDEO: ”We’ve Dethroned the Evil Ones! We’re Witnessing History Being Made!” A Big Bag of Decodes by SG Anon Leaves You Speechless! Must See MOAB-Sized Situation Report”

SG Anon’s BIG BAG of DECODES leaves you SPEECHLESS! “We’ve DETHRONED the EVIL ONES! We are witnessing HISTORY being made!” This is a MOAB-SIZED Situation Report, Patriots, and it PACKS A WHALLOP at EVERY turn! As usual, SG Anon NEVER Fails when it comes to DROPPING BOMBS on the Deep State Demons and their RINO Cohorts! Listen folks, just sit back, take a BIG BREATH & an even BIGGER LOAD off your mind when you WATCH, LISTEN & LEARN from SG ANON’s BIG BAG OF DECODES that will leave your heart SOARING! I know there’s a LOT of confusion but NEVER FEAR, Patriots, because THE WHITE HATS are at the helm!

NEXT VIDEO: ”Major Situation Updates! Big Win [15], Q Proofs, Durham Boat, Other Comms Decoded! Trump, White Hats In Control McCarthy! 4D CHESS Playing Out, Deep State LOSES CONTROL! Human Meat Project (Cannibalism Normalized)?! More COVID Lies Being Exposed! Absolutely MUST Video!”

BIG WIN! [15] – DISASTER FOR THE DEEP STATE! Big Win [15], Q Proofs, Durham Boat, Other Comms DECODED! Trump White Hats In Control! 4D CHESS Playing Out! There’s been HUGE WINS for the MAGA Patriots and America as a whole, REGARDLESS of what the BRAIN-DEAD NAYSAYERS SPEW! If you pay CLOSE ATTENTION to this video, you’ll see the ‘Art Of The Deal’ unfolding and materializing right before your very eyes! You’ll see that THIS was the PERFECT TIME for Trump & the White Hats to take FULL CONTROL over NEARLY EVERY ASPECT of the government! I PROMSE YOU that you will be BLOWN AWAY by the DOCODES that are UNVEILED in this SPECTACULAR SUMMATION of the ACTUAL current events playing out RIGHT NOW – BEHIND THE SCENES! Are YOU ready for the mind-blowing DURHAM BOAT DEC0DE?!?!Forget all the BAD PRESS you’ve heard about McCarthy being elected Speaker Of The House – I know there’s a LOT of confusion but NEVER FEAR, Patriots, when THE WHITE HATS are at the helm! Sit back, take a BIG LOAD off your mind when you WATCH, LISTEN & LEARN form this EPIC DECODE that will leave your heart SOARING! After you’re done watching, YOU’LL UNDERSTAND WHAT FEW DO! BQQQQQM!

NEXT VIDEO: ”SITUATION UPDATES! SG ANON Drops the Mother of All MOABS! Failed POTUS Trump Assassination Attempt! White Hats in Control! Benedict XVI Satanic Comms! Deep State Imploding! Tesla Free Energy Being Released?! What’s Happening Is Transforming the World! Must See Video!”

SG Anon NEVER disappoints, and THIS UPDATE is no different! One MOAB after another is dropped squarely on the heads of the Deep State Demons and their RINO Cohorts, as SG Anon INVADES THEIR AIRSPACE with these HEAVY HITTING FACTS that decimate everything around the EVIL DOERS! SO MUCH is covered in this compendium of INSIGHTS that will have your head spinning! Covered in this FANTASTIC situation update are topics such as (WOW!):
Are they ready to RELEASE Tesla’s FREE ENERGY?!
More ENEMIES of the WORLD are identified!
New COVID Kill Shot Evidence REVEALED!
Is the Deep State really COLLAPSING!
The SYMBOLISM of the SATANIC HEAD of the Catholic Church!
Is the TECHNOLOGY seen in movies REALLY fake?!
What are ALL THE PLANES doing flying overhead?!
PODESTA back in the NEWS! It ALL starts there!
The ties between Jeffrey EPSTEIN and JP MORGAN bank!
What in the HECK is going on at the NFL FOOTBALL Stadiums?!

NEXT VIDEO: ”Murder MOABS Falling! Death of theTruth Tellers! New Details Revealed! True Causes of Deaths of Kirstie Alley, Paul Walker & Anne Heche! Evidence Will Blow Your Mind! Must See Video!”

The title of this video speaks volumes for itself, Patriots! Whether you believe the STRANGE DEATHS of these TRUTH TELLERS was as the ‘FAKE NEWS MEDIA’ has described it – or not – THIS VIDEO will BLOW YOUR MIND! Never before has SO MUCH EVIDENCE existed that these people were WHACKED BY THE PEDOPHILE ELITE whose lives and anonymity were TOTALLY THREATENED by the TRUTH that they were in the process of sharing with the WORLD! Do you REALLY think that it was PURE COINCIDENCE that all three of these people – along with COUNTLESS OTHERS (several of which are highlighted within this video) – just COMMITTED SUICIDE or DIED IN A FREAK AUTO ACCIDENT mere DAYS before (or after) they SPILLED THEIR GUTS TO THE WORLD about the SATANIC PEDIPHILE FREAKS that inhabit this world and prey on unsuspecting, innocent VICTIMS?! I THINK NOT(!) – and I believe that YOU will agree, ESPECIALLY after watching this SCATHING, MIND-BLOWING exposure! All I can say is SHARE THIS FAR & WIDE, so EVERYONE ELSE knows the REAL TRUTH that is revealed herein!

NEXT VIDEO: ”MOABS! SG Anon & Derek Johnson’s First Interview Together! NESARA, Tribunals, Trump Decodes, Supreme Court & More! “Most Important Drops All Year!” WOW! Must See Historic Video!”

SG ANON & Derek Johnson – TOGETHER for the VERY FIRST TIME and they do NOT DISAPPOINT! Wow! Trump DECODES! Military TRIBUNALS UPDATE! NESARA happening NOW! Scorched Earth DROPS that will BOGGLE your mind! And that’s JUST the BEGINNING! So MUCH is happening behind the scenes, RIGHT UNDER our noses!

I am SO PROUD to present this HISTORIC LAMBASTING of the Deep State Demons and Evil Elite, whose CONTROL over the WORLD is ALL BUT OVER! I knew this interview would be EPIC, but I’m not exaggerating one bit when I tell you that the MIND-BOGGLING, NEXT LEVEL INTEL in this HISTORIC INTERVIEW was a NON-STOP BARRAGE of DROPS that that blew even ME away!



Wait until you hear WHAT’S COMING! Derek and SG Anon DECODE TRUMP’S COMMS & Recent Events and what you’ll learn will give you the WARMEST, MOST SATISFYING FEELING you’ve had in a VERY long time! This is one of the MOST EXCITING TIMES we will ever live through, Patriots, and what’s coming up will PROVE to be WELL WORTH EVERY MINUTE WE’VE WAITED!

“Have NOTHING to do with the Fruitless Deeds of Darkness, but rather EXPOSE THEM.” ~ Ephesians 5:11



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New SGAnon Intel Latest Update February 4th 2023

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New SGAnon Intel Latest Update February 4th 2023


Childfree Doesn’t Mean Pain-Free

Portrait of pensive woman sitting at table in the kitchen

Protection from pregnancy will not protect you from suffering.

The world is ending because we’re running out of people.

Or at least, one world—the one where people think babies cause problems. In this bleak dystopia—i.e., Current Year America—only half of women under age 45 have children.

But this is only half the story. The other half of the story—the weird half—is they think those numbers are good news. More women avoiding motherhood? That is progress now, dear.

An alarming article published by The Daily Mail explains why this is happening: “Adults are changing their attitudes towards having kids. Millennials and Zoomers prioritize their careers, travel and relaxation over building families.”

These superior intellects have figured out how to game the system and avoid pain and suffering with this one, neat trick: never have a kid. Stay childfree forever and you stay free.

After all, the list of pain points childfree people exempt themselves from is not short. Abstain from procreating and you unlock a paradise of kidless pleasures. You get to avoid childbirth, newborn sleeplessness, changing diapers, messes, tantrums, fevers, pediatrician visits, expensive baby gear, swim lessons, schools, puberty, tests, SATs, getting them in to a decent college, paying for college tuition—there is a well documented tsunami of tsuris triggered by child eruptions.

Imagine waking up on Saturday and never having to drag your tired, hungover self, a heavy cooler, and a cranky kid to a soccer game, swim meet, interminable sunbaked little league game, or excruciating birthday party at a trampoline place, park, playground, or bowling alley—ever.

Imagine never having to scramble for a babysitter. Or a new school. Never having to worry about bullying or report cards, buying school supplies, owning a minivan, or installing car seats. (The LATCH system works great, if you have foot-long fingers.) Never having to remember your Apple password ten seconds before the plane is taking off so you can install the only app they like for the flight. Getting them to stop fighting and smile for just one g#%*n photo for the Christmas card picture, please, just one.

The struggle, as the kids say, is real. Oh dear—perhaps I’ve revealed too much. Why would anyone in their right mind sign up for all of that?

On top of all the practical challenges of daily parent life, our clueless Gen Z cohort says they won’t have babies because they’re bad for the climate. Their plan to save the Earth for future generations is to not produce a future generation. They think they’re playing 4-D chess, but they’re the ones getting played.

They don’t understand that the real hellscape is a world of only themselves, old, alone, starved for food and attention, stacked up like cordwood in overcrowded nursing homes wearing unchanged Depends and covered in bed sores.

They don’t know that without fresh young recruits in our population, there will be no one to see that faraway dystopia—and that those of us alive now will perish in an even worse one.

There is only one way out of this nightmare, and it is my way out. 

To Those Who Are About To Die, I Salute You

But I am not trying to change the minds of the childfree. Au contraire! If a dog hater declares himself forever unwilling to dogsit for you, I am glad he let me know.

Likewise, if people choose genetic suicide, who am I to stop them? I say, good for you. Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake, and so forth. You know yourselves better than I do, so I can’t argue with your choice. When I see the average-soaked blood baby-hater screaming at pro-life marchers on TV, I am inclined to agree that yes, indeed these women should never be allowed to care for children.

I bet they’re all preschool teachers.

But they’ve got this thing all wrong; a childfree life is not a pain free life. You do not get to escape the tsuris tsunami; you just get a different one, and you get it at the worst possible time.

Bedpan for One, Please

The temporary torture that new parents suffer through happens mostly at the beginning; it is front loaded for you, as a mercy, during your relative youth. You can put the hardest part behind you while you are still young enough to endure the sleeplessness and the schlep. This is primarily what your twenties used to be designed for: to have and tend children. Did you know that your nubile youth was not given to you so you could do a lot of Bikram yoga and go trekking in Nepal or start a girls’ surf school in Costa Rica? Those things are fine, but that’s not what your ability to operate on little sleep and endure heavy loads for nine months was built for.

Your twenties are when you are gifted great but temporary power; but only the wisest will choose to do the hardest thing then, when it won’t feel hard at all.

If you are childfree, you don’t experience any of that in your youth. But make no mistake: your pain is on a time-delayed release. It is coming for you. At first, it’s all good vibes and trendy vacations and DINK money and tidy interiors you can use in the backgrounds of your TikTok videos and Insta reels, and almost zero laundry. Your only jobs are careermaxxing and pleasuremaxxing.

That’s max fun while it lasts. But right around the time your burden inexplicably increases and the fun-to-pain ratio starts to tip in the other direction, your age cohort who chose children is in an upswing. Just as you are starting to feel the pinch of those decisions you made decades ago, they are enjoying childfree nests, maybe planning a wedding or two, and anticipating the delights of grandchildren.

You are frantically budgeting for your retirement and old age in your one-bedroom home, where you will continue to age alone, or perhaps with another aged childfree individual. You will watch in quiet despair as your former college roommate welcomes a growing clutch of descendants home each Christmas. You will cope by bragging about baroque hobbies and trips, but something will start to gnaw at you, and it won’t just be your cats devouring your body when you croak.

One day you will need someone to look after you as you recover from a deep plane facelift or a series of unpleasant chemotherapy treatments or get around during a lengthy recovery from a hip replacement.

If you are fortunate enough to be in relatively good shape going into your dotage, and didn’t get too many booster shots, you can look forward to 20, 30, or even 40 years as an ancient. That’s a long time to spend on your own, watching your face melt off the bones. There is no fallback plan for you, unless you still have friends and siblings still living. (The ones who hate you don’t count.)

You may discover as you age that any family that doesn’t make a serious, concerted effort to grow will start to shrink rather dramatically. The sudden atrophy can be shocking. A family of three loses a parent and it’s down to two, including one overburdened child who decides to move far from their burdensome aged parent.

A single woman in her seventies loses the old codger she’s been cohabitating with, and it’s just her. Party of one, and it’s not going to be much of a party.

In a household of one, you will rely on the kindness of strangers. Bad news for you: the strangers filling up the cities today won’t care too much if you need a ride to the doctor, or to borrow a few eggs, or a hug.

A Cautionary Tale

My mother once lived next door to an old widow, whom I will call Jan. Jan was in her late eighties and lived alone. She had no children. She dressed in pastel Chanel suits and wore pantyhose every day. Her white hair was always perfectly coiffed. She looked like Betty White, if Betty had been 200 years old. Jan’s voice warbled and she never quite knew where she was. One day, Jan announced to my mother that her new “boyfriend” would be coming over to take her shopping. This “boyfriend” began coming by daily to take her grocery shopping. Jan glowed as she bragged to my mother that her boyfriend “loved her” but never tried to touch her. “He wouldn’t dare, he’s a perfect gentleman!”

Jan’s boyfriend turned out to be a heavyset Russian man in his mid-thirties. Jan gave him her Mercedes, which he would load up with most of her groceries and then drive away to his own house. It was like The Giving Tree, only in this case the tree was writing large checks made out to cash for a gold-chain wearing boy.

At some point during these shenanigans, my mother asked me to check Zillow to see how much her own house was worth, since she lived alone and was thinking about selling so she could be closer to her many grandchildren. To my surprise, Jan’s house, the one right next door to my mom’s, was for sale. My mother called Jan to inquire. Jan insisted that my mother was wrong, her house was absolutely not for sale, and she would never dream of moving from the home her late husband had bought years ago.

I called the Coldwell Banker realtor on the listing—a blonde, middle-aged battleax—and discovered that this scammer was colluding with the Russian to sell Jan’s house right out from under her and dump her, penniless, onto the street. Russian collusion!

The day before escrow closed, an estate lawyer my mother found managed to scuttle the sale. The furious Russian cursed my mother, hopped into his purloined C-class, and scurried home to the wife and three children he had been supporting by stealing over $50,000 from Jan.

Jan died years later in her own home, surrounded by kindly nurses.

Her estate lawyer informed us that this happens all the time. Nursing homes are full of bewildered old women robbed blind by false suitors and elder-abusing caretakers.

Jan got lucky. You may not have the good fortune to live next door to my mother. There may be no one to intervene when the swarthy new “boyfriend” 50 years your junior makes off with all your apples, all your branches, and saws down your trunk.

Heirs and spares are no guarantee of a tranquil old age; look no further than King Charles III for proof of that. But they’re still your best bet—the only insurance policy that can provide someone who actually loves you to hold your hand at the end.



To confirm if this is true, we need to see the public removal of Rockefeller Avatar, “President Joe Biden,” along with the rubber mask-wearing phony Pope Francis.

There are signs this is happening. In the US, a power struggle has resulted in a compromise wherein neither Donald Trump nor Joe Biden will be in power. The Supreme Court rejected the Brunson case to overthrow the 2020 election because it would have installed Donald Trump as president. The reason is the Donald Trump who has appeared in public since January of 2020 is a vaccine-pushing fraud. The real Donald Trump, whose son Barron was injured by vaccines, was virulently opposed to them. This means if the Supreme Court had reinstated Trump then the avatar Joe Biden, who took orders from the Rockefellers, would have been replaced by a Trump avatar who took orders from the Rothschilds.

So, serious horse-trading took place in the 15 rounds of votes it took to make Kevin McCarthy speaker of the house. McCarthy was forced, among other things, to promise to hold hearings into how the FBI was turned into a malignant force suppressing American patriots.

Trump again stays quiet about issue…..until timing turns better……




Brazilian Military Declare Bolsonaro ‘True President of Brazil’ – Media Blackout

Fact checked

Brazil's military declare Bolsonaro winner of presidential election

The Brazilian military have shown their support for the Brazilian people by declaring Bolsonaro the ‘true President of Brazil’ following evidence of a rigged election.


Bolsonaro is now huddling with the military to plot his next moves.









Happy Thanksgiving


11-24-22: SG Anon and Patriot Streetfighter Thanksgiving Show, The Truth About Everything, BOMBS AWAY! (1hr 25min)

Posted By: MrFusion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 25-Nov-2022 14:13:33


“SG Anon brings a provocative if not explosive research dissemination operation of his own to Patriot Streetfighter disclosing information that not even your host has been privy to. This is a MUST SEE share to all those awakened and those who aren’t.

“Follow SG on Truth Social at @RealSGAnon and on Rumble as QNewsPatriot




Top Story

COBRA – Situation Update & Cobra Ascension Conference in Paris

Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 4-Nov-2022 22:44:37

COBRA – Situation Update & Cobra Ascension Conference in Paris

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

There was a huge escalation between the Chimera group and the Light Forces on October 15th, and extraordinary measures were taken. The situation was spiraling out of control, and since the Light Forces around the Earth could not contain the situation anymore, urgent reinforcements from Andromeda galaxy who are experts in dealing with the Chimera group sprang into action.

As a result of this, all pits except one has been cleared, and Orion faction of the Chimera group is mostly gone, except for small disorganized clusters on the astral and mental plane, which will be cleared in the coming weeks. Andromeda faction of the Chimera is in fear, knowing that they will be next.

The only pit remaining is NOT located under the Urim base, and contains the mainframe quantum computer of the Andromeda faction of the Chimera, which controls the scalar AI matrix / electromagnetic fence around the Earth, tied into implants.

rces take control of that pit, they will be finally able to start completely disintegrating the scalar matrix on the surface, together with the implants and their toplet bombs. When that is gone to a degree that risk becomes acceptable, physical interventions can begin to happen.

Until very recently, Light Forces around the Earth were still subjected to quantum anomaly to a degree that kept them frozen in fear of the toplet bomb retaliations, hence their inaction. Their fear had its roots in the quantum shock of 1996, when the dark forces were able to shock the quantum filed of the universe to a degree only experienced twice in this cosmic cycle: at the moment of the Big Bang, and at the moment of the creation of the dark forces millions of years ago. The shock of 1996 has weakened the connection of the whole manifested universe with Buddhic and higher planes, and this has resulted in diminished power of Light and increased power of darkness. This shock is finally being addressed now, as the total amount of quantum anomaly has fallen under a certain threshold.

The events of October 15th have jolted the Light Forces out of their toplet fear spell, and they are taking more action now and are accepting more reasonable amount of risks. Nothing more can be said about the events of October 15th except the fact that the dark forces have crossed a certain unacceptable threshold, and the Light Forces have responded in a very proactive way that could trigger the toplet bombs.

With this improved energy dynamics, so called quantum insertion portals are beginning to open. These portals are quick and effective flashes of Light that reach the quantum field on the surface of the planet and may bring rapid improvement of situations on the surface. These portals are now still sporadic, rare and unstable, but are expected to improve. The Light Forces are developing protocols that would utilize those portals and using Mjolnir technology, they would like to make them useful for the surface Lightworkers to improve their life situations.

Those portals are coming directly from the Source and theoretically speaking a quantum insertion portal big enough could even trigger the Event, although that is still very unlikely at this point.

The Cabal, with their pandemic Reset plan completely disintegrating, is now trying to engineer the Reset through nuclear scare:

They are aware of the coming Solar Flash, and they are preparing accordingly:

Their plans will not be successful, and the positive side is quietly preparing for our own, positive version of the Reset:

The Light Forces have communicated that it is time to reactivate the Lightworkers on the surface of this planet again, to assist in reactivating the Light grid. For this reason, revival of physical Sisterhood of the Rose groups and other Light groups worldwide is recommended.

To assist in the revival of Light, the first Cobra Ascension conference after a very long time will be taking place on December 3rd and December 4th in Paris.

You are more than welcome to join us: >>>

Ascension Paris – Cobra Conference in Paris

Victory of the Light!

Posted by Cobra

Source: >>>

The Portal





WE NOW HAVE THE REAL DOOM JUICE – Pentagon just adopted a nuclear first strike policy

Earlier I mentioned that the US was supplying Asia and Europe with nukes. Now this was just announced the day after the decision to do that.

Youtube is now replacing real users with AI generated content.

I noticed this started a few days ago. Obviously fake names attached to lackluster content obviouly tailored to keep people in AI generated boxes where only pre-approved info is allowed. It appears Youtube has taken the ultimate dive into the control matrix where yes, accounts you know of are still there, but you’ll never find anything new, instead you will find only new AI generated content on AI generated accounts that is safely within permitted limits and only regurgitates washed out crap you already know while appearing to provide variety by simply faking it. Was I told this? NO. But it is awful damn obvious. Aside from Whistlindiesel and Robot Cantina Youtube is now dead to me, you might as well shitcan all prospects of anything else other than MSM bloopers they decide to let live. Youtube was semi tolerable until a few days ago, now it is just a rotten carp.

How could Youtube do this?? EASY: WITH SOUPED UP TEXT TO VIDEO, where all you do is say a sentence and an AI generates a video based around that sentence.

Death by Graphene Oxide


blood clots  nanoparticles   graphene oxide



EXCLUSIVE: ‘They’re Trying to Take Me out of This Election’: Bannon Responds to New Indictment



Published September 2022 184,840 Views

BREAKING: The NIH Just Quietly Admitted Ivermectin Treats COVID

After spending the last 2 years mocking President Trump for promoting Ivermectin (you know, the “horse medicine”) the NIH (National Institutes of Health) has now quietly added it to their approved treatment list.

On the NIH’s official site under the Covid-19 treatment guidelines Ivermectin along withs several other antiviral medicines were reportedly listed as treatment methods to Covid-19.

According to the site itself it says Ivermectin “is an antiparasitic drug that is being evaluated to treat COVID-19”.

Just six months ago major political voices were banned and even ridiculed for ever talking about Ivermectin as a treatment method against COVI and now the NIH is even promoting it.


So much for “trusting” the experts!

Here’s the NIH giving details about how Ivermectin works:

ports from in vitro studies suggest that ivermectin acts by inhibiting host importin alpha/beta nuclear transport proteins, which are part of a key intracellular transport process.Viruses hijack the process and enhance infection by suppressing the host’s antiviral response. In addition, ivermectin docking may interfere with SARS-CoV-2 spike protein attachment to the human cell membrane.

Some studies of ivermectin have also reported potential anti-inflammatory properties, which have been postulated to be beneficial in people with COVID-19.

Ivermectin has been shown to inhibit replication of SARS-CoV-2 in cell cultures.However, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies suggest that achieving the plasma concentrations necessary for the antiviral efficacy detected in vitro would require administration of doses up to 100-fold higher than those approved for use in humans.

Although ivermectin appears to accumulate in lung tissue, predicted systemic plasma and lung tissue concentrations are much lower than 2 µM, the half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) observed in vitro for ivermectin against SARS-CoV-2. Subcutaneous administration of ivermectin 400 µg/kg had no effect on SARS-CoV-2 viral loads in hamsters.

It appears “conspiracy theorist” were right after all…




Article: Back Off, Oh Masters of the Universe

Globalist utopians demand that we fall in line with their “cure” for climate change. Dr Jordan B Peterson explains why the goal of achieving net zero emissions by 2050 is absolutely preposterous.–QS_UyW2SY



It’s Inevitable: Trump Will Be Indicted

Afew days after federal agents stormed Donald Trump’s castle in Palm Beach last week, Judge Beryl Howell berated a man from Georgia for his involvement in the Capitol protest on January 6, 2021.

“Listening without question to political rhetoric that leads to serious offenses, criminal conduct, is not an excuse when you’re standing in a court of law,” Howell told Glen Simon, a Trump supporter who pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct on restricted grounds. “You’ve got to use your common sense and your own sense of who you are and how you’d like to conduct yourself as an American citizen before just blindly doing what a political figure says.”

Howell then sentenced Simon to eight months in prison.

The “political figure” to whom the judge was referring is President Trump. And Howell is not just any judge; she is the chief judge of the D.C. District Court that is overseeing at least 850 criminal cases related to the Capitol protest.

Appointed by Barack Obama in 2010, Howell does not disguise her partisan leanings or her contempt for Trump supporters. Howell describes the four-hour disturbance on Capitol Hill as “criminal activity that is destined to go down in the history books of this country.” She has scolded prosecutors for not bringing harsher charges in January 6 cases while insisting the hundreds of thousands of Americans who protested Joe Biden’s election that day had no legitimate grievance. She urged the government to set damages to the Capitol at $500 million rather than the accurate figure of $1.4 million in order to significantly boost restitution fines against January 6 defendants.

During a hearing last year, Howell mocked Representative Andrew Clyde (R-Ga.) for saying video footage from inside the Capitol on January 6 looked like a “normal tourist visit.”

“Your purpose was not to be a tourist walking through the Capitol, was it?” Howell asked during a plea hearing for Leonard Gruppo, who pleaded guilty to the petty offense of “parading” in the Capitol. Gruppo said he was not there as a tourist. Howell then refused to accept his plea until Gruppo admitted that he was in Washington on January 6 “as part of a demonstration in support of President Trump.”

Howell’s lectures and hostility are just a taste of what hundreds of Trump supporters have endured at the E. Barrett Prettyman Courthouse in the nation’s capital over the past 19 months. Even though most face low level misdemeanor charges, judges nonetheless treat January 6 protesters like domestic terrorists while often blaming Trump for what they consider an illegal incursion into the ruling class’s personal fiefdom of Washington, D.C. that day.

And they are salivating at the chance to arraign Donald Trump.

It now appears inevitable that the Justice Department will bring criminal charges against the former president. FBI Director Christopher Wray’s stunt at Mar-a-Lago on August 8 is part of creating the optical illusion that Donald Trump is guilty of any number of crimes related to January 6 or the mishandling of secret government documents—or both. On Monday, the Justice Department subpoenaed another Trump White House lawyer as the legal momentum accelerates.


Attorney General Merrick Garland is doing his part to build the public case while Lisa Monaco, his deputy, runs the day-to-day lawfare operation against Trump. Monaco, a longtime Obama confidant who worked in his White House until the last day, is a rabid Trump hater. She intends to finish what the Obama Justice Department started in 2016 by indicting Donald Trump.

Of course, technically, any indictment would be the result of a grand jury investigation—proceedings held in the same courthouse filled with loathing for Donald Trump and his supporters. Grand juries composed of residents in a city that gave Trump five percent of the vote in 2020 and four percent in 2016 have issued hundreds of indictments and thousands of criminal charges against January 6 protesters. This includes charges against 16 protesters for “seditious conspiracy,” a rare criminal offense for which no American has ever been convicted.

Federal prosecutors are enjoying similar success before regular juries. Garland’s Justice Department is undefeated in jury trials of January 6 defendants; D.C. juries have returned unanimous guilty verdicts on every single charge in seven trials since March. This includes convictions on “obstruction of an official proceeding,” a vague post-Enron law never before used against political protesters. (A jury also quickly convicted Trump advisor Steve Bannon on two counts of contempt of Congress.)

The obstruction count is one of the offenses Garland’s office likely will file against Trump.

As evidence mounts that Trump supporters cannot get a fair trial in Washington—surveys of prospective jurors conducted by defense counsel show a heavy bias against January 6 protesters—D.C. District Court judges have denied each change of venue motion. Coverage of the January 6 select committee hearings undoubtedly has amplified that bias, especially for high-profile defendants such as members of the Oath Keepers. The committee has focused on the roles of both the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys, airing videos of their conduct that day and attempting to tie these alleged militias to Donald Trump.

A week after a former member of the Oath Keepers testified before a televised hearing in July, defense attorneys representing the Oath Keepers filed another motion to delay the trial and move it out of D.C. “The main point we have to consider is that you have a congressional committee that goes out and paints the Oath Keepers as white supremacists,” one defense attorney explained to Judge Amit Mehta, another Obama appointee.

Mehta rejected the argument and took umbrage at another attorney’s suggestion the committee’s work was political. “This is not a forum to express your political views or your views about the motivations of the committee,” Mehta scolded. “I don’t think they’re hosting the hearings just to interrupt this trial.”

He denied the motion; the first Oath Keepers trial begins next month. It’s possible the Justice Department will charge Trump for conspiracy for allegedly working with the “militias” to attack the Capitol.

This is the legal and judicial circle of hell now fired up to come for President Trump—a vengeful Justice Department run by Obama loyalists working with a weaponized FBI to bring criminal charges against hundreds of Trump supporters who then face the wrath of enraged judges of both political parties. There is no way out.

And at this point, there’s no way out for Merrick Garland, either. Democrats have raised expectations that Trump soon will be in handcuffs; failure to do so will result in a harsh backlash by their own voters this fall. After six years of promises, Democrats better deliver the goods on Trump or face intra-party revolt.

Americans should prepare for the inevitable—the unprecedented sight of a former president pleading not guilty to crimes he is alleged to have committed by a Justice Department run by his successor and potential rival in the next presidential election.

One can only imagine the big smile on Beryl Howell’s face.




SORCHA 8/9: “Biden Signals Death Of Trump With Nazi Symbol Display Over America”

Date: Tuesday, 9-Aug-2022

Source: 9, 2022By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western SubscribersA beyond gobsmacking new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first confirming President Putin will not travel to the United States to attend the opening of the United Nations General Assembly next month, nor address it online, with him, instead, signing a directive designating Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov as the head of the Russian delegation, says quick to follow was Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky demanding that the socialist Western colonial powers ban Russian peoples from traveling anywhere in the world, with him declaring: “Russians should live in their own world until they change their philosophy”—was a socialist Western colonial racist declaration against the Slavic Russian Christian peoples quickly responded to with the announcement: “On 8 August 2022, the Russian Federation officially informed the United States via diplomatic channels that our country is temporarily exempting its facilities from inspection activities under the New START Treaty”—and was near immediately followed by the socialist Biden Regime announcing its largest military aid package for Kiev since Russia launched the “Special De-Nazification Operation” to liberate Ukraine in February.Forcing President Putin to cancel his yearly visit to the United States to attend the opening session of the United Nations General Assembly, this report notes, were Russian intelligence analysts warning that the current conditions existing in America have become near identical to those that existed in 1917 that ignited the Russian Revolution—a revolution of godless socialist forces against the Russian Christian peoples, whose counterpart today sees Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden engaged in a death battle against President Donald Trump—a death battle President Trump is clearly winning, as documented in last week’s leftist NBC News article ‘The 800-Pound Gorilla’: Trump Boosts Endorsement Record With Arizona And Michigan Wins”, wherein it revealed: “Since leaving office last year, 188 candidates backed by the former president have won primaries, 14 have lost and two dropped out or were disqualified before Election Day”.With President Trump endorsed candidates nearing more wins in today’s primary elections, this report continues, it follows the stunning news that emerged yesterday from socialist Democrat Party iron grip controlled Washington State, where after a week of counting votes, it was assailed by shocking articles like “Trump-Endorsed Joe Kent Has HIS OWN BALLOT Rejected After Wildly Delayed Election Count In Washington Primary Election”—quickly after which other articles began appearing like “BREAKING BIG: Joe Kent WINS Washington Primary Against Trump-Hater Jaime Herrera Beutler”.As word began spreading yesterday that socialist Democrat Party forces in Washington State had no choice other than to certify President Trump endorsed candidate Joe Kent as the victor in last week’s primary election, this report details, it saw socialist Deputy White House Press Secretary Andrew Bates responding to this crushing defeat by posting an image of Socialist Leader Biden against the background of the German Nazi Reich Eagle with the caption: “The Dark Brandon Rises—a vile and demonic display of Nazi imagery over America immediately responded to by Donald Trump Jr., who posted the message: “So Biden’s Deputy White House Press Secretary, @Andrewjbates46, is posting literal Nazi memes on Twitter and our corrupt media is completely silent about it”.Following the socialist Biden Regime displaying demonic Nazi imagery over America, this report notes, President Trump announced to the world “These are dark times” and beyond shockingly revealed that Socialist Leader Biden had unleashed machine gun-toting FBI agents against his Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida—saw President Trump further revealing that his Mar-a-Lago residence was “currently under siege, raided, and occupied by a large group of FBI agents”—a socialist siege documented in articles like “Stasi-FBI Swooped Through President Trump’s Home — Grabbing Boxes without Going Through Them or Knowing What’s In Them — TO GO THROUGH LATER AND MANUFACTURE A CRIME”—saw Eric Trump revealing that FBI agents ransacked President Trump’s office, and cracked opened his private safe that was empty—saw Lara Trump telling the American people: “What has happened today should shake you to your core!”—and whose real truth about this socialist siege is documented in just published articles like “History Repeats Itself: Democrats Are Using Tactics of the Marxists of 1917 in Russia – Their Final Assault on America Begins – Tonight”. sole purpose of the Nazi siege on Mar-a-Lago ordered by Socialist Leader Biden, this report continues, is documented in leftist articles like “The FBI Raid On Mar-a-Lago Will Either Make Donald Trump A Criminal Or A Martyr”, wherein it reveals these socialist forces are attempting a political assassination of President Trump to keep him from running for the presidential office in 2024 by preparing to criminally charge him for violating 18 USC 2071, that prohibits taking classified documents home, saying in part that a person removing any “book, paper, document or other thing shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than three years, or both”, and adds that anyone in possession of such documents “shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States”.As crowds of President Trump supporters gathered around Mar-a-Lago last evening correctly saying these godless socialist forces are “They’re terrified of him” and are “Trying to prevent him from running for office again”, this report continues, top Republican Party leader Florida Governor Ron DeSantis factually assessed: “The raid of Mar-a-Lago is another escalation in the weaponization of federal agencies against the Regime’s political opponents, while people like Hunter Biden get treated with kid gloves…Now the Regime is getting another 87,000 IRS agents to wield against its adversaries…We are now a Banana Republic”—a factual assessment joined by former top President Trump official Michael Caputo gravely warning: “America is in a full-blown constitutional crisis…The American people have endured a slow, creeping attack on our nation…I had a front row seat in the Russia hoax, and I’ve watched it get steadily and methodically worse ever since…With this militant raid on President Trump’s home, we have become Russia…The FBI is the KGB…I should know…I’ve seen them both in action and I see no difference at all”.Quickly following the grave warning that the siege of Mar-a-Lago proves America has now turned into Russia when it was despotically ruled over by socialists, this report notes, Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, who after the Republicans retake control of Congress in the 2022 midterm elections will be third in line for the presidency, posted the warning message: “I’ve seen enough…The Department of Justice has reached an intolerable state of weaponized politicization…When Republicans take back the House, we will conduct immediate oversight of this department, follow the facts, and leave no stone unturned….Attorney General Garland, preserve your documents and clear your calendar”—a warning quickly followed by the chilling article “The FBI And DOJ Criminalizing Opposition To The Regime Is How The Republic Ends”—in the just published article “The FBI Raided Trump Because He’s A Threat To The Deep State” it grimly assesses: “The intelligence apparatus is targeting Donald Trump in an attempt to disqualify him from running for president in 2024…If Trump becomes the forty-seventh president of the United States, he will bring with him an ambition to root out the people who wronged and waylaid him and his voters, most of whom are apparatchiks of the federal bureaucracy…If he is able to reform and reshape the government by removing these entrenched figures and subsequently hands control of the government back to the public by restoring the federal balance of power, he will delegitimize the rule of faceless bureaucrats and largely invalidate the left’s stranglehold on national politics…Therefore, Trump cannot be allowed to win, let alone run for, the presidency”—and is a grim assessment now joined by former New York City Police Commissioner Bernie Kerik posting the dire warning message: “If today’s raid by Biden’s FBI does not stop Donald Trump from running for president in 2024, their next move will be Assassination”. the socialist Biden Regime having clearly signaled with their demonic Nazi symbol display the political, if not outright, death of President Trump, this report concludes, last evening it saw famed American conservative political analyst Dr. Gina Loudon most correctly telling the under socialist siege American people: “What this night represents is the government, the insidious, deep state Marxism is coming for you and me…This is not about Trump…Just like he said from the very beginning, this is about you and me”—a statement of truth followed by President Trump posting a 3-minute, 50-seconds-long defiant video message to the American people, that he ended with the declaration: “There is no mountain we cannot climb, there is no summit we cannot reach, there is no challenge we cannot meet…We will not bend, we will not break, we will not yield…The tyrants we are fighting do not stand even a little chance because we are Americans and Americans kneel to God and God alone”.[Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]August 9, 2022 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.







AP / Burhan Ozbilici

Russia will help Ukrainians ‘get rid of regime’, says Lavrov

Al Jazeera | 2022-07-25

Creative Commons /

Kazakhstan Boosts Defense Spending Amid Ukraine Invasion – WSJ

Moscow Times | 2022-07-25

AP / Kremlin Press Service

Iran says it won’t be rushed into ‘quick’ nuclear deal

The New Arab | 2022-07-25

White House / Adam Schultz

Turkey’s Russia stance irritates Biden NYT

Beijing News | 2022-07-25

AP / Olivier Matthys

Why Emmanuel Macron would prefer Rishi Sunak as PM

The Spectator | 2022-07-25

AP / Ringo H.W. Chiu

Two dead, five wounded in shooting at Los Angeles park

Gulf Daily News | 2022-07-25

AP / Olivier Matthys

Macron embarks on African visit to ‘renew relationship’ with continent

France24 | 2022-07-25

Creative Commons / Nicholas Ojiambo

Dozens dead in Kenya bus crash

One India | 2022-07-25







Feeding Him Drugs to Function? Fox Host Makes Major Claim about How Obama, Democrats are Keeping Biden Semi-Functional [VIDEO]




Posted By: jensingr
Date: Monday, 18-Jul-2022 00:01:06


Trump closed up Cheyenne Mountain with all the highest Q clearanced Military and created the Space Force to watch over the mountain and protect Cyberspace.

Even though a series of attacks are coming, WE THE PEOPLE will prevail! We already won 4 months ago.

We are the chosen ones to help everyone through this.

The DS is planning an attack on diesel fuel to stop commerce and an energy sector attack.

The food sources and manufacturing are already being taken out.

It will get bad within the next 30 to 120 days but after that we will have our Country back!

They need 80% of the population to be united…

PPN EVENT 07/11/22 Juan O’Savin

***Oh and McAfee got 31TB of data on ALL the pedophiles after inserting a “WORM” in their computers…AND (something I have known) HE IS STILL ALIVE!



Fulford preview 6/13: “In final victory for hippy generation, Western policy will become “make love not war””

Posted By: MrFusion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 13-Jun-2022 14:43:22




In final victory for hippy generation, Western policy will become “make love not war”

The world is going through a fundamental shift as the Western world is being cured of its Satanic infection. The result will be an unprecedented era of world peace and prosperity. This will be the legacy of the “make love not war,” hippy generation.

However, before this new age can start, some final housecleaning is being done. This can be seen in the international isolation and financial collapse of the fake Joe Biden regime in the United States. The collapse is accelerating as the Khazarian mafia “Biden” regime falls into pariah status.

As an example, last week the Biden avatar called a summit of the “Americas” only to be boycotted by the majority of states in the region. Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Uruguay and Bolivia were among the countries to boycott the meeting. Leaders of countries that did attend, like Argentina and Belize, took the opportunity to criticize “Biden.”

The rest of the world, including Africa, the Middle East, Asia (except for the Japanese and South Korean slave states), and a large part of Europe is also shunning the openly criminal US Corporate government. That is why an international boycott against it is causing an economic free-fall there.

Before we go further into the boycott of the US Corporation, let us look at the Iberoamerican revolt against it because huge and under-reported events are taking place in Latin America.

“What I can say with some certainty is that there is a general feeling of disgust here towards what the Jews [Khazarian mafia] have turned Anglosaxony into, and more generally, the West, including parts of our own countries,” says a source who claims to have just finished extensive talks with Portuguese and Spanish power brokers.

That is why the Russians have begun stationing troops and warplanes in Latin America as a move to counter Nato incursions on its own borders, other sources say. This news item, for example, confirms that Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega has invited Russia to deploy its armed forces in the country “for humanitarian purposes,”

Our sources in Mexican US military intelligence say the troops are already there along with a contingent of Chinese special forces.

This revolt against the US Corporation is why Iberoamerican narcotics gangs have stopped supplying adrenochrome to the Western elites. They have now taken action. Last week Mexican police arrested a “Nelson N” the alleged head of an international gang of pedophiles. “Nelson” was inexplicably released by Dutch authorities despite being found in 2020 with over 10,000 pornographic images of infants and children.

Holandés, presunto líder de un grupo internacional de pedófilos, es detenido en CdMx – SinEmbargo MX

What the Spanish article linked above fails to mention is that hundreds of naked children, each bearing an identification number, were freed during the arrest of “Nelson,” according to Mexican intelligence sources.

CIA sources for their part reminded us that at his trial Sinaloa Cartel boss Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman, “stated in court that Comex helped launder $150 million in cartel money for [US House Speaker Nancy] Pelosi.” It appears only those who were at the trial are aware of this, the CIA source notes.


The Biden Economy is So Bad, Even His Gatekeepers Now Admit Biden Has Broken All Records for Bad Economic Outlooks





The Mexican sources also told us the Mexican drug cartels are all united at the higher levels and are ruled over by a single individual, a Mexican national who sits one rank above the publicly-known cartel bosses. This unidentified person, Mexico’s most powerful, is taking orders over the phone from a Greek individual in Greece, they add, This Greek individual in turn reports to the Orthodox Church people who also control the avatar of Vladimir Putin, Russian FSB sources say.

Once the North Americans are liberated from the KM, the Iberoamerican sources say they welcome the idea of creating a super-state uniting North and South America. Reflecting this, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador called for just such a thing at a Press conference saying “The option is [continentall] transformation and you have to dare to do it. And you don’t have to keep thinking about the next election, you have to think about the next generation.”

Getting back to the Russians, we were sent evidence last week by Mossad that the original Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin was arrested “for the theft of state property on a large scale, financial fraud, abuse of authority, preparation of an act of terror to intimidate the population and influence the government.” As proof, they provided us with the video of his trial posted below….


Wow….. Teri Hinkle……. Out of the Ball Park

By Anna Von Reitz

Wednesday, May 25, 2022


This post from Teri is just so extraordinary, everyone has to blast it to outer space.
Teri is one of those women who “smelled a rat” early and often, and has always had the courage to speak up, but this time, well…. read it for yourselves:
It is phenomenally amazing how many Americans, after all the true facts and information available in regard to the GLOBAL GENOCIDE PLAN called COVID-19, still will not accept that their own government could or would EVER deliberately target them for death or harm. For those of us old enough to have been there and seen that time and time again, even so far as to have lost family members as a consequence, we know better, in spades.
The following is a partial list of historical abuses collated and copyrighted by the Health News Network.
1932 – The Tuskegee Syphilis Study begins. Two hundred black men diagnosed with syphilis are never told of their illness, are denied treatment, and instead are used as human guinea pigs. The all subsequently die from syphilis.
1935 – The Pellagra Incident. After millions of individuals die from pellagra over a span of two decades, the U.S. Public Health Service finally acts to stem the disease. The director of the agency admits it had known for at least twenty years that pellagra is caused by a niacin deficiency but failed to act since most of the deaths occurred within poverty-stricken black populations.
1940 – Four hundred prisoners in Chicago are infected with malaria in order to study the effects of new and experimental drugs to combat the disease. Nazi doctors later on trial at Nuremberg cite this American study to defend themselves.
1945 – Project Paperclip is initiated. The U.S. State Department, Army intelligence, and the CIA recruit Nazi scientists and offer them immunity and secret identities in exchange for work on top-secret government projects.
1947 – The CIA begins its study of LSD as a potential weapon. Human subjects (both civilian and military) are used with and without their knowledge.
1950 – In an experiment to determine how susceptible an American city would be to biological attack, the U.S. Navy sprays a cloud of bacteria from ships over San Francisco. Many residents become ill with pneumonia like symptoms.
1956 – The U.S. military releases mosquitos infected with yellow fever over Savannah, Georgia, and Avon Park, Florida. Following each test, Army agents posing as public health officials test victims for effects.
1965 – Prisoners at the Holmesburg State Prison in Philadelphia are subjected to dioxin, the highly toxic chemical component of Agent Orange used in Vietnam. The men are later studied for development of cancer.
1966 – U.S. Army dispenses Bacillus subtilis variant niger throughout the New York City subway system. More than a million civilians are exposed when Army scientists drop light bulbs filled with the bacteria onto ventilation grates.
1990 – More than 1,500 six-month old black and Hispanic babies in Los Angeles are given an “experimental” measles vaccine that had never been licensed for use in the United States. CDC later admits that parents were never informed that the vaccine being injected into their children was experimental.
1994 – Senator John D. Rockefeller issues a report revealing that for at least fifty years the Department of Defense has used hundreds of thousands of military personnel in human experiments and for intentional exposure to dangerous substances.
1995 – The U.S. government admits that it had offered Japanese war criminals and scientists who had performed human medical experiments salaries and immunity from prosecution in exchange for data on biological warfare research.
1995 – Dr. Garth Nicolson uncovers evidence that the biological agents used during the Gulf War had been manufactured in Houston, Texas, and Boca Raton, Florida, and tested on prisoners in the Texas Department of Corrections.
1996 – The Department of Defense admits that Desert Storm soldiers were exposed to chemical agents.
1997 – Eighty-eight members of Congress sign a letter demanding an investigation into bioweapons use and Gulf War syndrome.
That is only a partial list. The loss of my son in January to the FAKE PANDEMIC NIH NON-TREATMENT PROTOCOL FOR MONEY is not the first time our family has suffered loss at the hands of those who profess to serve us. After the loss of my father-in-law in 2001, it came to light that he had been suing 140 companies over the damage he had suffered due to their use of asbestos in the steel mills he worked in and failed to apprise the workers of the danger. I ended up in charge of that law suit at that point, did some research myself. I found that the federal government had known since 1922 that asbestos was a direct cause of Mesothelioma (a form of lung cancer) but did not say a single word until forced to in 1975 and, even then, simply issued regulations on industries using it and then failed to enforce them. Also, as a result of that criminal action by our government, both my husband’s cousins died a few years later of cancer caused by the asbestosis used at the Fermi plant where the husband worked. The government knew that any person working around the substance brought it home on their clothing and exposed their whole families to the danger. My husband’s brother also died in 2000 from kidney cancer caused by his exposure to Agent Orange in Vietnam. It wasn’t until several months AFTER his death that the U.S. Government finally paid a meager 17 thousand dollars in compensation to his family.
IF YOU STILL BELIEVE YOUR GOVERNMENT DOES NOT WANT TO KILL YOU, HARM YOU OR TURN YOU INTO A LAB RAT, well, then you might as well go on out and get in line for your BOOSTERS and get it over with! There hasn’t been a SINGLE VACCINE tested for safety by the FDA or any other agency in the past 35 years!!! But, oh well, just buy the BS on the television and jump right up on the auction block!




Pedophile Elite PANIC As Ghislaine Maxwell Agrees To Reveal Names Of VIP Child-Sex Ring Members As Part Of Plea Deal To Reduce Her Sentence

A judge has accepted a plea deal to drastically reduce Ghislaine Maxwell’s prison sentence after she promised to name and shame elite pedophiles who were part of Epstein’s VIP child sex ring.

Ghislaine Maxwell promised last year to name and shame the VIP elites who raped children in order to get a lighter sentence in her elite pedophile ring trial.

Following the statement, a court decided to reduce her sentence by at least ten years and remove her from solitary confinement.

While awaiting her sentencing, she can now accept visits from family and friends.

The Gateway Pundit reports: “She finally has access to things she has not had for almost two years, starting with human company,” her brother, Ian Maxwell, told the U.K. Telegraph. “The prison guards were told not to talk to her.

“She has had no human interaction. She has had no human company.”

As the Post reported, Maxwell was kept in high security because of the fate of Jeffrey Epstein, the convicted sex offender Maxwell aided in sexually abusing underage girls. Epstein died in what was officially ruled a suicide in a federal jail cell in 2019.

The human interaction could be small comfort for Maxwell as she awaits a June 28 sentencing for her convictions on sex trafficking and other charges.

Maxwell, 60, faces prison time of up to 55 years, the Post reported.

Bad as that is for Maxwell, she could have faced even more time. However, on April 29, the federal judge who turned down Maxwell’s bid to have her convictions overturned also tossed two of three conspiracy convictions against her, ruling they were “repetitive.”

That reduced her potential prison time by 10 years, according to ABC News.

In that ruling, however, U.S. District Court Judge Alison Nathan made it clear that Maxwell’s attempt to have all the guilty verdicts against her overturned did not have a legal leg to stand on.

“[T]he jury’s guilty verdicts were readily supported by the extensive witness testimony and documentary evidence admitted at trial,” the ruling stated.

“Further, those counts of conviction matched the core of criminality charged in the Indictment, presented by the Government at trial, and on which the jury was accurately instructed.

“[T]he Defendant simply asserts that the Court should ‘enter a judgment of acquittal as to all counts under Rule 29 . . . because the government failed to prove each element of the charges beyond a reasonable doubt,’” the ruling stated, adding, “The Court disagrees.”

In the ruling, Nathan said that Maxwell’s attorney had a point that some counts overlapped and said that despite involving different victims, they were part of the same overall conspiracy.

“The overarching conspiracy—which, as the Government argued and proved at trial, employed a single ‘playbook’ to groom and sexually abuse underage girls—constitutes a single conspiracy offense with multiple victims,” the ruling stated.

Maxwell was convicted of helping Epstein, a convicted sex offender, sexually exploit and abuse girls.

Maxwell’s lawyers argued that the prosecution was simply using Maxwell as a scapegoat for Epstein, since he died in jail in 2019 before he went to trial on sex trafficking charges.

Maxwell’s defense also said the accusers’ memories had been corrupted over the decades and that the women only testified against Maxwell because they thought cooperating with prosecutors would help the claims they made to a victims’ compensation fund that is run by Epstein’s estate, U.S. News reported.



MONDAY, MAY 09, 2022

Rude Awokening for an Empire of Lies

The Empire of Lies – meaning the axis of evil linking Hollywood, Silicon Valley and the Corporate Media – is collapsing faster than anyone dared dream. Well, anyone except for diehard Secret Sunners.


The news reports assiduously avoid the topic, but anyone with more than two brain cells to rub together knows exactly what is now carpet-bombing the Empire of Lies: Woke.

Woke – a manufactured pseudo-Leftism embraced almost exclusively by the hyper-privileged and mentally-sick – has been bankrolled to the tune of hundreds of billions by the intelligence agencies and the corporate elite.
The plan was to poison the body politic, drive susceptible young people clinically insane, and divide the citizenry with “social justice” brainwash to the point that there would be no united front to demand economic justice from the rapacious Globocap junta.
Unfortunately, the Woke psyop has summoned a worldwide demonic infestation, the likes of which hasn’t been seen in living memory. And as with all such summonings, the demons dredged up by Woke spellcraft are now turning on the sorcerers who summoned them.See, a lot of people in the so-called Truth community think the Elites are all Lex Luthors and Braniacs, not realizing the System itself is the Egregore, and its component members are not only not that smart or forward-thinking, they’re all eminently replaceable.NO INOCULATION FOR THIS VIRUSA lot of people have described Woke as a Virus, as your humble host did back in 2019:
What if Woke isn’t some spontaneous eruption of revolutionary fervor or even some insidious plan by secret Sorosoids to color-revolutionize America?
What if Woke is a kind of virus, concocted, purified and unleashed by parties unknown who wish to collapse all the opinion-forming institutions in America? 
Consider that while some Americans might see these institutions as bastions of liberalism, many other people around the world see them as nothing more than propaganda arms for the brutal US war- and debt-making machines.
So what if Woke was really engineered to destroy Hollywood, the news media, the universities and Silicon Valley from within? 
Sounds crazy, right? 
Well, it only sounds crazy until you look at the K2 of corpses Woke has left in its wake.

Considering the players and the timeline, I’d say it’s more than probable that Woke was originally nothing less than the “Active Measures” described in exhaustive detail by KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov. Which is ironic, given how genocidally anti-Russian so many of the war-lusting Woke are these days: they’re all – every single one of them – marching to the KGBs tune in one way or the other, like the mindless little spoiled brats they are.

I can’t help but wonder if the mystics in Putin’s circle took the Active Measures template and turbocharged it with satanic and demonic spellcraft, especially given how many Woke parasites are drifting inexorably towards black magic and devil worship. It might explain why the overlap between Wokeness, “minor attraction”, Satanism and autogynephilia is nearing totality, at least if you go looking at the anime-avatar set on social media.

Overpaid imbeciles in Tinseltown – all assuredly acting on the marching orders of the Plutocracy – have sucked long and hard on the Woke crack-pipe. And like any junkie or cultist, Hollywood is now paying a terrible price for its submission to Woke Fascism.

The entire industry in its present form may eventually need to be razed and salted over, but this will do for now:


Fear and loathing are on the rise in Hollywood as top execs and rank-and-file employees grapple with growing uncertainty about their place in a rapidly changing entertainment industry. One pervasive concern: that the streaming-fueled content bubble has finally burst, with more consolidation on the way.

Go ahead and soak in the schadenfreude. You deserve it:


Wall Street darling Netflix lost $54 billion in market value in one day last month amid concerns about a slide in subscriber numbers and promptly reorganized its marketing department once again, axing writers on its fledgling Tudum fan site five months after launch. And the fallout from the Warner Bros. Discovery merger and Amazon’s acquisition of MGM has just gotten underway, with top exec Michael De Luca exiting the latter April 27 and squashed initiatives at the former. Neither the disrupted nor the disruptors are feeling too good these days.


Even CAA – the Belly of the Hollywood Hellbeast – is reeling. Unfortunately, you can’t kill the Devil, so don’t get your hopes up:

In the agency world, two of the biggest outfits — CAA and ICM — are merging, with one insider saying that the level of nervousness among those agents who “don’t have a strong book of business” is at fever pitch.

“It’s inevitable when you have consolidation that people are feeling vulnerable,” says a top entertainment lawyer.

And the unkindest cut of all:

Now Wall Street has serious questions about Hollywood’s long-term financial viability 

“We think the industry is facing a point of no return in which the economics of the old models look increasingly frail while the potential of the brave new world now appears overly hyped,” wrote Robert Fishman, an analyst with MoffettNathanson, on May 2.

Hope all the Woke entities out there held on to their pussyhats. Sounds like they’re going to need them to panhandle with. Or eat.


Of course, no one sucked harder on the Woke-pipe than Netflix, so much so that their fanatical devotion to Woke dogma has launched millions of memes. Elon Musk – who seems to have transitioned from angel investor to Avenging Angel – felt obliged to comment on the bilge-hose of brainwash the streaming giant has used to coat the entire world in a fetid film of Woke.
How’s Woke been working out for Netflix?
Golly-gosh-gee-willickers! Not so great. I guess Netflix aren’t “on the right side of history” after all.
This is why you don’t summon demons, kids: they will always turn on you. Sooner or later, one way or the other, they will fuck your shit up with a pile-driver.
No exceptions, ever.
Animation was supposed to be the crown jewel in Netflix’s portfolio, so much so that animation producers – all hyper-Woke crusaders to a one – felt free to slug it out with fans on the regular. Even Kevin Smith – who built his fortune waving his junk at political correctness – was pod-peopled by the Woke cabal.
How did that work out for everyone?
Exactly as you’d expect.
Even Harry Hewitt’s beard got her vanity projects shit-canned. Oh, the humanity!
Mickey’s Magic Masonic Kingdom
The Mouse House has been drunk with power for some time now, racking up cosmic levels of debt vacuuming up the competition. The near-monopoly power they seemed to have attracted the usual suspects, particularly the fanatical devotees of the Autogynephile/MAP cults.

The “Don’t Say Gay” rebranding effort was wildly successful to partisan Democrats, but all but the most extreme Autogynephile/MAP cultists (and the lunatic Munchausen-by-Proxy Karens who stan for them) realized that groomers have used the gay rights movement as human shields for their eternal quest to get their hands on other people’s children. Exactly as the Satanic Temple has been doing for years now.

Child molesters (the term “pedophile” is a horrifically Orwellian misnomer) will never, ever stop trying to get their hands on younger and younger children. It’s an integral part of their sickness. Or their religion, if you prefer. And you have to be a total imbecile not to see the classic hallmarks of grooming at work in many of these school programs, all flying under the false flag of inclusion.

Has the issue been weaponized politically? Of course. That’s 2022 reality for you. Deal with it.

Should Disney have kept their big, fat mouths the fuck shut and stuck to back-channel influencing?

Let’s have a look:

I think so.

What’s next, you ask?


Oblivion is next.


Hollywoke has been living on 1000% fake funny money for quite some time, but even that runs out after a while. The new regime at WarnerMedia had apparently been looking at the numbers and the salaries and wondering why a company running so deep into the red pays its executives so damn much. Their solution? Kick their overpaid asses to the curb.

Every single one of them, it seems.

Yeah, the new regime definitely ain’t playing. The free ride is over, Squeaky. Maybe Jeff Zucker needs a new poolboy.

Comics and superheroes have been infested with Woke devilry for several years now, and the money-flushing CW Network has been the pitchfork-tip of the campaign to degrade and debase pop-culture mythology.

We’ve gone over the auto-immolation that’s resulted from this moronic insanity before, but the bloodletting is not quite finished.

The only plausible explanation to keep a show with ratings as humiliating as Legends of Tomorrow is to advance an agenda. That agenda may be copyright-freshening, but in light of all the other Woke refuse CW has aired, I’d say the agenda is social engineering. Or more precisely, cult propaganda.

Batwoman has been an absolute embarrassment since day one, despite Twitter editorial staff trying to shove it down everyone’s throat every week. The character was always garbage in the first place: it was “created” (sic) by a ridiculous, hyper-Woke cuck who’s written some of the absolute worst comic stories I’ve read in mainstream comics. And that’s saying a lot.
Submission won’t save him, though. I don’t pay attention to clown-orgy/hobo-toilet that is the husk of a once-proud industry anymore, so I don’t know if he’s been canceled or shit-canned yet. If not, it’s just a matter of time. Every single middle-aged Woke suck-up unwilling to slave for poverty wages is a dead cuck walking in that moribund industry.
One of the most militant Woke extremists in Hollywood has been this Romulan-looking bag of sick. I can’t understand his appeal for the life of me: he’s as homely and talent-free as he is criminally-insane. This video is priceless: the POS reciting Woke dogma to Gal Gadot, who in her charming little way refuses to take the bait.
So how are things going for Hollywood’s Clown Prince of Woke?

Nightmarishly bad.

Romulan Boy is clearly a violent psychopath and his inability to stop assaulting other human beings is going to sink The Flash and whatever other projects he’s stinking up like the Titanic. Given the crippling cost of these movies, you can bet a lot of execs there are sweating blood every time they see his name trend.


Well, that’s showbiz for you. How is the enforcement wing of the Woke Empire faring these days?

 A pullback has been in the cards for months. It first impacted public tech companies and then slowly trickled down to late-stage deals and even their well funded early-stage counterparts. In February, Hopin cut 12% of staff, citing a goal of more sustainable growth, while April included Workrise cutting staff and verticals despite a $2.9 billion valuation. 



Now feels like an inflection point, in which tech unicorns are realizing that they may have overpromised a growth trajectory, over-hired or overestimated their ability to raise that next round. They aren’t alluding to the market changing, they’re blaming it. The irony here is tough: The same workforces that helped companies meet a boom in pandemic demand are the same workforces on the chopping block when trends change.

As expected.

Sow the Woke, Reap the Woke-Wind, Cylons. No one at all to blame but yourselves.

Hint to any Cylons who might be reading: spending all day on Twitter letting your customers know how much you hate them and want them dead probably isn’t a great business strategy.

Just one man’s opinion.


Gosh: they all look rather shocked and stunned. What do you reckon they’re all looking at that’s making them so?

Ouch. Yeah, I can’t say I blame them.

I told you the Metaverse is a pipe dream, didn’t I? Don’t you go saying I didn’t.
What about the Pravda of Woke AKA Vice? How are they doing?


Not so hot, it seems.


The whole point of Woke as promulgated by the Plutocracy is to shred the social fabric, smash wages to shit and break the back of the middle and working classes. That’s it. Anyone who tells you otherwise is brain-dead.

So let’s have a brief look at how our Woke overlords fare when it comes to economic justice…

Exactly as expected by sane adults.
So appreciate the irony here: the Globo-Capitalist heirarchy saw Wokeness – again, an old KGB psychological warfare program – as a way to smash workers’ and creators’ rights and to drive wages as close to absolute-zero as possible. But these are people who were all raised in levels of wealth and comfort that Renaissance princes could only dream of, and as such they’re not exactly what you might call street-smart. And like Wile E. Coyote they’ve all shot themselves with the gun they were aiming at the rest of us.
So if you have any friends or family who have been infected by the Woke contagion, you should try to reach out and let them know that if things do indeed start getting bad here, their puppet-masters will literally carve them up and throw them to the wolves without even breaking a sweat. Hungry people generally don’t like being lectured about their “privilege” and we may well be looking at a bloodbath of a backlash to Woke fascism the likes of which hasn’t been seen in civilized societies in a very, very long time.
It might be a good time for the LARPers to quit the cult and deal with reality.



Dr. Bryan Ardis Interview — Author Janet Phelan on Pandemic Mysteries Surrounding the Water Supply

By Activist Post Dr. Bryan Ardis recently interviewed investigative journalist and author Janet Phelan on topics from her latest book At the Breaking Point of…



Dark Outpost 04-05-2022 Military Tribunals Moved To Guam!

Published April 5, 2022 updated 4/26

Food Shortages Are Coming. Be Prepared. Don’t Let Your Family Starve To Death! Go To Today!
Military tribunals are now being conducted in Guam. Prison barges are arriving daily with high level elites who will face trials and executions. Dr. Deborah Birx was tried, convicted, and put to death. Disney is facing a huge backlash for sexualizing children. Biologist Catherine Edwards discusses communicating with dogs and how to help them live longer, healthier lives. Brice Watson picks up our conversation on yoga. Annette Rauch breaks bombshell news about Hugh Hefner’s funding of the Kinsey Report, which was derived from sexually torturing children. Leave the world you think you know behind and join us at the Dark Outpost! Watch the full show at!

Twitter Board Folds – “Unanimously Approves” Musk Taking Firm Private For $44 Billion

Tyler Durden's Photo

MONDAY, APR 25, 2022 – 11:54 AM

Update (1445ET): With earnings right around the corner, and having seen the shares rally all day on leak after leak, Twitter shares were halted ‘news pending’ before new hit that billionaire Tesla CEO Elon Musk reaches deal to acquire Twitter for approximately $44B.




GITMO Double-Header Execution: Anthony Fauci & Loretta Lynch

Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail]
Date: Monday, 25-Apr-2022


GITMO Double-Header Execution: Anthony Fauci & Loretta Lynch

By Michael Baxter
April 25, 2022

For reasons not given but easily imagined, the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps abruptly amended Anthony S. Fauci’s scheduled date of execution from April 26 to April 25 and on Monday morning fulfilled its obligation to execute not only him, but also GITMO’s other celebrity of the day, former Clinton advisor Loretta Lynch who was sentenced on 7 April.

The back-to-back hangings began at 8:00 a.m. sharp, two hours after GITMO security woke Fauci and asked whether he wanted a final meal. A bedraggled Fauci seemed dumbfounded, purportedly telling his jailors, “Its’ only Monday, you morons. Obama might still call.”

According to a JAG memorandum reviewed by RRN, Fauci genuinely believed that Obama had authority to phone GITMO and grant a stay of execution or supersede the Office of Military Commissions’ judgement against him. When told Obama wouldn’t be calling, Fauci, desperate and belligerent, began proclaiming his innocence, hollering into the air, his crackled voice echoing off the walls of his Camp Delta detention cell. “You can’t do this to me; I’m Dr. Fauci,” he screamed.

Meanwhile, GITMO security on the opposite side of Camp Delta informed Loretta Lynch her time had come. Unlike Fauci, she not once invoked Obama’s name. Rather, she resigned herself to her fate with, as a GITMO staff member described her demeanor, surprising alacrity and unexpected dignity. In one hand she clutched a King James Bible; in the other, a crucifix. A JAG representative told RRN that Lynch claimed to have found religion during her brief stint at Guantanamo Bay.

Her execution came first.

At 8:00 a.m. the Humvee carrying Lynch and an armed security detail entered the clearing where a military ensemble and the gallows had been awaiting her arrival. She exited the vehicle and moved toward the lethal apparatus, saying, “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.”

As was customary, a U.S. Navy Chaplain stood beside the hangman atop the gallows. The chaplain present was Drew d’Auguste, the very man whose blood ran cold at Gavin Newsom’s execution earlier this year. Standing stoically beside him, Lynch asked, “Will you pray for me?” as the hangman fitted the noose around her neck.

“Of course, I will,” Chaplain d’Auguste said. “O God from whom all holy desires, all right counsels and all just, accept this child into thou welcoming arms…”

Below them, Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall spoke: “If you’ve truly accepted Christ into your heart, I commend you. If only you’d done it sooner in life. You’ve been found guilty of treason and sentenced to hang.”

“Admiral Crandall, you must do what you have to do. I don’t fear death for I am saved. A better world awaits me, a world of jeweled sidewalks and golden roads, a world free of suffering. I forgive you,” Lynch said.

Vice Adm. Crandall stood in silence a moment, then signaled the hangman.

A second later Lynch was dead.

“Get it ready again,” Vice Adm. Crandall said, gesturing at the gallows. “one hour.”

By the time Fauci arrived at 9:15, Lynch’s corpse had been removed from the scene, and the gallows restrung. He had no way of knowing someone else had been hanged that day. Under armed guard, he emerged from the Hummer with a nasty disposition, clamoring about Donald J. Trump and Senator Rand Paul, and whining of constitutional illegalities of military tribunals. It was Obama this and Obama that, as if expecting his dark overlord to miraculously appear.

He was hurling obscenities at Vice Adm. Crandall when he felt the barrel of an M18 pistol pressed firmly against his back. The Marine holding the pistol ordered Fauci up the steps to the platform. There, Chaplain d’Auguste offered Last Rites, which Fauci refused.

“F*** you and your Rites,” Fauci said.

“Anthony Stephen Fauci, having been found guilty of treason, murder, attempted murder, conspiracy to commit murder, and, you sick bastard, sex crimes against children, you’ve been sentenced to hang by the neck until dead. Have you any final words?” Vice Admiral Crandall called out.

The hangman was putting the noose around Fauci’s scrawny neck.

“You’re killing me because I believe in science,” Fauci croaked. “None of you understand science, and if you did, you’d release me right now. Science is immutable—”

“Let us help you understand science, Fauci,” Vice Adm. Crandall interrupted. “In science there’s this thing called gravity—it’s inescapable. Let us show you.”

The door beneath Fauci’s feet swung open and he dropped to his death, emitting a gurgling cry a split-second before his neck snapped.

He was pronounced dead and zipped into a polyurethane bag.


RRN is an independent publisher that relies on reader support. We fight for truth and freedom of the press in an oppressed society. We use GiveSendGo, a Christian-based fundraising company, through which to collect donations. Please do not give your hard-earned money to sites or channels that copy/paste our intellectual property. We spend countless hours vetting, researching, and writing. Thank you. Every dollar helps.
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GITMO Double-Header Execution: Anthony Fauci & Loretta Lynch | Real Raw News


by N.Morgan           April 21, 2022

Dr. Bryan Ardis has taken the truth movement by storm with his discovery that snake venom is being added to vaccines.

During this latest interview with the Flyover Conservative, he discusses whether there is any hope for those who have been poisoned by boosters and what can be done to help them.

This is a video that needs to be shared far and wide!







Published April 13, 2022 2,880 Views


                                            ROBERT DAVID STEELE

JUAN O SAVIN : LATEST NEWS FROM SHARIRAYE TODAY’S APRIL 13, 2022???? ?? ????????? ??? ??????? ?? The Patriot Streetfighter :

 Join my TELEGRAM:
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Juan O’ Savin: White Hat Command Structure


Benjamin Fulford Friday Q&A Video 04/1/2022 – Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis




    Thrilling QFS Breakthrough


We’re practically a breath away from everything we’ve been working towards, praying for, envisioning and affirming thanks to the tireless, genius and miraculous Q Team and White Hats.

Charlie Ward, Mark Z, Chas Carter and David Mahoney posted a video on 3-30-22 outlining the AMAZING breakthrough interface between the thousands of years ahead off-world technology that is the Quantum Financial System and the old Legacy Banking System of Earth.



April 2nd,2022 Energies; Freedom

We are in a time of the spiral flow tightening, speeding and intensifying the gravitational pull to change. This brings necessary readjustment, just as you would rebalance if you were changing direction.

As the spiral tightens, we are not only releasing more, we are affected more by the gravitational pull of change, or more compelled to change. That’s the nice way of saying forced to change.

How many of you have noticed that what worked before, isn’t working as well. You have to work a little “harder” not to get pushed or pulled by the external energies.

It can feel like the opposite of Freedom.

Yet truly it is the strengthening of your container so your sacred space is able to sustain through the constant and intensified change.

Freedom to Focus

Your Freedom is your inner sovereignty to focus your sacred life force as you desire.

This is at the core of what Areon has been teaching for so long. Get your loving energy into this world.

Your unique perspective is valuable to life, just as your inner Freedom is valuable to your ability to create. This is why your Creative Focus leads you to your Freedom.

Life is asking you to:

  • Accept it
  • Direct it
  • Perfect it

Accept it  for it already is. As it touches your sacred inner realm through your Awareness (the first pillar of Ascension), it touches your consciousness of Love.

Fears are soothed, differences are understood, pasts are renewed into the strength and wisdom of lesson learned.

Direct it  for you are a creator of the future. Every single cell completes the organ’s symphony. The singularity of you is an event horizon to the yet unknown that Life has been waiting for.

Compel more Love into your forming by directing your conscious gratitude, forgiveness (neutrality) and joy.

Perfect it  for your conscious Love is sacredly wise. It is your infinite and timeless aspect. Weave your unique perspective of Love into all that you experience.

When Life touches conscious Love, deep change occurs in the physical realm over time. You are increasing real change as you maintain your sacred focus.


Born Free

You are born free…within limitation. It’s the dichotomy of duality.

Physical density is the realm of conditions. Your subtle aspect is not bound by the rules of conditionality. It is your imagination, perspective, attention, your emotions and more.

I had a dream (unusual for me) that I was observing a creative video set to the song “Born Free” that was completely (and obviously) fabricated, as well as potentially traumatizing.

Not unlike the illusion of the physical realm, so many were just taking it in passively rather than choosing.

This is your Freedom offered for the taking.

You are Free to create within your malleable subtle realm. What beautiful potential will you imagine?

Amplify your momentum of Love to converge with all that you experience and weave a new future.

Being Free

Create your inner Freedom to focus within as you relax the polarity impulse to react with control (push OR pull) to the external.

It’s not for the weak. It’s for those strong enough to be sensitive to the pain and also the potentials. To choose for the future not based on a guarantee, but of an inner experience that fosters Love.

As you relax the polarity impulse, you neutralize into the connection of opposites to create anew.

Neutrality allows for stable change. Relax into the flow of it.

Accept it and direct it.

Here duality transcends its previous limitation through you.


**By Jamye Price




What Alex Jones didn’t tell his followers
rolled though
& dozens of other countries already trading
on the new GOLD  backed/precious Metal SYSTEM is the (Q)FS…

I ran a story weeks ago that Alex Jones lost tens of Millions
in Russian investments/banks that have now collapsed
& he was in disbelief over the loss.
Now Jones is in DEEP CONFUSION
>> He is totally against China> against Russian Rubles, ….
But Jones says he supports PUTIN???
(hasn’t anyone told Alex that PUTIN is supporting 
China’s new financial system & trading in their markets..
as is half of the World .. Over 3 Billion people….)




Reptile Controlled World: The Disclosure of the Greatest Evil

It is time for the corruption of our money system, the greatest evil the world has ever experienced, to be revealed. It is also time for the world to work together to eradicate this crime once and for all, using whatever means necessary.





Emails from Hunter Biden’s Laptop Prove He Helped Secure Millions in Funding for US Contractors in Ukraine Specializing in Deadly Pathogen Research



A P3 Freemasons source says the whole fake Biden administration is a performance designed to wake up the sleeping sheeple.


General Christopher Miller Secretary of Military and Head of the Provisional Military Government of the United States confirms US elections on November 3, 2020 were won by President Donald Trump in all 50 states. The Deep State tried to fake them and the Media reported that Joe B. he has won them over. BUT! The official ballot was electronic watermarked, which the counterfeiters were unaware of. So every vote cast for President Trump was recorded on a quantum server and the fate of each ballot is known. The Military Alliance, which stands behind President Trump, decided to show people how deeply corrupt all government institutions are, and since then, we’ve been watching a movie that really aims to open our eyes and wake us up so this never happens again. So, on January 20, 2021. at 12:00 noon the United States was taken over by a military government led by Secretary of Military General Christopher Miller and Commander-in-Chief, the lawfully elected President Donald Trump. Until the November 2020 elections, General Cr. Miller was Director of the National Counter-Terrorism Service, a student of General Michael Flynn. The role of the fake Joe B is played by three actors… Also, his entire “crew” is a cast selected by President Trump’s team. All his ministers are actors whose actions have no legal value. Including this fake military minister who visits Bulgaria and causes such a fuss – Lloyd Austin. All these actors are talking and doing as President Trump and the White Hat Military are telling them to do. This whole show is about waking people up and doing a lot of work behind the scenes. The White House and Capitol and all federal buildings in Washington have been empty and closed as of January 20, 2021. These people have never set foot there, nor have they any access to the Pentagon! They are ACTORS ! Russia and the United States have been allies in all wars so far. It’s all just propaganda from the last remnants of globalism. The new global Alliance of White Hats controls the situation of the entire planet. Soon it will all be over! In a few days time!

Also in a sign that we really are dealing with an earth changing situation, and not just a political one,






Nickel Halted After Historic 250% Surge Costing Chinese Tycoon Billions In Margin Losses

Tyler Durden's Photo

TUESDAY, MAR 08, 2022 – 04:26 AM

Commodity trading houses and hedging producers are being forced out of their short nickel bets adding to an unprecedented short squeeze that had sent prices on the London Metal Exchange (LME) up as much as 250% in two trading days above $100k per ton, before the exchange issued an unprecedented trading suspension on Tuesday morning.

The parabolic price move began shortly after the Biden administration considered banning Russian crude imports helped spark a massive squeeze in commodity markets on Monday, especially in oil, gas, nickel, aluminum, palladium, and wheat. All hit multi-year highs or new record highs, according to Bloomberg.



BREAKING! New Q Drops Today! We’ve Never Been Told The Full Truth. Question Everything! MUST WATCH!!

BREAKING! New Q Drops Today! We’ve Never Been Told The Full Truth. Question Everything! MUST WATCH!!

Plus Scroll Down For 5 More Exceptional Video Updates!

For those who prefer Rumble:


Watch Next:

When We’re Done, It’ll Be Like Obama Was Never President! He’ll Claim Kenyan Citizenship To Escape! Make No Mistake, JUSTICE IS COMING!



BREAKING! We Have Brand New Q Drops Today! Q Says, “We’ve Never Been Told The Full Truth. Question Everything!” President Donald J. Trump is Q+. And I’m More Convinced By The Day That Dan Scavino, Kash Patel And Devin Nunes Are On The Q Team. Their Operation Has Moved From Dark To Light! From A Military Backchannel To Centerstage On TRUTH Social For The Whole World To See! Q Tells Us To Prepare For The Storm. The Deep State Cabal Has No Escape. There Will Be No Deals! 

Welcome To March Madness! Treason, Sedition And Corruption At The Highest Levels of Government is Being Exposed WORLDWIDE! It’s Time To Wake Up The Masses! You’re Witnessing The Greatest Military Intelligence Sting Operation Of All-Time, And The Best Is Yet To Come!

Trump Caught The Swamp! Now Comes The Pain! To Those Who Have Committed Treason And Sedition Against The United States of America, Justice Is Coming! John Durham Is Climbing The Ladder. Soon The Clintons, Obamas, Bushs And Bidens Will All Be Held Accountable! There’s PANIC In DC!

You’re Witnessing The Q Team’s Sting of The Century! Those Responsible For The [Coup Attempt] Against President Donald J. Trump, Will Not Go Unpunished! 

Welcome To The Military Phase Of The Greatest Worldwide Election Sting Of All-Time! Is Trump Running A Shadow Presidency Behind The Scenes? When Will “We, The People” Witness The Coming Reveal?


Corrupt Politicians And The Fake News Propaganda Media Will All Be EXPOSED For Their Crimes Against Humanity! Q Says Soon [They] Will Not Be Able To Walk Down The Street! These People Are All Pure Evil! They Worship The Devil! And Now The Hunters Have Become The Hunted!

We Are Finally Approaching The Precipice! Will We Be Done In 30 Days? Expect Multiple Big Events To Break In Our Favor! Watch For More John Durham Indictments. Look For A Huge [DECLAS] Of Intel. Q Is Threatening A D5 Avalanche Is On Its Way!

The Mother Of All BQMBS Is Incoming! Carpet Bombs Will Lead To A Huge MOAB! We’re On The Q Clock! Watch Trump’s Upcoming Press Releases, Interviews And Rallies. It’s Finally Happening, Right NOW!

[They] The Deep State Cabal Overplayed Their Hand. And They Will Not Succeed! We Caught Them All! We The People Will Take Our Country Back! We Are About To Witness Trump’s Epic Return To His Rightful Place As President Of The United States!

Maricopa County Alone Has Enough Evidence To Decerify Arizona. It Will Be The First Domino To Fall! Georgia And Pennsylvania Are Next. Those Three States Alone Will Show Enough Fraud To Overturn The 2020 Presidential Election And Restore Donald J. Trump To The White House!

We Had To Walk Through The Darkness Before We Could See The Light! It Had To Be This Way To Safeguard Future Elections And Save Our Children From The Real Pandemic: Child Sex Trafficking! Patriots can prove everything! But the longer we wait, the more The Deep State is Exposed! Every Scenario Was Planned For! The Whole World is Watching!

Trump Will Not Return as The President of The Bankrupt U.S. Corporation, but rather The President of The New Republic of The United States! In this New American Republic We The People have all the power. There is NO FEDERAL INCOME TAX! And America returns to The Gold Standard!

Arrests & Military Tribunals Are Coming SOON! Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey, Fauci, The Obamas, Bidens & Clintons will all end up in GITMO for High Treason!


Previous Updates:

Q Team Revealed! Trump, Devin Nunes, Dan Scavino, Kash Patel! Military Backchannel >> Now Centerstage on TRUTH Social! The Stage Is Set! Deep State Pedos Will Be Exposed! 



Joey “Bribes” Biden Was Executed! You’re Watching An Actor In A Scripted Movie! Trump Card INCOMING!!!!!















Prosecutors in Manhattan DA’s investigation Into Trump Resign

Prosecutors in Manhattan DA’s investigation Into Trump Resign

( – Former Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance launched an investigation into Donald Trump over three years ago. When Vance left office at the beginning of the year, the incoming DA took the case over. However, there are reports he doesn’t really think the case is going anywhere, and now two of the prosecutors assigned to it have resigned.

On February 23, Deputy District Attorneys Mark Pomerantz and Carey Dunne submitted their resignations. The two started working on the case under Vance and continued when DA Alvin Bragg took over. Dunne was the prosecutor who successfully argued before the Supreme Court that NY should have access to the former president’s tax records.

According to reports, Dunne and Pomerantz decided to resign after the DA allegedly told them he had doubts about the case. In January, the prosecutors suspended a plan to question a witness before a grand jury. They haven’t questioned anyone before the grand jury for over a month, throwing their investigation into uncertainty.

It’s unclear why Bragg might be having doubts about the investigation. However, he could put an end to the witch hunt at any time if he really didn’t think it was going anywhere.

Neither one of the former officials has revealed why they left office.

Copyright 2022,




And For Our Next Distraction!! When World Revolution Rises Give Them War!! Max Igan

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Sunday, 27-Feb-2022 13:19:18


Max Igan – The Crowhouse Feb 25, 2022








Half of America Already Wants Joe Biden Impeached.

A national survey of likely US voters has found that 50 percent support impeaching Joe Biden after just one year in office. The Rasmussen Report sponsored by The National Pulse was conducted in January, and asked a collective of likely






Posted By: MrFusion [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 30-Jan-2022 02:37:36


“Nino had the privilege once again to sit down with two great minds and discuss our perceived reality. David Icke articulates the matrix in which we live in and how the perception of our 5 senses limits our human experience. We are not body experiencing mind, we are consciousness experiencing body.”






PART 4: – It Was a Set-Up: As Soon as Jan 6 Committee Obtained Deep State Operative Don Berlin’s Bogus Election Dossier Claims, They Were Leaked to the Mainstream Media to Claim ‘Trump Insurrection’

They knew what they were looking for.  Information from the Deep State dossier created by Don Berlin that was presented to President Trump right before Jan 6, was leaked to the media as soon as Mark Meadows provided it to the Jan 6 Committee in December 2021 per the committee’s subpoena.

We reported yesterday how Deep State operative Don Berlin created a bogus dossier and presented it to President Trump related to the 2020 Election a few days before his rally on January 6th at the Capitol.  (Parts 1 and 2 in this series are also linked to in this article.)

Information from this bogus dossier was then summarized and provided to a group of individuals in the Trump White House, including the President’s Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows.  CNN reported on December 9th that President Trump’s former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows provided documents to the Jan 6 Committee.

Former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows provided the House select committee investigating the January 6 riot with text messages and emails that show he was “exchanging with a wide range of individuals while the attack was underway,” according to a source with knowledge of the communications.

The messages on Meadows’ personal cell phone and email account, which were voluntarily handed over without any claim of executive privilege, relate to “what Donald Trump was doing and not doing during the riot,” the source added.

These communications offer a window into what people were texting to Meadows on January 6, what he was telling them about Trump in real time, and what the former President was doing for those hours while the Capitol was under attack and rioters were chanting “Hang Mike Pence,” according to the source.

The far-left Rolling Stone website reported on a PowerPoint presentation included in Meadows’ emails provided to the Jan 6 Committee on December 9th as well.

The House Select Committee to Investigate the Jan. 6 Attack on the Capitol has obtained a trove of electronic messages from former Trump Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, including an email referring to a PowerPoint suggesting Trump could declare a national security emergency in order to delay the certification of the results of the 2020 election.

The revelation is the latest indication that Trump and his inner circle, including his allies in Congress, were very actively and very aggressively trying to overturn the results of the election, which Trump lost handily.

The PowerPoint presentation, which spanned 38 pages and was titled “Election fraud, Foreign Interference & Options for 6 JAN,” was part of an email sent on Jan. 5, the day before the attack on the Capitol. The email pertained to a briefing that was to be provided “on the hill.” Hugo Lowell of The Guardian tweeted slides from the presentation on Thursday detailing a conspiracy theory-laden plan for Vice President Pence to install Republican electors in states “where fraud occurred,” and for Trump to declare a national emergency and for all electronic voting to be rendered invalid, citing foreign “control” of electronic voting systems.

The Deep State’s favorite Mainstream Media outlet, the New York Times, the Deep State’s choice for dropping garbage hit pieces on President Trump, reported on the bogus PowerPoint presentation on December 10th:

Mark Meadows’s lawyer said the former White House chief of staff did not act on the document, which recommended that President Donald J. Trump declare a national emergency to keep himself in power.

This same news story was then reported at the Boston Globe later that day:

The House committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol is scrutinizing a 38-page PowerPoint document filled with extreme plans to overturn the 2020 election that Mark Meadows, the last chief of staff to President Donald Trump, has turned over to the panel.

The document recommended that Trump declare a national emergency to delay the certification of the election results and included a claim that China and Venezuela had obtained control over the voting infrastructure in a majority of states.

A lawyer for Meadows, George J. Terwilliger III, said Friday that Meadows provided the document to the committee because he merely received it by email in his inbox and did nothing with it.

 “We produced the document because it wasn’t privileged,” Terwilliger said.

Phil Waldron, a retired Army colonel and an influential voice in the movement to challenge the election, said Friday from a bar he owns outside Austin, Texas, that he had circulated the document — titled “Election Fraud, Foreign Interference & Options for 6 JAN” — among Trump’s allies and on Capitol Hill before the attack. Waldron said that he did not personally send the document to Meadows, but that it was possible someone on his team had passed it along to the former chief of staff.

This leaves us with more questions:

  1. How did the Jan 6 Committee know to obtain this memo from Mark Meadows?
  2. Why was this leaked so fast after being obtained by the Jan 6 Committee?
  3. Who on the Committee leaked this PowerPoint presentation?
  4. How many more Deep State set up’s took place against President Trump?

The longer the Deep State lives, the more America dies.





Slave Woo

Posted By: oldmaninthedesert
Date: Thursday, 20-Jan-2022 13:44:07


Up until just a few weeks ago, you were a slave owner.

You owned Chinese slaves. A lot of them.

If you are a Millennial or younger, you have owned, or were loaned by the CCP, a boat load of Chinese slaves for all of your life. These slaves produced everything you have used, most of what you wear, or own, and much of what you eat or consume.

You have lived a life of indolence and luxury unknown to kings of past ages.

Admit it. It’s true.

The wave of Globalism that swept over the planet beginning in the 1970s, gave nearly all people some number of Chinese slaves.

Wielding their populace as a soft weapon, the CCP has consumed most of the manufacturing capacity on the planet as it traded cheap Chinese labor for knowledge and influence and wealth.

Recently the CCP has decided that Globalism is no longer in its strategic interest, and is refocusing its energies inward, and hardening its borders. This is a pattern oft repeated through history by Chinese Empires.

This means you will not have the loan of the Chinese slaves any longer. This means no more cheap goods cheaply carried across the oceans for your amusement. This means NO GOODS in many categories as YOU don’t know how to MAKE THEM.

You WERE a slave owner. Now you will consider your future to be miserable as you work through all the suffering, pain and problems of becoming self sufficient once again. Learning to make things, once again. Learning to do for yourself, perhaps for the first time.

Many of the Boomers will see this as a good thing, the struggle, which makes you tougher, harder, more resilient, better, and then the achievement.

Younger generations will not likely take this view for a very long time.

Thus one learns the hard way WHY the admonition in the Codex Oera Linda to “Never suffer an unfree person in your presence. Do not treat (deal/work with) slavers as you will become enslaved.”

You WERE a slave owner, and enslaved by it.

Welcome now to Freedom.

Do something with it.

clif high



Bushwhacked by Alex Berenson on Fox News

Professional jealousy is an ugly thing

Alex Berenson goes on Fox News and directly calls me a liar to my face and says I didn’t invent RNA vaccines.

Unprofessional, rude and an arsehole to boot.

But beyond that, I think we can all assume CONTROLLED OPPOSITION.

So, for Alex, who evidently doesn’t know how to do an internet search, find a patent and read it – I will make it easy for him.

First – a couple of proof of principle experiments conducted in 1989 -from the patents with the priority date of 1989 (issued later, but the ideas/experiments date to March 21, 1989 as decided by the United States Patent Office)

Early Patents priority dates from 1989

The first patents:

Some of my papers and other patents on this subject area (1988-2000)

For a deeper dive into the actual data, patent disclosures, meeting notes, lab books, etc, go to this webpage.

Patents and papers – from the 1990s

For the written history of the early events, by Dr. Jill Glasspool Malone




Operation Disclosure | By Kat, Contributing Writer

Submitted on January 12, 2022

I started listening to Charlie Ward in March 2020 when he had 37 subscribers on YouTube. A friend sent me a link & I was hooked.

Back then Charlie was making “walking videos” on his iPhone & those remain my favorite vids of Charlie’s.

Charlie would say, “Good morning. It’s such a beautiful morning” & since he was walking beside the Mediterranean in Southern Spain it always WAS a beautiful morning.

Then Charlie would say, “Now I don’t want you to worry. Covid is nothing more than the flu. It says so on the CDC & WHO websites [it did back then.] Masks are very harmful. You have nothing to worry about with 5G, the riots, or even an Alien invasion. This is all White Hat distraction to bring in the Global Financial Reset.”

Charlie’s words were music to my ears. I’d first learned about NESARA from Sheldan Nidle in 2005 & also about the RV / GCR at that time.

I didn’t feel worthy then to hold Currency for New Earth. I had to continue my inner journey & study Prosperity from the many excellent teachers out there: Charles Fillmore, Catherine Ponder, Louise Hay, Wallace D. Wattles & Florence Scovel Shinn, to name a few.

Every one of those Prosperity teachers underscored that Prosperity & God go hand in hand.

After 7 years I felt confident enough to hold Currency in order to help the New World manifest & as I began to buy an IQD or VND note here & a ZIM bond there, I also bought a few notes of Currency for friends who were on the path of awakening.

All told, I’ve been holding Currency for 10+ years & my Faith that this program is God’s plan hasn’t wavered one bit.

I’ve heard EVERYTHING over the years: 

The RV is a scam
The GCR will never happen
it will be this
it will be that
‘Goodness, EVERYONE can’t have plenty of money or we’ll turn into Venezuela!’
(remember that one?)
It will happen on this date
on that date
the rates are this
the rates are that
redemption centers
no redemption centers
no 800#s
It’s Reno
It’s Texas
he knows
she knows
they know… etc.

None of the chatter that has proven to be evanescent INTEL has altered my Faith. I stand with Ron Giles on this point.

This is God’s plan that will be implemented via Q Team, God’s agents on this Earth & when THEY are good & ready to release it.


Quantum consciousness is INFINITE consciousness.

Prosperity & Abundance in God’s Creation are INFINITE. INFINITE. INFINITE.


Gene Decode
“People are going to be amazed
with where life is.
For me, there is one God of all creation
it’s the living God, the living God doesn’t do death.
Their death-cult does death, the fake cabal god. 
The living God does only living.
So there is nowhere you can point to 
planet or star or whatever 
where you’re gonna say there’s no life there.
No! Sorry, not true. 
In a plethora & a variety 
that defies the imagination 
because we don’t have the imagination of the Infinite.
The Infinite creator creates life beyond
in a complexity & a diversity
& a beauty
I mean a beauty,”


Gene Decode also underscores at every opportunity, that White Hats have seized a Googolplex of gold, money, diamonds, precious metals, etc.


6-11-21 Gene Decode & cirstenw video
“The Vatican D.U.M.B. is 1500 miles long.
It goes from Rome to Jerusalem.
When they first went into it,
they discovered the first 150 miles were crammed
floor to ceiling with solid gold bullion.
Now they’re  further into Vatican D.U.M.B., underneath Albania,
& they found MORE Gold.
It’s not 34.7 QUINTILLION
that’s what they’ve already removed
now they’re talking in the SEPTILLIAN.
It’s like, why don’t we just say Googolplex?
It’s like we’re getting numbers I don’t even comprehend.
This is The Alliance gold.
It’s going all over the world 
because they have meticulous records. 
For EVERY D.U.M.B. they find stuff in, 
of where the Gold in that D.U.M.B. came from. 
This part now is from Singapore, Thailand & Philippines 
Taken [stolen] to the Vatican long long ago. 
They’re repatriating it to those countries 
(from whom it was stolen.)

10-19-20 Gene Decode, SpirituallyRAW video
“Did I mention [the cabal] have meticulous records 
of every person, not just you, but your parents, 
your grandparents, your great grandparents… etc.
all the way back
for thousands of years
of how much they’ve looted from you & your family 
that you are owed
& not only that, it’s exactly to the penny
& that also goes to the cities, the states, the provinces, the countries
ALL of that is reappropriated…
It is a world that there are very few people that I know 
who can visualize it completely
it’s going to be so different”

Therefore, I am not prepared to play cheap with God & I know God won’t play cheap with me. God never has in my entire life. I’ve played cheap with myself, but God never has with me.

And since, I believe, everything has to be done in Spirit before it can physically manifest, the RV/GCR is already DONE in Spirit. Just a question of Q Team giving the Earth downbeat.

Regarding accurate news on the RV/GCR/QFS, Charlie Ward was bang-on 2 years ago with his INTEL & he’s been right all along with his continued reporting, so I see no reason to doubt him now.

The below brief transcript is from a 1-10-22 video with Simon Parkes & Mel K. In it, Charlie clearly outlines what MUST HAPPEN in order for the GCR/RV to go forward.Simply put — Biden must be out of office.

I know in my heart that 2022 is THE year when God & Q’s covert war with the devil & his depraved demon army becomes overt.

When disclosure of the deep state demons and their prison matrix goes global.

When televised trials begin: Military Tribunals, Nuremberg-type trials & Trials at The Hague for Crimes Against Humanity.

2022 is also the year when the GCR WILL happen & when amazing new healing technology is released because everything is headed for NESARA / GESARA or as some like to call it, TRUMPSARA. The name doesn’t matter, what’s implemented does.

Did I think much of this would happen before now? Yes, I did.I believe Charlie Ward when he says even White Hats didn’t realize how deep the evil went.

Q The Storm Rider posted that the reason it’s taken Durham longer than anyone thought he would take is because, after the 2020 Election, they found mountains more crimes then they ever imagined existed.

Q The Storm Rider from 9-25-21: “Durham—end game HRC/OBAMA/CIA/Five Eyes, Stolen Election, Foreign Occupation in all 3 branches of U.S. Government [Law of War Manual, chapter 11,] Fauci, Gates, CDC, NH, WHO, World Bank, Child Trafficking, etc. The Crime of the Century is Unfolding & being exposed by hundreds of thousands of White Hats across the world. They are bringing down a 6,000 year old satanic system.”


Juan O Savin
than you can imagine.
This is for the whole planet.
We’re playing Casino Royal for planet Earth.”

Gene Decode
“This war is not like WW 1 or 2
This is a war for Creation
This is a war for all of Humanity everywhere
This is a war for the Milky Way
Our Solar System
This is a war for it ALL
This is THE WAR
The beginning of the war between Dark & Light
If we do not prevail here 
We’re done.”


Given everything that had HAD to happen up to this point, 2022, in my opinion, will be the most thrilling year we will have ever experienced in our lives.

As Q would say, buckle up.


I would like to express a belated heartfelt thanks to Giacomo, for very gracious words of appreciation for Patrick, Judy, the whole IDC Community & me. It was so kind of you to write it & is truly valued.

I would also like to express my unceasing thanks to Patrick for this forum. Bless your heart, Patrick, for all you do for this community. I can’t imagine this path without you.

I wish everyone a miraculous 2022, chock full of every happiness & blessing there is, as we keep trudging this fascinating road to Freedom & Ascension for Earth, Humanity & Solar System.

Without a single doubt — The Best Is Yet To Come,

This is Kat, over & out.




Date: Tuesday, 11-Jan-2022 11:11:29








One symbol..nuff said.







Two Common Over-the-Counter Compounds Reduce COVID-19 Virus Replication by 99% in Early Testing

White Capsules Medicine Supplement

A pair of over-the-counter compounds has been found in preliminary tests to inhibit the virus that causes COVID-19University of Florida Health researchers have found.

The combination includes diphenhydramine, an antihistamine used for allergy symptoms. When paired with lactoferrin, a protein found in cow and human milk, the compounds were found to hinder the SARS-CoV-2 virus during tests in monkey cells and human lung cells.

The findings by David A. Ostrov, Ph.D., an immunologist and associate professor in the UF College of Medicine’s department of pathology, immunology and laboratory medicine and his colleagues, are published in the journal Pathogens.

“We found out why certain drugs are active against the virus that causes COVID-19. Then, we found an antiviral combination that can be effective, economical, and has a long history of safety,” Ostrov said.

Sigma Receptors

Molecular docking of sigma-2 receptor ligands that exhibit antiviral activity against SARS-CoV-2. Credit: University of Florida

Due to his earlier research with colleagues at UF, Ostrov already knew diphenhydramine was potentially effective against the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The latest discovery has its roots in a routine meeting of scientists with the Global Virus Network’s COVID-19 task force. One researcher presented unpublished data on federally approved compounds that inhibit SARS-CoV-2 activity, including lactoferrin.

Like diphenhydramine, lactoferrin is available without a prescription. Ostrov thought about pairing it with diphenhydramine and ran with the idea. In lab tests on human and monkey cells, the combination was particularly potent: Individually, the two compounds each inhibited SARS-CoV-2 virus replication by about 30%. Together, they reduced virus replication by 99%.

The findings, Ostrov said, are a first step in developing a formulation that could be used to accelerate COVID-19 recovery. It also raises the prospect of further study through an academic-corporate partnership for human clinical trials focused on COVID-19 prevention. Additional research into the compounds’ effectiveness for COVID-19 prevention is already underway in mouse models.

To establish their findings, the research team focused on proteins expressed in human cells known as sigma receptors. In COVID-19 cases, the virus “hijacks” stress-response machinery, including sigma receptors, in order to replicate in the body. Interfering with that signaling appears to be the key to inhibiting the virus’s potency. “We now know the detailed mechanism of how certain drugs inhibit SARS-CoV-2 infection,” Ostrov said.

Data from the experiments show that a highly specific sigma receptor binding drug candidate (with pain relieving properties), and formulated combinations of over-the-counter products (such as diphenhydramine and lactoferrin) have the potential to inhibit virus infection and decrease recovery time from COVID-19, the researchers concluded.

While the findings are encouraging, Ostrov cautions against self-medicating with either diphenhydramine or lactoferrin as a COVID-19 prevention or treatment. The type of lactoferrin used in the research differs slightly from the type that is commonly available to consumers, he noted. Lactoferrin is commonly used as a supplement to treat stomach and intestinal ulcers, among other uses.

Reference: “Highly Specific Sigma Receptor Ligands Exhibit Anti-Viral Properties in SARS-CoV-2 Infected Cells” by David A. Ostrov, Andrew P. Bluhm, Danmeng Li, Juveriya Qamar Khan, Megha Rohamare, Karthic Rajamanickam, Kalpana K. Bhanumathy, Jocelyne Lew, Darryl Falzarano, Franco J. Vizeacoumar, Joyce A. Wilson, Marco Mottinelli, Siva Rama Raju Kanumuri, Abhisheak Sharma, Christopher R. McCurdy and Michael H. Norris, 20 November 2021, Pathogens.
DOI: 10.3390/pathogens10111514

Scientists from UF’s Emerging Pathogens Institute, College of Pharmacy and Clinical and Translational Science Institute, the University of Saskatchewan and the Saskatchewan Cancer Agency collaborated on the research.




CORTES – Even CNN’s Polling Shows Energized 2022 Voters Are Split on Whether 2020 Was Stolen.

As the new year beckons and the crucial 2022 mid-term elections loom large, it becomes increasingly evident that the smoke has still not cleared from the 2020 presidential election and the controversy over the accuracy of the official results. If





REPORT: Three Billionaires with Foreign Roots Financed the 2020 Democrats Dark Money Machine


Steve Bannon Let Out Without Bail By Judge

( )- On Monday, Steve Bannon – a former adviser to former President Donald Trump – was released without bail following a hearing on the criminal contempt charges filed against him by far-left Democrats unhappy that he refused to comply with a subpoena.

Bannon was ordered by an ultra-partisan House committee, which claims to be investigating the origins of the January 6 riot in Washington, D.C., to provide documents from the Trump administration and to appear for questioning before the panel. After former President Donald Trump’s lawyers advised him not to comply with the subpoena, citing Trump’s executive privilege, the Democrats charged 67-year-old Bannon with two counts of criminal content.

One count is for refusing to appear before the congressional deposition, and the other is for refusing to provide the documents they demanded.

The House committee, which was originally meant to be a 9/11-style commission but didn’t have the support of sufficient members of Congress and the Senate to establish it, has repeatedly tried to use subpoenas to unveil documents from the Trump administration that they claim would prove Trump incited a riot.

However, the fact that the former president explicitly and publicly denounced violence on the day of the riot, proves the entire argument used to form this committee is…wrong.

Bannon surrendered to FBI agents earlier that day after being indicted last Friday. He did not enter a plea in the hearing, and he was later released without bail by Magistrate Judge Robin Meriweather. He has been instructed to check in weekly with court officials and to surrender his passport.

If convicted of the charges, Bannon faces a sentence of between 30 days and one year in prison for each count.

We’ll soon see whether executive privilege is truly respected, or whether the Biden administration just set up a dangerous precedent that allows members of former administrations to be punished by new administrations.

This is the most divisive administration in American history, isn’t it?


Trump Adviser Steve Bannon Surrenders to FBI on Contempt of Congress Charges


This isn’t even a low budget “B” movie, it’s more like a “D” for dumb and desperate!!



Revealed: Gavin Newsom Skipped Climate Summit for Billionaire Oil Heiress’s Wedding

California Gov. Gavin Newsom waits to speak at Hanzo Sushi Thursday, April 29, 2021, in San Fernando, Calif. California will extend more than $6 billion in tax breaks to small businesses that received federal aid to weather the economic downturn during the COVID-19 pandemic. Newsom signed a bill Thursday that …

AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez


California Gov. Gavin Newsom skipped the Glasgow climate summit and attended the wedding of billionaire heiress Ivy Getty last weekend instead, according to a glowing Vogue magazine on the elaborate, lavish affair in San Francisco.

Speculation had surrounded Newsom’s disappearance since Oct. 27, when he received a coronavirus vaccine booster shot. Despite announcing his plans to attend the summit on climate change — a key issue for Newsom — he canceled, suddenly.




Blue Origin Planning First Mixed-Use Business Park in Space


WINNING: Florida Now Has the LOWEST Rate of New Covid Cases Per Capita in The Nation – State Has Remained Open With No Mandates, No Masks, and Almost No Restrictions


The conclusion section of this transcript sees Security Council Members discussing various diplomatic cables received from the Russian Embassy in Washington D.C.—the most astonishing of which says the scuttlebutt now being heard at cocktail parties and diplomatic events involves Vice President Kamala Harris desperately trying to find a way she can leave the socialist Biden Regime before it destroys her political career—scuttlebutt now reaching the media, with one report saying: “Confirming the distrust, an aide to Harris told LA Times that he remains concerned by an apparent lack of trust between Biden and Harris operations and by the sense that ‘she hasn’t been given any all-star portfolio’”—this week it saw Fox News late night king host Greg Gutfeld revealing that Harris “is looking for the lifeboats on Biden’s sinking ship”—and yesterday it saw famed conservative journalistic Jack Posobiec shockingly revealing that multiple sources confirmed: “Kamala Harris is referring to Joe Biden as the Titanic behind his back and Dr. Jill Biden was asking if it was possible to remove a sitting Vice President with the 25thAmendment over the past weekend”. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]


Jan. 6 Panel Sets Contempt Vote for Bannon, Drawing Sharp Rebuke by Trump

Jan. 6 Panel Sets Contempt Vote for Bannon, Drawing Sharp Rebuke by Trump


Donald Trump was quick to slam the panel’s action. “The January 6th Unselect Committee composed of Radical Left Democrats and a few horrible RINO Republicans is looking to hold people in criminal contempt for things relative to the Protest,” he said, “when in fact they should hold themselves in criminal contempt for cheating in the Election, making up the Fake Russia … and Ukraine Scams, the Afghanistan debacle, the Southern Border Crisis, the crashing economy, and record-setting inflation. ” [Full Story]

Trump Comes Out Against Forced Covid Vax

Posted By: GeorgeEaton
Date: Thursday, 14-Oct-2021 11:09:21


Donald Trump Finally Puts to Rest a Major Question People Have About His Vaccine Position
October 13, 2021by Kyle Becker

Former President Donald Trump has been a vocal supporter of the Covid-19 vaccines, which were developed rapidly under his administration under Operation Warp Speed and handed off to the Biden administration.

The current president has taken the vaccines and exploited them as a politicized weapon to target freedom-loving Americans and those who believe they have the right to bodily autonomy. Since the vaccines do not entirely prevent the spread of Covid-19, and natural immunity is equal to or superior to vaccinated immunity, there is no reasonable, legal or moral justification to force people to get these vaccines.

However, that is exactly what the Biden administration is doing. In September, the president announced a federal vaccine mandate that still has not been officially issued. Nonetheless, thousands of Americans have lost their jobs, and millions more jobs are threatened, due to the purported ‘deadline’ in December to get the jab or lose your job.

In the backdrop of this morally unjustifiable push for universal vaccination, which has been fanatically pursued without the reassurance of liability or appreciation of risk, there are questions about the former president’s views on the pseudo-scientific crusade.

Donald Trump recently spoke out about the sweeping vaccination goals by underscoring that Americans with natural immunity should be exempted from the agenda.

“They should not have to,” Trump said on Fox News. “If you get Covid, or whatever you want to call it, plenty of names: Wuhan virus, the China virus, you can call it – we got plenty of names. But when you get it, you shouldn’t have to be forced – they want to force people who have had it to have the vaccine. When in actuality, when you had it, you don’t need the vaccine. You become immune. So they say. And it’s rare… that you get it twice…”

“Natural immunity,” Sean Hannity commented.

“It is a natural immunity,” Trump said. “Why are they forcing people to take the vaccine? Remember this: The drug companies make a lot of money. And they like it. I don’t know who else wants it or likes it. When you get it, you don’t have to take the vaccine.”


California’s ‘Surf City USA’ Beach Reopens After Oil Spill

By The Associated Press
October 11, 2021

“Tucker warns: The Beast is Washington’s new religion and Fauci is The Beast’s false prophet…

INTEL NOTE***  below is pic of one of three crisis actors playing the role of Sleepy Joe…..

James Woods

Ironically these are among the greatest books in modern literature. Most of them have one thing in common: they warn about the dangers of tyranny or censorship.


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