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Organized Crime: Big Banks Caught Using Credit Default Swaps To Destroy Nations

  At the beginning of 2010, readers were presented with what was (at the time) merely a theory. The Big Bank crime syndicate was engaged in the serial manipulation of credit default swaps, in order to (among other things) destroy the economies of entire nations. It’s one of the reasons these “financial weapons of mass…


Euro was intended to impose a Shock Doctrine straightjacket on Europe

Little-Known History of the Euro: Crisis Was Baked In from the Start   You’ve heard that the Euro was created to provide two benefits for Europe: 1. Unite Germany, France and other countries in a peaceful political situation, to prevent repeats of World War I and II   2. Create a macro-zone to compete against…


Resistant Infections, a crisis of paralysis of modern medicine

  The combination of the Arab Spring and the economic crisis in southern Europe has led to a quiet panic spreading in hospitals across the Mediterranean Basin. “With the disorganization of medical services, the number of infections resisting most known antibiotics has literally exploded,” says professor Patrice Nordmann, chief of the bacteriology-virology-parasitology department at the…


Eurozone crumbling over economic gaps of austerity

    Last week it became clear that, as regards the euro, political Europe has overstepped the limits of its power. The joint statement by France’s President François Hollande and German Chancellor Angela Merkel saying that “Germany and France are deeply committed to the integrity of the Eurozone” and are “determined to do everything to…

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China`s Shifting Power : Sloth and Indolence Of The West

 How the West became China’s willing servant Eurozone leaders have brought their begging bowl to China, looking for help in boosting their bailout fund. So what does this say about the shift in the global balance of power? In October 1911, China rose up in revolution. Four months later the last emperor had fallen and…

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No Leadership To Save A Global Debt Epidemic

      BEIJING – I had dinner with a few senior European financiers and professors in Beijing last week. When we talked about the euro crisis looming over Europe, we couldn’t but agree unanimously: across today’s small globe, all the major countries on the planet simply lack a strong leader. This is the very…