Protests “Rock” Egypt: Thousands Stage Mass Rallies
Unprecedented anti-government protests have rocked Egypt as thousands stage mass rallies for a second day.
Unprecedented anti-government protests have rocked Egypt as thousands stage mass rallies for a second day.
The Palestine-Israel conflict is no pesky regional skirmish. This century-long battle over territory threatens to draw the entire global community into its bowels if it is not dealt with soon, and the only way out of the current paralysis is to kill the “peace process” once and for all. There is no other way to…
The US’s failure under Barack Obama to impose peace between Israel and the Palestinians makes a new war likely In March 1973 the Israeli prime minister Golda Meir visited US president Richard Nixon in Washington. He told her that the Egyptian president Anwar Sadat was prepared to negotiate a full treaty, and Meir assured him…
By YAAKOV KATZ 12/15/2010
U.S. and many other nations at the U.N. General Assembly walk out in protest at Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s conspiracy theories over September 11 attacks
With a loud “whoosh” and a blast of hot air, the pile of tires, wood and 2.5 tons of raw opium burst into flames. It’s a government-sponsored “drug burn” in the western Afghan city of Herat, an event intended to reinforce the government’s claim that it is moving aggressively against the opium trade. We flew early Sunday morning from…
It is important to put a price on nature Jan 18th 2010 THE insight that nature provides services to mankind is not a new one. In 360 BC Plato remarked on the helpful role that forests play in preserving fertile soil; in their absence, he noted, the land was turned into desert, like the bones…