Is Donald Trump a Trojan Horse?

Trojan Horse for the Establishment or Mighty Mouth for Mankind? I crave the opportunity to see an anti establishment candidate win the election. I would exult in seeing our corrupt establishment shattered. So, while I do not like Trump the man (as it would appear he has never done anything that didn’t entirely serve his own self-interest and pompous ego),…

The Musings Of Elizabeth Warren Leave A Big Question Unanswered

  Elizabeth Warren   Among the people who noticed that something was wrong with how banks were issuing credit before the financial crisis was a Harvard professor called Elizabeth Warren.Her prescience helped to propel her from obscurity to Congress, where she is now the senior senator for Massachusetts. Politics occasionally provides openings for youthful candidates…

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The self sustaining corruption of American Politicians…

A credibility trap is when the lies and the corruption become so widespread and embedded in a system that they become self-sustaining. It is when almost half of all Congressmen remain in the Capitol after leaving office so that they can make many millions per year peddling influence and crafting loopholes for corporations who are…


Lone Wolf Terrorists Lost Their Leader : Life Of Al-Awlaki Taken By Drones

Al-Awlaki Killed In Yemen Ho New / Reuters The killing of al Qaeda leader Anwar al-Awlaki is another big counter-terrorism triumph for a President once derided for “palling around with terrorists.”  Even by the time SEAL Team Six dispatched Osama bin Laden, the notion that Obama wasn’t up to fighting al Qaeda had, of course,…

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Artificial Crisis Created For Election Advantage

‘UNTHINKABLE’ Geithner Says No Deal Is Not An Option Precariously short of time, congressional leaders struggled in urgent, weekend-long talks to avert an unprecedented government default, desperate to show enough progress to head off a plunge in stock prices when Asian markets open ahead of the U.S. workweek. President Barack Obama met Saturday with Republican…

Tea Party Fanatics Make Constitutional Fabrications

Here are a few things the framers did not know about: World War II. DNA. Sexting. Airplanes. The atom. Television. Medicare. Collateralized debt obligations. The germ theory of disease. Miniskirts. The internal combustion engine. Computers. Antibiotics. Lady Gaga.       People on the right and left constantly ask what the framers would say about…