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America Has Its Own Secret Police: The Creep Factor

Thursday, Mar. 10, 2011 Data Mining: How Companies Now Know Everything About You By Joel Stein Three hours after I gave my name and e-mail address to Michael Fertik, the CEO of Reputation.com, he called me back and read my Social Security number to me. “We had it a couple of hours ago,” he said….


Gadafii Mercenaries paid between $300 and $2,000 a day

After decades of financing and training rebels and liberation movements, Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi is accused of using his influence to amass an army of mercenaries from across sub-Saharan Africa. Liberia, Sierra Leone, Uganda, Chad, Mali and Zimbabwe: One only has to name a conflict, rebel group or despot in Africa to find someone the Libyan…


Three Horseman of a New Apocalypse

What a world! Much of North Africa remains roiled with mass protests against autocratic or crazed leaders. One predictable result has been skyrocketing oil prices with potentially adverse consequences for recovering economies. And, in the United States, a possible shutdown of government looms because America’s two political parties prefer to indulge in a game of…