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Phillip J. Watt, Contributor Waking Times This is the opportunity we’ve been waiting for. This is the moment when we can choose to be truly free, or choose our enslavement. We’re watching a split in the deep state which is undermining the oligarchical grip on our shared resources and systems, illustrating how weak they really are….

Central banks beat Bitcoin at own game with rival Supercurrency

Bitcoin is a failing experiment but its spin-off effects may change the world CREDIT:  13 MARCH 2016 • 12:29PM Computer scientists have devised a digital crypto-currency in league with the Bank of England that could pose a devastating threat to large tranches of the financial industry, and profoundly change the management of monetary policy. The…

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Banks have no loyalty to the customer. They serve their government masters first and foremost.

    September 24, 2015 There’s not a doubt in my mind that one of the greatest scams in the world is modern banking. When you think about it, every element of the system is stacked against us. By making a deposit we are loaning our hard-earned savings to a bank, for which they pay…

Briefing Update Credit Suisse Emerging Market Powerhouses

Credit Suisse Report New Release 2010 With the US economy expected to drop to third place, behind China and India, with almost virtual certainty, by 2050, emerging markets, especially those that have a positive trade balance with the US, not just BRICs, will play an increasingly important role, especially now that the US trade deficit…