
Armitage is a key hatchet-man in Asian Dirty Tricks

ARRESTING RICHARD ARMITAGE… MAY BE FINAL STRAW TO BREAK BACK OF KHAZARIAN GANGSTER RULE November 2015………The story of a single individual gangster, Richard Armitage, and of his crimes over the years, provides good insight into the inner workings of the Khazarian gangster cabal. It also shows us how just arresting, or deleting, a few key…


The Zen tradition is about the burning of texts and the purging of everything extraneous.

The Disappearance of Self in Japan   You’re drifting in a rowboat on a quiet pond. Another boat bumps against your own and jolts you out of your self-forgetfulness. You stand up in a rage, and start berating the negligent rower in the other boat. Then you notice that it’s empty. There’s no one to…

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The South China Sea, as the name indicates, is a sea area that belongs to China

  Chinese Admiral: South China Sea ‘Belongs to China’ By Franz-Stefan Gady Global Research, September 16, 2015 The Diplomat 16 September 2015 Region: Asia   At a recent naval conference a Chinese Vice Admiral did not mince words. Speaking at this year’s First Sea Lord/RUSI International Sea Power Conference in London, Chinese Vice Admiral Yuan Yubai, commander…

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TTIP……the right to sit in judgment of national laws and constitution. …..

    These agreements aren’t focused on lowering barriers, but harmonizing global regulations at the cost of sovereignty.   Nowhere is this more clear than in the new enthusiasm for special “investor-state dispute settlement” (ISDS) mechanisms. ISDS gives foreign corporations the right to sue national governments for regulations that interfere with their expected profits. It…

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$1 trillion dollars are laundered every year in Mexico

   MEXICO CITY My neighborhood dealer was a low-class guy. We went to the same public school, but he was few years younger than me. He was never very bright nor did he excel in anything; he spent his afternoons standing outside his house or at the street corner, without bothering anyone, and with no…

The Shadow Player In the South China Sea

    BEIJING – Last September, China, Japan and South Korea launched the Trilateral Cooperative Secretariat in Seoul. South Korean Shin Bong-Kil, a former ambassador for international economic cooperation and a prominent expert on China and Japan, was appointed as Secretary-General. It has taken quite a lot of twists and turns for the three countries…