Toasts and Roasts In Art Cafe`….Artistic Instincts…

Dummies Book – Satisfaction.comCome and visit cafe` and catch the show of Maria Carro Loos….. IrnGlobal Art Cafe` Artistic Instincts The Creative Class of the Social Web ….Visit our cafe` at the crossroads of Art and Friendship….Embrace The Life Hiding Inside You…. is a tricky art and most people fail to employ it intelligently…


Poverty: The reason most well-known writers still teach English

  In one more week I was going to be a millionaire. At least, that was the rumor circulating around my wife’s family. One more week on Amazon’s best-seller list and I would have seven figures in the bank, easily. Her cousin had looked this fact up on the Internet, so it had to be…


Smarter Borders: surveillance tapes – a dream for national security authorities.

The American BRS Labs is a company few have heard of. But in one year, its turnover increased tenfold, to $200 million. It has new offices in Houston, Texas, São Paulo, Brazil and London, UK. The reason for the success of BRS – which stands for Behavioral Recognition Systems – is a surveillance software called…

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Chinese Cyber Attacks: How to steal a trillion…

  FEBRUARY 19th Mandiant, a security firm, released a report alleging that hackers from a Chinese military outfit known as Unit 61398 were probably behind attacks against more than a hundred companies and government agencies around the world. Without delving into the geopolitics of the the incident, involvement in which the Chinese authorities vehemently deny…

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Iraqi government is Institutionalized Kleptomania

Iraqis are not naïve. Grim experience of their country’s rulers over the past 50 years leads many to suspect them of being self-serving, greedy, brutal, and incompetent. Ten years ago, some had hoped Iraqis might escape living in a permanent state of emergency as the US and Britain prepared to overthrow Saddam Hussein. Others were…

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$1 trillion dollars are laundered every year in Mexico

   MEXICO CITY My neighborhood dealer was a low-class guy. We went to the same public school, but he was few years younger than me. He was never very bright nor did he excel in anything; he spent his afternoons standing outside his house or at the street corner, without bothering anyone, and with no…


Australian scientists have discovered that cannabis could help reverse dementia

SYDNEY – Australian scientists have discovered that cannabis could help reverse dementia. Researchers from Neuroscience Research Australia (NRA) believe one of the main active ingredients in cannabis – cannabidiol – could reverse some of the symptoms of memory loss, reports the Sydney Morning Herald. Tim Karl, a senior NRA researcher says that cannabidiol has anti-inflammatory,…