Vladimir Putin Set To Be Russia’s Next President – The Boss Again

The return of Vladimir Putin The once and future president It may bring clarity over who is in charge, but it will still be bad for Russia Oct  2011   IT WAS hardly a surprise when Vladimir Putin told his United Russia party conference on September 24th that he would run for the presidency next…


Lone Wolf Terrorists Lost Their Leader : Life Of Al-Awlaki Taken By Drones

Al-Awlaki Killed In Yemen Ho New / Reuters The killing of al Qaeda leader Anwar al-Awlaki is another big counter-terrorism triumph for a President once derided for “palling around with terrorists.”  Even by the time SEAL Team Six dispatched Osama bin Laden, the notion that Obama wasn’t up to fighting al Qaeda had, of course,…

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Knowledge is power – economic power – and there’s a scramble for that power

Knowledge clusters” are being built in France to kick start hi-tech industries In the United States, Europe and in rising powers such as China, there is a growth-hungry drive to invest in hi-tech research and innovation. They are looking for the ingredients that, like Google, will turn a university project into a corporation. They are…

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  Facebook is squaring with Google in a race for control not only of the social network market, but of the Internet as a whole. Regardless of who “wins,” there’s a danger for users, who bit by bit are losing control of both their digitial profiles – and digital freedom.       Do you…

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No Leadership To Save A Global Debt Epidemic

      BEIJING – I had dinner with a few senior European financiers and professors in Beijing last week. When we talked about the euro crisis looming over Europe, we couldn’t but agree unanimously: across today’s small globe, all the major countries on the planet simply lack a strong leader. This is the very…


Most Senior Military Defector In Syria, Returns To Save Family From Death

Syria army defector Hussein Harmoush in TV ‘confession’ Col Harmoush accused activists of “empty promises” Syria Crisis Cracks showing Why the world has waited Who are the shabiha? Deadlock as pressure builds A top Syrian officer who defected from the army and fled to Turkey has turned up in Damascus, retracting key claims about the…

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The Future Of Science

Frontier fables Future Science: Essays from the Cutting Edge. Edited by Max Brockman. Vintage; 272 pages; $15.95. To be published in Britain in October by Oxford University Press; £9.99. Buy from Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk BACK when the scientific method was a radical new idea, and when science was the preserve of wealthy (or well-sponsored) gentleman amateurs,…