
FBI Warning Shutdown al-Qaeda blog site

A popular website that hosted more than 70,000 bloggers was shut down suddenly last week after the FBI informed its chief technology officer that the site contained hit lists, bomb-making documents and links to Al Qaeda materials, it was reported on Monday. When the WordPress platform Blogetery.com went dead, the initial explanation from the site’s…


Iran prepares Assault in South Lebanon

Hezbollah readying for urban war in southern Lebanon IDF aerial photo marking alleged Hezbollah strongholds in southern Lebanon, released on July 7, 2010 Photo by: IDF Israel’s military on Wednesday offered evidence of what it says is a growing threat from Hezbollah in southern Lebanon, using aerial images to highlight the militants group’s activities in…


Secret Truths Embarrass U.S. Government

Wednesday, Jul 14, 2010 09:15 ET The motive behind whistle-blower prosecutions By Glenn Greenwald One of the more flamboyant aspects of the Bradley Manning arrest was the claim that he had leaked to WikiLeaks 250,000 pages of “diplomatic cables.”  Those were the documents which anonymous government officials pointed to when telling The Daily Beast‘s Philip Shenon that…

IRAN Says: Woman to be stoned for murder not adultery

A surprise announcement, a judiciary official in provincial Iran said a woman who had been convicted and sentenced to stoning for adultery had also been convicted of murder. Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, a 43-year-old mother of two in the Tabriz area, had been convicted of cheating on her late husband, apparently a murder victim, and sentenced…

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Reality of War and Occupation is Hypocrisy

What happens when all sides of a conflict are mired in hypocrisy? Two millennia ago, the great Chinese military leader and strategist Zhuge Liang admonished his fellow military men that “when hypocrisy sprouts, even if you have the wisdom of ancient warrior kings you could not defeat a peasant, let alone a crowd of them”….


Narco Smugglers Go Deep With 100 foot Submarine

Soldiers stand on a submarine found hidden in the Ecuadorian jungle. Officials say the vessel is the first of its kind capable of transporting drugs on transoceanic journeys. Law enforcement officials have already had to deal with drug traffickers using an increasing number of semi-submersible vessels, which just barely peeked above the surface of the…

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Indian forces fire on Kashmiri protesters

3 die as Indian forces fire on Kashmiri protesters Indian forces opened fire on hundreds of rock-throwing protesters in Kashmir killing three people as authorities re-imposed a curfew in the region’s main city amid increasingly violent demonstrations against alleged human rights abuses. Security forces initially used tear gas to disperse the demonstrators, a police officer…