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Tunisia: WikiLeaks a catalyst, both a trigger and tool for political outcry

The First WikiLeaks Revolution Tunisians didn’t need any more reasons to protest when they took to the streets these past weeks — food prices were rising, corruption was rampant, and unemployment was staggering. But we might also count Tunisia as the first time that WikiLeaks pushed people over the brink. These protests are also about…

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Congresswoman Giffords` Romance & Political Spouse: Astronaut Mark E. Kelly

Giffords Certain to Survive and holding her own, Says Doc Gabrielle Giffords’ doctor said on Tuesday that her chances for survival are 100 percent and that it’s likely that “she’s not going to be in a vegetative state.” She’s currently breathing on her own and is “progressing as expected” with “no issues or problems.” She…

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Kill the “Peace Game”: Palestine cannot survive 21st century global politics

The Palestine-Israel conflict is no pesky regional skirmish. This century-long battle over territory threatens to draw the entire global community into its bowels if it is not dealt with soon, and the only way out of the current paralysis is to kill the “peace process” once and for all. There is no other way to…

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Diplomatic Channels: The Israeli Security Concept leads to War

The US’s failure under Barack Obama to impose peace between Israel and the Palestinians makes a new war likely In March 1973 the Israeli prime minister Golda Meir visited US president Richard Nixon in Washington. He told her that the Egyptian president Anwar Sadat was prepared to negotiate a full treaty, and Meir assured him…

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The Best Story Yet: Wikileakes, Bradley Manning, FBI informant, Wired Senior Editor

The worsening journalistic disgrace at Wired By Glenn Greenwald Wired/AP Kevin Poulsen and Bradley Manning For more than six months, Wired‘s Senior Editor Kevin Poulsen has possessed — but refuses to publish — the key evidence in one of the year’s most significant political stories:  the arrest of U.S. Army PFC Bradley Manning for allegedly acting as…