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Jim Rogers warns Americans to prepare for “Financial Armageddon,” saying he fully expects the economy to implode after the U.S. election.

Cheapest Place Today Worldwide to Buy Gold Coins     Jim Rogers: It’s Going To Get Really “Bad After The Next Election” By Terry Weiss, Money MorningIn a riveting interview on CNBC, legendary investor Jim Rogers warns Americans to prepare for “Financial Armageddon,” saying he fully expects the economy to implode after the U.S. election….


Robbers Loot and Plunder in South African Gold Mines Endless Treasure

  It’s a small open-air factory, impossible to spot from the road. You have to go into Thabong, the township in Welkom, three hours south of Johannesburg, to discover it in an old mining town in the G-Hostel, where a dozen workers are clustered, busy transforming rocks into gold. Behind the apparent disorder hides a…


Criminals linked to China conducting cyber-espionage multiple governments and human rights activists and to recruit money mules in the U.S.

Watching the crooks: Researcher monitors cyber-espionage ring Good guys are keeping an eye on large espionage and botnet campaigns that are stealing corporate secrets from government and private industry and money from peoples’ bank accounts. by Elinor Mills July 25, 2012 2:00 PM PDT This graph shows the confirmed espionage malware samples researcher Joe Stewart…

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Julian Assange, a card-carrying whistleblower, can wear more than one hat.

Perhaps some Assange-bashers are envious. Despite his legal problems, he’s the host, director, and producer of a program that makes us care about his predicament—even if you’re not a full-fledged fan. We’re finally getting a chance to know this guy, through the questions he asks and the way he asks them   Julian Assange prepares…


Assange: The Swedish Case Is A Nuisance, Assange Regarded Enemy Of America

      It was a huge surprise that Julian Assange suddenly checked into the Embassy of República del Ecuador in London. The twitter reaction from leading Swedish media personalities, in the midst of a Football match, was predictably myopic – and as nationalistic as Football. The picture that came into their minds was that of an…


America and Israel Cyber-Sabotage Iran Nuclear Weapon

U.S., Israel developed Flame computer virus to slow Iranian nuclear efforts, officials say     By Ellen Nakashima, Greg Miller and Julie Tate, Tuesday, June 19, 1:07 PM The United States and Israel jointly developed a sophisticated computer virus nicknamed Flame that collected intelligence in preparation for cyber-sabotage aimed at slowing Iran’s ability to develop a nuclear…

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Womens Rights Afghanistan: Still Just Paper

 WOMEN JUST A BARGAINING CHIP   Girls are playing volleyball in a dusty courtyard. Gazing toward the foothills of the Hindu Kush offers some pretty spectacular scenery. But right now that’s the last thing on the girls’ minds. The landscape, after all, is nothing new for them. Playing sports is what’s changed for these girls,…


NSA Whistleblower Speaks Live: “The Government Is Lying To You”

NSA Whistleblower Speaks Live: “The Government Is Lying To You” Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/20/2012 Just a month ago we raised more than a proverbial eyebrow when we noted the creation of the NSA’s Utah Data Center (codename Stellar Wind) and William Binney’s formidable statement that “we are this far from a turnkey totalitarian…


Internet Freedoms Face Powerful Forces

The principles of openness and universal access that underpinned the creation of the internet three decades ago are under greater threat than ever, according to Google co-founder Sergey Brin. In an interview with the Guardian, Brin warned there were “very powerful forces that have lined up against the open internet on all sides and around…

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Massive CoverUp In Japan`s Nuclear Dumping: FUKUSHIMA Years Later ” YOU CAN NOT HANDLE THE TRUTH “

Fukushima Chiefs: The Technology Needed To Decommission  China-Syndromed Reactors Doesn’t Exist … Maybe In 200 Years? Updated 4/9/2015 Preface: As you read this post, please keep in mind:   The reactors didn’t just suffer a melt down, or even a China syndrome type melt-through, but a series of melt OUTS. Scientists have no idea where…