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The Shadowy History of the Secret Bankers that Runs the World

Meet The Secretive Group That Runs The World Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/12/2015 23:03 -0400 Over the centuries there have been many stories, some based on loose facts, others based on hearsay, conjecture, speculation and outright lies, about groups of people who “control the world.” Some of these are partially accurate, others are wildly…


The People want U.S. to recognize and confront its own hypocritical policies and mad, irrational wars

.   File – Detainees walk around the exercise yard in Camp 4, the medium security facility within Camp Delta at Naval Station Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. In Camp 4, highly compliant detainees live in a communal setting and have extensive access to recreation. Article by  Dallas Darling If a nation must fight wars in a…

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A “chronic” food crisis, prompted by climate change.

. Women Turn Drought into a Lesson on Sustainability By Zofeen EbrahimReprint |     Women in Pakistan fare worse than all their neighbours in terms of resilience to climate change. Credit: Ali Mansoor/IPS KARACHI, Mar 17 2015 (IPS) – When a group of women in the remote village of Sadhuraks in Pakistan’s Thar Desert, some…

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Bankers exhaust peoples patience, rigging and corruption and collusion with no consequences

      The Rigging Triangle Exposed: The JP Morgan-British Petroleum-Bank Of England Cartel Full Frontal Submitted by Tyler Durden on 12/30/2014 Bank of England Barclays Bloomberg News Central Banks Citibank Citigroup Corruption Enron Insider Trading JPMorgan Chase Market Manipulation None Porsche Prop Trading RBS Reuters Royal Bank of Scotland Yen Zurich The name Dick…

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Hackers War on Hidden Internet

    RUN DEEP 12.29.14 The Attack on the Hidden Internet Could a group of just-for-kicks hackers take down the world’s most important network for staying anonymous online? It’s the network of choice for democracy activists, online drug dealers, and an estimated two million folks every day who would just rather get on the Internet…

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Goodbye to one of the best years of Earth History 2014

      Goodbye to one of the best years in history It might not feel like it, but we are safer, richer and healthier than at any time on record Record numbers reach retirement age as baby boomers turn 65 We are living longer, healthier lives than ever before Photo: Alamy By Fraser Nelson6:20AM…

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Left over business of 2014….Where is Flight 370? …..Enough of deception……

Former Airline CEO Claims US Military Shot Down MH370 Near Diego Garcia   A second senior airline industry source has revealed his belief that there is some sort of conspiracy behind the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370. As The Herald Sun reports, Emirates president and CEO Sir Tim Clark made world headlines in October…

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The Sony Saga continues with threats and extortion

Sony Hackers Threaten 9/11 Attack on Movie Theaters That Screen ‘The Interview’       ….. updated  IT’S OVER                 DECEMBER 16, 2014 and the saga begins here… Senior Film and Media Reporter@BrentALang The Sony hackers have threatened a 9/11-like attack on movie theaters that screen Seth Rogen…

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Brazil’s penchant for “slow and steady” transitions of Truth

. Christ The Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil A country whose recent presidents all suffered at the hands of the military regime that ruled from 1964 to 1985, Brazil has been awfully slow to probe that dark chapter of its history. Dilma Rousseff, the incumbent, was tortured. Her two immediate predecessors, Luiz Inácio Lula…