
The world is beginning to realize that a sea-change in world affairs occurred on September 28

 A Decisive Shift In The Power Balance Has Occurred   The world is beginning to realize that a sea-change in world affairs occurred on September 28 when President Putin of Russia stated in his UN speech that Russia can no longer tolerate Washington’s vicious, stupid, and failed policies that have unleashed chaos, which is engulfing…

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The South China Sea, as the name indicates, is a sea area that belongs to China

  Chinese Admiral: South China Sea ‘Belongs to China’ By Franz-Stefan Gady Global Research, September 16, 2015 The Diplomat 16 September 2015 Region: Asia   At a recent naval conference a Chinese Vice Admiral did not mince words. Speaking at this year’s First Sea Lord/RUSI International Sea Power Conference in London, Chinese Vice Admiral Yuan Yubai, commander…

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Your List of Media Where the ‘News’ Is Censored — And Where It’s Not

A List of Media Where the ‘News’ Is Censored — And Where It’s Not Posted on September 20, 2015 by Eric Zuesse. —— A good test of the extent to which a given news-medium censors out news that the aristocracy (especially the people who control international corporations — the people who possess the ultimate authority…

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America Rejected Offers by Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria to Surrender … and Proceeded to Wage War

    A self-selected group of former top military officers, CIA insiders and think-tankers, declared Tuesday in Washington that a seven-month review of the deadly 2012 terrorist attack has determined that [Gaddafi offered to abdicate as leader of Libya.] ‘Gaddafi wasn’t a good guy, but he was being marginalized,’ [Retired Rear Admiral Chuck ] Kubic…


Confirmation that China`s City Tianjin was Nuked

This was no chemical fire, this was China’s 9-11.        Who were the terrorists?     In 1996 under the Clinton administration, the B61-11 tactical nuclear weapon was slated to be used by the US in an attack against Libya.     …by Ian Greenhalgh, Britain  –  with Jeff Smith, USA   Sometimes we like…

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The Superpower Conundrum

Editor, Tom Dispatch.com The Superpower Conundrum Posted: 07/02/2015  The Rise and Fall of Just About Everything Cross-posted with TomDispatch.com The rise and fall of great powers and their imperial domains has been a central fact of history for centuries.  It’s been a sensible, repeatedly validated framework for thinking about the fate of the planet.  So…

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THE U.S.A. has pushed itself from a bad position into one worse than anyone could imagine 20 years ago!

      Don’t Push A Bad Position! Bill Holter | June 26, 2015 – 11:07am Facebook Twitter Forward Print     “Don’t push a bad position”! This is good advice in many varied quests. It is good advice in games like chess or poker. Good advice in sports, business, politics, geopolitics and certainly in…