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San Francisco Has Become America’s Largest Gated Community — And That Is Bad For California

  California is an earthly paradise. Yet there is something badly broken about the Golden State. At its best, California is America’s America, where the young and adventurous go for a fresh start.   The trouble is that housing in much of California has become so expensive that the young and adventurous have been priced…

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Licensed To Kill: Powerful and Secretive forces emerge from the U.S. military-industrial complex

  WASHINGTON — Just weeks before Blackwater guards fatally shot 17 civilians at Baghdad’s Nisour Square in 2007, the State Department began investigating the security contractor’s operations in Iraq. But the inquiry was abandoned after Blackwater’s top manager there issued a threat: “that he could kill” the government’s chief investigator and “no one could or…


Chicken Soup for the Soul

Arthur Brooks’ pursuit of the formula for happiness has some unlikely speakers talking to the American Enterprise Institute. Is the 1 percent really listening to his spiritual gurus? There were more turbans and saris among the suits and ties than usual at the American Enterprise Institute this week when AEI President Arthur Brooks welcomed Hindu…


Private Prisons shrouded in secrecy, enables widespread mistreatment of inmates

Private Prisons Rule With Little Oversight on America’s Border To handle the massive number of immigrants sentenced to prison for re-entering the country, private prisons have sprung up from Arizona to Texas, with little oversight in terms of sanitation and detainee treatment. TUCSON — The smell in the courtroom is overpowering. About 40 men and…


Al Qaeda franchise raises its head: Crisis in Iraq

  Iraq crisis: Baiji oil refinery contested Iraqi government forces are battling Sunni Muslim militants for control of the country’s biggest oil refinery. Officials insisted security forces were “in full control” of the Baiji refinery, about 200km (130 miles) north of the capital Baghdad. However, trapped workers said militants were still inside the facility and…


Iraq can kill fanatics, but not the fanaticism of barbaric Jihadist threats

JUNE 18, 2014 A THIRD IRAQ WAR? POSTED BY ROBIN WRIGHT     The United States now faces the possibility of its third intervention in Iraq. On paper, the two earlier wars quickly achieved their military goals. In 1991, a muscular alliance of thirty-four nations, led by the United States, forced Iraq to withdraw from…