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FBI Allowed Over 4,000 American Soliders And Contractors To Die

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room     SORCHA: “Ghastly Documents Prove FBI Allowed Over 4,000 American Soliders And Contractors To Die Because They Hated Trump” Posted By: MrFusion [Send E-Mail] Date: Tuesday, 31-Dec-2019 13:36:17 www.rumormillnews.com Source: http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index3084.htm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ December 31, 2019 Ghastly Documents Prove FBI Allowed Over 4,000 American Soliders And Contractors To Die Because They Hated Trump By:…

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The Cards Are Called

You are in the right place to find out about what is really going on behind the scenes in the patriot movement in America, including solutions from Oathkeepers, Anna Von Reitz, Constitutional Sheriffs, Richard Mack, and many more people who are leading the charge to restore America to freedom and peace. Please search on the…

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GULAG is an Ideological State Apparatus

The Silicon Valley Gulag 12/23/2019 / By News Editors The near-homogeneity of Silicon Valley political beliefs has gone from wry punchline to national crisis in the United States. The monoculture of virtue signaling and high- and heavy-handed woke corporate leftism at places like Google, Twitter, and Facebook was once a source of chagrin for those who found…

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US citizens are distracted by the many acts of the carnival while their nation and their children’s futures are being stolen

Google has “a chokehold on all human information” and an evil, twisted agenda to destroy human dignity and ERASE human knowledge 11/25/2019 / By Ethan Huff Conservative commentator Tucker Carlson recently discussed during an interview with SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily host Alex Marlow the issue of Google censorship, and the “chokehold on all human information” that Google maintains in our current…

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TYRANNY of the establishment LEFT

THE lawlessness and de-humanizing TYRANNY of the establishment Left is teaching patriots what’s at stake when the civil war begins Tuesday, November 19, 2019 by: Mike Adams Tags: authoritarians, Big Tech, civil war, due process, lawless, left cult, tech giants, Tyranny, violence (Natural News) Since the 2016 election, Leftists have become lawless, heartless hatemongers steeped in unprecedented self delusion. While the tech giants, for example,…

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No Such Thing as a Free Press

Bill Barr met with POTUS this afternoon. Something’s about to drop. Giddy Up! Paul Craig Roberts Institute for Political Economy There Is No Such Thing as a Free Press November 13, 2019 | Categories: Articles & Columns | Tags: |  Print This Article Paul Craig Roberts Udo Ulfkotte’s amazing book, Gekaufte Journalisten (Bought Journalism) was published by Kopp Verlag in 2014. The book was…

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“Jeff Zucker, basically the president of CNN, has a personal vendetta against Trump

  CNN Insider Blows Whistle on Jeff Zucker’s ‘Anti-Trump Crusade’ Debra Heine – October 14th, 2019 On Monday, Project Veritas released the first video in a series that exposes the blatant bias, misconduct, and anti-Trump political agenda of CNN. These tapes, said founder James O’Keefe, “will be the biggest story of the year for Project Veritas.”…

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Hitler, Stalin, and Mao never forced the homosexual or sex change agenda on their people. America’s contemporary fascists

This is why Americans are arming up for bear: Over 100 million people have been brutally slaughtered by the political philosophy being pushed on America by Democrats in 2019 09/25/2019 / By News Editors We are assured by the Deep State, academia, and the slimestream media that there is a political spectrum that runs from communism on…

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Liquidity Stress Fractures Begin to Show in the Federal Reserve System.

Fed Loses Control of its Benchmark Interest: Repo Rates through the Roof!  by Knave Dave Sun, 09/22/2019  The following article by David Haggith was published on The Great Recession Blog: Well, that didn’t take long! Four days ago, I stated the following in an article titled “Why are Bonds Going for Broke?“: Central banks are losing control, and are…