Google has “a chokehold on all human information” and an evil, twisted agenda to destroy human dignity and ERASE human knowledge

Conservative commentator Tucker Carlson recently discussed during an interview with SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily host Alex Marlow the issue of Google censorship, and the “chokehold on all human information” that Google maintains in our current system of online lawlessness.

An information monopoly, if you will, Google is right now getting away with murder when it comes to its involvement in trying to silence truth on the internet. And as of this writing, there’s no indication from Attorney General William Barr or anyone else in the current administration that anything is going to be done anytime soon about this substantial and growing problem.

Carlson specifically addressed Google’s censorship of Breitbart News for, ironically enough, publishing a story about Google censorship. Google moved this particular Breitbart piece to the 12th page of all search results for the phrase “leaked Google video Trump” – meaning very few Google users are going to find it.

In Carlson’s own words, this is a clear example of “political bias and dishonesty.” Further, “you can’t have a democracy in a country with a company like Google,” according to Carlson, because Google is interfering with people’s ability to access truthful and honest information that isn’t skewed in favor of the left-wing politics that Google supports.

“How are we going to have a fair election if Google is controlling all the information, and they have a pronounced political agenda?” Carlson hypothetically asked the listening audience during the segment.

“It’s just too much power vested in too few hands.”

To keep up with breaking news about Big Tech’s crusade against free speech and the First Amendment, be sure to check out

Google blames “robots” for censoring truth, but unless you consider liberal humans to be “robots,” this is a bald-faced lie

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) deserves much of the credit for its thorough investigative reporting into this ongoing Google scandal, causing it to go mainstream. The WSJ published a massive exposé on how actual humans are manipulating Google’s search results, effectively blowing the lid on the lies recently spoken by Google CEO Sundar Pichai before Congress.

Pichai’s perjury has yet to be prosecuted, but the good news is that people are continuing to talk about it – and they don’t plan on stopping anytime soon. One of these talkers is Tucker Carlson, and another is Alex Marlow. Both of them deserve some credit for sounding the alarm to their millions of listeners, readers, and viewers.

“The whole thing is predicated on a lie, and the lie is that robots are doing this without human interference, and therefore it’s totally fair,” Carlson contends, referring to Pichai’s false claim that artificial intelligence (AI) systems are making changes to Google’s search results, and not actual people.

But we know from the WSJ investigation, which includes testimony from multiple current and former Google employees, that the Silicon Valley giant does, in fact, manually meddle with search results, advertising, and other tools to put conservative-leaning news outlets and personalities like Breitbart and Tucker Carlson at a disadvantage when it comes to being able to effectively disseminate their information through the Google platform.

“It’s controlled by human beings, and the so-called algorithm is written by people with subjective views on things,” Carlson further pointed out during his show. “So the promise itself is a total crock.”

Marlow then added how many of these fake news outlets circulate constant “nonsense” in an attempt to distract their viewers and the public at large from focusing on substantive issues, such as pharmaceutical drug overdoses, human trafficking, and illegal alien gang violence.

“Tucker Carlson is one of the few speaking truth in the mass corporate media and on national television,” wrote one Breitbart News commenter in response to the interview.

“And he is correct – too many US citizens are distracted by the many acts of the carnival while their nation and their children’s futures are being stolen.”

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