
New Declassified Memo: CIA Shaped and Whitewashed Zero Dark Thirty Movie Script

Kathryn Bigelow’s Osama bin Laden revenge-porn flick Zero Dark Thirty was the biggest publicity coup for the CIA this century outside of the actual killing of Osama bin Laden. But the extent to which the CIA shaped the film has remained unclear. Now, a memo obtained by Gawker shows that the CIA actively, and apparently…


Naked Protest By Veena Malik Video : A Controversial Nude Photo Shoot In Pakistan

  With her racy magazine cover, Pakistani actress Veena Malik has inflamed her homeland. She says Pakistan needs to stop the extremism—and now the country’s ‘honor brigade’ is after her. Veena Malik: She’s Outspoken, Savvy, and Topless—and She’s Shaking Up Pakistan According to Umair Zafar, Saxena told him that the entire thing between Veena Malik…


Facebooks Worst Enemies

Just days after the New Yorker published a profile of Facebook co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg, the New York Post posted a lengthy, exclusive interview with Tyler Winklevoss, who, together with his twin brother Cameron, has been fighting Facebook in court. The Post describes the Harvard University graduates (both Olympic rowers) as “gorgeous, lantern-jawed hunks”…