
The Freedom Fighters Of New Arabic Nations [photos]

TimesPeople Middle East A New Arab Generation Finds Its Voice Escalating violence has tempered the regional euphoria that followed the youth-led revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt. And yet, young people will continue to play an important role in the Arab Spring. This month, The New York Times interviewed more than two dozen of them, from…

Inside Fukuyshima 50: Nuclear Plant TEPCO Operator Reports Conditions

A HERO OF THE  FUKUSHIMA 50 Fukushima Plant Worker’s Blog Post By Erik Hayden 10:23 AM ET As the world watches the precarious developments at the crippled Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear plant, the small band of Tokyo Electric Power Company workers frantically trying to contain the radiation leakage have been hailed as heroes. Today the New…


Japanese Crisis Headed to Catastrophe: Radiation to High

RADIATION RISES AND MAY BE OUT OF CONTROL Workers were ordered to withdraw briefly from a stricken Japanese nuclear power plant on Wednesday after radiation levels surged, Kyodo news reported, a development that suggested the crisis was spiraling out of control. Just hours earlier another fire broke out at the earthquake-crippled plant, which has sent…