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OBAMA: Soviet-style plan of subversion to systematically destroy America

Health Ranger warned in 2017 that Obama was a “sleeper cell” committing treason with Iran 01/10/2020 / By Ethan Huff The explosive breakdown of diplomatic relations that occurred between the United States and Iran recently echoes back to what Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, warned about back in 2017 concerning Barack Obama’s secret collusion with this enemy state. As…


The Trump administration takes the mission of protecting the Homeland very seriously,”

Trump targets another threat to Americans’ safety, this one internal.  Trump Administration to Go After States Allowing Illegal Immigrants to Obtain Driver’s Licenses By Matt Margolis January 2, 2020 Chad Wolf, the acting Secretary of Homeland Security “is taking aim at new laws in New York and New Jersey that allow immigrants to get driver’s licenses without…

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Ukraine Pulls Back Curtain On Bidens

 Posted on October 15, 2019 Ukraine Pulls Back Curtain On Biden – Claims Burisma Paid The Vice President Over $900,000 For Lobbying By Adam Casalino Biden should be sweating now! Take a look at this huge development in the Biden case that the media is conveniently ignoring. We are now learning about a huge accusation leveled at—not Hunter…

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5G world’s most invasive surveillance network

Brighteon Films posts new 5G mini-documentary that warns humanity about the imminent danger of 5G cell towers Friday, January 03, 2020 by: Mike Adams Tags: 5g, badcancer, badhealth, badmedicine, badpollution, badscience, Big Tech, cell towers, documentary, evil, Exposed, military tech, Public Health, radiation, tech giants, telecommunications, weapons systems (Natural News) Part of the benefit of building and owning an independent video platform is that we can post important videos for humanity that would…

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Virginia: Ten thousand Body Bags for his State Police and National Guard troops

ANALYSIS: Virginia Gov. Northam may soon need ten thousand body bags for his State Police and National Guard troops, since “Biblical MAYHEM” will be unleashed following any gun confiscation attempt 01/02/2020 / By Mike Adams If Virginia’s child-murdering Governor Ralph “Blackface” Northam wants to get a head start on the civil war he’s unleashing in his own…

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Experiments are what’s really Killing Black People

Black Lives Matter is falling for the distraction: White supremacy is the decoy; medical experiments are what’s really killing black people 12/29/2019 / By Ethan Huff     In the racially charged political climate of 2019, the agenda seems to be to convince as many “minorities” as possible that their biggest enemy is the “white man.” The…

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FBI Allowed Over 4,000 American Soliders And Contractors To Die

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room     SORCHA: “Ghastly Documents Prove FBI Allowed Over 4,000 American Soliders And Contractors To Die Because They Hated Trump” Posted By: MrFusion [Send E-Mail] Date: Tuesday, 31-Dec-2019 13:36:17 www.rumormillnews.com Source: http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index3084.htm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ December 31, 2019 Ghastly Documents Prove FBI Allowed Over 4,000 American Soliders And Contractors To Die Because They Hated Trump By:…

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AARP frantically lobbying against Seniors vs. Profits

Great America AARP’s Corrupt Business Model Puts Seniors Last AARP purports to be a “nonprofit” organization. But with a $1.2 billion operating budget, questionable business partners, and a history of prioritizing profits over beneficial reforms to seniors, it’s an open question who the group really serves. Rachel Bovard – December 30, 2019 The American Association of…

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The majority of Gold Deep Storage Vault Compartments have been “re-opened” for unknown or dubious reason

In my previous post, from March 2018, on the audits of US official gold reserves, I have exposed that during the audit procedures of the US official gold reserves from 1974 through 2008, repeatedly audit staff deviated from the auditing protocol, while internal control meant to prevent this was failing. Many audits and assay reports have been destroyed. For…

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How General Flynn Was Targeted and Set Up by Obama White House

MUST VIEW: New Documentary Details How General Flynn Was Targeted and Set Up by Obama White House For Calling Out Clinton and Obama Supported Terrorist Cabal in the US   by Joe Hoft December 25, 2019 On July 24, 2019, we reported that General Flynn and his business partner and son were targeted by the…