
Internet’s “rude, raunchy underbelly “

OCTOBER 24, 2013 THE PSYCHOLOGY OF ONLINE COMMENTS POSTED BY MARIA KONNIKOV Several weeks ago, on September 24th, Popular Science announced that it would banish comments from its Web site. The editors argued that Internet comments, particularly anonymous ones, undermine the integrity of science and lead to a culture of aggression and mockery that hinders substantive discourse. “Even a…


Man-made climate change is ” UNEQUIVOCAL”

      STORY HIGHLIGHTS Scientists surer than ever humans play major role in climate change, report says Global warming already affecting extreme weather, and it could get worse, report says U.N.’s IPCC convenes every six years to put together report; it’s considered benchmark on topic Even if emissions ended today, effects of climate change…

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Richard Dawkins: One of the world’s most innovative thinkers today.

Rediscovering Richard Dawkins: An Interview by J.P. O’Malley Sep 23, 2013  He might be prone to controversial outbursts, but what does the world’s leading atheist and scientist really like to talk about? J.P. O’Malley visits Dawkins in his Oxford home to find out. Whenever Richard Dawkins’s name appears in the news nowadays, it’s usually for the wrong…

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A Face Off : Russia vs. USA

August 8th, 2013 10:54 AM ET   Zakaria: We’re in a new world Fareed speaks with CNN about President Barack Obama’s decision to cancel a meeting next month with Russian President Vladimir Putin, U.S.-Russia ties, and the biggest threats to U.S. national security. Do you think listening to members of his own party, concerned about weakness abroad,…

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The self sustaining corruption of American Politicians…

A credibility trap is when the lies and the corruption become so widespread and embedded in a system that they become self-sustaining. It is when almost half of all Congressmen remain in the Capitol after leaving office so that they can make many millions per year peddling influence and crafting loopholes for corporations who are…

Call Millennials pampered and spoiled if you want, but the country they’ve inherited is broken

    10 reasons millennials are screwed   Generation gaps are nothing new. Back in the 1930s, members of the World War I generation complained bitterly about their World War II generation offspring and all the swing-dancing, noisy big bands and awful crooners they were into (many of those jitterbugging teenagers of the 1930s went…

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July was the deadliest month in Iraq in the last five years….Who is creating the killing ground ?

Iraq’s deadliest month: Who’s behind the bloodshed? By Arwa Damon, CNN August 12, 2013 — Violence marks end of Ramadan in Iraq STORY HIGHLIGHTS The past year has seen a marked increase in attacks in Iraq, writes Arwa Damon Despite occasionally diffusing bombs, the government cannot stem the violence, she says July was the deadliest month in…

New York profiling setback from judge…..Unconstitutional

   Brooklyn, Black And Latino Men Who Experienced “Stop-And-Frisk” Applaud Judge’s Ruling “It would be so beautiful if cops treated people with respect, period. They show up and treat you like you killed somebody.”posted on August 12, 2013  Adrian Carrasquillo   Kelvin Jannette, of Brooklyn. Macey Foronda, BuzzFeed After a federal judge ruled New York City’s “stop-and-frisk” police policy to…