Henry Kissinger Says : The Interview

As we celebrate our 30th anniversary, TNI Editor Jacob Heilbrunn sits down with the former Secretary of State. Henry Kissinger August 19, 2015 126Printer-friendly version September-October 2015 The National Interest’s editor, Jacob Heilbrunn, spoke with Henry Kissinger in early July in New York. Jacob Heilbrunn: Why is realism today an embattled approach to foreign affairs,…


The Underdog in 2016…..and a truthteller or another deceiver

YOU Might Very Well Be the Cause of Cancer”: Read Bernie Sanders’ 1970s-Era Essays The presidential candidate’s old writings were rambling, raw, and sometimes misinformed—but undeniably Bernie. —By Tim Murphy | Mon Jul. 6, 2015   Last month Sen. Bernie Sanders, the Vermont independent socialist seeking the Democratic presidential nomination, repudiated a 1972 essay he…

The President Shines with Light on Iran

Obama Bravely Ignores the Clamoring of the Warmongers with Iran Deal Posted: 07/20/2015 10:11 am EDT Updated: 07/20/2015 10:59 am EDT NEW YORK — The accord struck in Vienna to rein in Iran’s nuclear activities has warmongers fulminating. Citizens worldwide should support U.S. President Barack Obama’s brave effort to outmaneuver them, taking heart from the…


Good On You, Greece – But Don’t Waver Now

    Earlier this week the embattled Greeks delivered still more body blows to the rotten regime of Keynesian central banking and the crony capitalist bailout state to which it is conjoined. By defaulting on its IMF loan, walking away from the troika bailout program and taking control of its insolvent domestic banking system, Alexis…

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The Superpower Conundrum

Editor, Tom Dispatch.com The Superpower Conundrum Posted: 07/02/2015  The Rise and Fall of Just About Everything Cross-posted with TomDispatch.com The rise and fall of great powers and their imperial domains has been a central fact of history for centuries.  It’s been a sensible, repeatedly validated framework for thinking about the fate of the planet.  So…

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THE U.S.A. has pushed itself from a bad position into one worse than anyone could imagine 20 years ago!

      Don’t Push A Bad Position! Bill Holter | June 26, 2015 – 11:07am Facebook Twitter Forward Print     “Don’t push a bad position”! This is good advice in many varied quests. It is good advice in games like chess or poker. Good advice in sports, business, politics, geopolitics and certainly in…

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TTIP……the right to sit in judgment of national laws and constitution. …..

    These agreements aren’t focused on lowering barriers, but harmonizing global regulations at the cost of sovereignty.   Nowhere is this more clear than in the new enthusiasm for special “investor-state dispute settlement” (ISDS) mechanisms. ISDS gives foreign corporations the right to sue national governments for regulations that interfere with their expected profits. It…