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Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Slow and Steady Wins the Race



For those who are still a little slow about the Bad Guys….
(1) Columbia is one of the names of the Great Whore of Babylon, also known as the Great Abomination—- the goddess known also as Semiramis, Ashtoreth, Astarte, Isis, and Cybele. 
(2) The Federal Government is based out of?  The District of Columbia.  The District is named after?  Columbia.  The Babylonian goddess.  
(3) The District Government is a theocracy that worships Columbia. Her worship was brought here by renegade Freemasons and by the so-called “secular administration” of the Roman Catholic Church. The secular administration is a separate and worldly activity and those involved in it worship the goddess; they operate under their own High Priest known as the Roman Pontiff.  This semi-symbiotic relationship has led to the pernicious cruelty of the Church — pogroms, inquisitions, killing-for-Christ wars like the Crusades and mercenary expeditions like the Spanish Conquest, were all carried out by the so-called “Secular Church”. 
Count that as the Mother of all Oxymorons. 
(4) The Statue of Liberty is a giant image or idol of Columbia; the Babylonian goddess in all her many iterations is always shown with rays of light coming out of her head, and similar to her male consort, Lucifer, she is touted as “the light bringer”— hence, she is seen carrying a torch or lantern or pictured as standing before the blazing sun, or with halos around her head in iconography.  
(5) The seat of the District Government, Washington, DC, is absolutely full of signs and symbols of her worship— note the pentagram shape of the Pentagon, realize that the Washington Monument is a giant phallic symbol, and see the minor obelisks, pine cones, owls, and images of bundles of tied sticks (faggots) which are all emblems of the worship of this goddess and symbols of the Ancient Roman government.  
(6) Whenever you see the word “district” you have cause to know that you are dealing with this venal and secretive pagan theocracy being promoted  by the “District Government”: US District Court, school districts, voting districts, District Assemblies, etc.  Anything called a “district” or a “municipality” is part of the problem and contributing materially to it. 
(7) The goddess these foreign bureaucrats worship is, among other things, famous for prostitution, slavery, all forms of sexual deviance, child murder and infanticide, drinking of blood as a religious observance, orgies, cannibalism, demon worship, the creation of money and taxes, using sexual intercourse as a sacrament, and many other repugnant ideas and practices. 
(8) The priests of Cybele (different name for the same goddess)  wore black robes and white wigs and castrated themselves in honor of their goddess.  They came to Rome in the Second Century BC and were promptly hired as tax collectors by the Roman government and set up Tax Courts. Members of the Bar Association continue in this role to the present day. They work out of temples, and particularly, the Temple Bar complex in the Inner City of London. 
So now that you know the source of the rot, you know why the adherents of this profane “religion” are stealing kids off our streets and sacrificing them and drinking their blood as a drug.  You know why their “district” school boards think it is okay to teach five year-olds about sodomy and have them practice putting condoms on life-like penis models. You also know why they promote abortion and trade in “sacrificed” fetal organs and tissues and do things like make face cream out of the foreskins ripped off baby boys in their hospitals. 
See Oprah’s latest line of skincare products.
And it also makes sense that you need to get your kids out of their schools and other institutions and yourself protected as much as possible and— most of all, get your own government fully restored ASAP.
This is not a drill, though their Plandemic is. 

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