If you believe private investment banks should be free to loot and plunder

Even the most market-oriented capitalist would hesitate to encourage Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, or Boeing to produce more sophisticated weapons systems for other nations than we produce for ourselves, even if it meant huge profits for those companies and their shareholders. It would simply not be in our national security interest. Yet few voices are raised…

Blackwater and CIA conducts nightly RAIDS

EX-EMPLOYEES: BLACKWATER CHARGED U.S. TAXPAYERS FOR PROSTITUTES Iraq Orders Hundreds Of Former Blackwater Guards Out Of The Country… But Firm Is Still Vying For $1 Billion U.S. Contract For Afghan War — Private security guards from Blackwater Worldwide participated in some of the C.I.A.’s most sensitive activities — clandestine raids with agency officers against people…

Oliver Stone ignites controversy

Oliver Stone will attempt to humanize Adolph Hitler in his new, upcoming 10-part documentary series, “The Secret History of the United States,” right? That’s evidently the plan as reported last week by The Independent. Stone apparently wants to “liberalize” Hitler and to finger U.S. corporations for their role in the rise of National Socialism in…