Stuxnet Virus set back Iran’s nuclear program by 2 years: effective as military strike
By YAAKOV KATZ 12/15/2010
Al Jazeera Worldwide Integrity Survives Western Smear Campaigns [cablegate]
“While we do not claim to get it right all of the time (we are only human), we have got it right most of the time.”
Wikileakes avengers want INFOWAR: Hacker attacks battle for digital good and evil
WikiLeaks Loyalists Hack MasterCard: revenge !
Putin threatens Assange with Elimination
As U.S. officials struggle to control damage from the secret cables, Russia is planning to block a similar dump about the Kremlin. And Putin will be ruthless.
Wikileakes: Diplomatic Catasrophe`
Diplomatic catastrophe’
The Buzz on China Drones
China has been helped by Israel, which sold China anti-radar drones in the 1990s—to the fury of the Pentagon, which has since blocked the Israelis from providing upgrades.