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Israel needs every friend it can get in the region.

    Cairo Thousands of Egyptians stormed the Israeli embassy. The ambassador had to be flown to safety in a military aircraft. In Ankara, too, Israel’s representative was driven out – by the government of Turkey, the host country. The Arab Spring has segued into an incandescent Arab Summer now threatened by a cold snap….


Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy: John Le Carre and Reality

By Gordon Corera The new film adaptation of Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, premiered at the Venice Film Festival last week, has been praised for its atmospheric depiction of 1970s London. But how firmly is John Le Carre’s novel rooted in reality? (Spoiler alert: Key plot details revealed below) Trying to establish the precise relationship between…


WikiLeaks Whistleblowers: Ugly End To The Credibility of Julian Assange

Julian Assange and his former German cohort Daniel Domscheit-Berg blame each other for the circulation on the Internet of the identities of secret informants from diplomatic cables obtained by WikiLeaks. Now, with lives in danger, the organization risks quickly losing credibility. This story of two bickering computer nerds vying for a place in history —…

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A Bloody Period Of Retribution On Libyan Horizon

    A BLOODY PERIOD OF RETRIBUTION ON LIBYAN HORIZON     The Tunisians are closest to events in the war-torn country on their eastern border.  And so it was a clear sign of events to come on Sunday morning when Tunis unexpectedly recognized Libya’s National Transitional Council as the country’s legitimate government. Up until…

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Revolutionary Triumphant Entry To Tripoli In The Great Global Reset

    Triumphant entry into Tripoli   THE noose tightened and tightened and on Saturday night it cinched fast. Through Sunday, August 21st and into early Monday morning, the world watched through scratchy video feeds as Libya’s rebels—now in the heart of Tripoli and with the run of the country—searched for the trap door through…

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Russia has two paths—to change or to die : Zahar Prilepin

       A literary festival in St-Malo, France, Russian writer Zahar Prilepin and I spoke on a panel about Russia’s war in Chechnya. The audience was fired up with anti-Russian sentiment, having just seen a documentary on the devastation of Grozny by Russian forces in 2000. Prilepin—muscular, silent—sank sullenly in his chair as the…

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Somalia UN World Food Program: Refuses to pay and finance Al-Shabaab terrorism

  A human migration that started more than a month     A table made of bits and pieces, an old notebook, green crumbling walls: this is where Luul Mohamed, the 46-year-old head of the pediatrics department at Banadir Hospital in Mogadishu examines a hundred children every day. Sheesam comes in with her mother. She…


Freedom Fighters say Gaddafi troops abandon towns in west in march to Tripoli

Libya: Tripoli braces for Gaddafi’s final curtain August 17, 2011 There is little fight left in Libya’s capital as Nato ramps up its air raids and the rebels close in, says Damien McElroy. Nato’s war in Libya has so far been one of false starts and missed deadlines. But with rebels now inside the key…