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What is Competitive Devalution = Robbing and Cheating Citizens of their money

  12/10/2014 08:59 -0500 Readers are familiar with the fable of “The Goose That Laid The Golden Eggs”, or at very least, are familiar with the metaphor which was the moral of that fable: one should never kill a goose that lays golden eggs. Such advice seems obvious to the point of being simplistic, and…

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Economic Sense for Everyone to Divest from Fossil Fuels

  As the 20th UN Climate Summit begins in Peru, one faster way to fight global warming is to steer investors away from oil and gas, and bet instead in clean energy. The planet depends on it. Why it makes Economic Sense for Universities to Divest from Fossil Fuels By John Quiggin, The University of…


Asymmetric means: Russia, China, And Iran Are Mastering Unconventional Warfare

  US PARATROOPERS   Russia, China, Iran, and Islamists are waging unconventional warfare around the world, and the United States currently lacks a clear strategy to counter the threat, according to a recent report by the Army Special Operations Command. “This challenge is hybrid warfare combining conventional, irregular, and asymmetric means, to include the persistent…

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A new “business model” for African defence ministries is taking shape.

  THE north-eastern Nigerian town of Chibok is spared little. Earlier this year fighters from the extremist group, Boko Haram, abducted more than 200 local schoolgirls. In the past week insurgents and government troops have traded possession of urban districts and surrounding farmland, leaving much of it burnt. The Nigerian army, one of the biggest…

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Wake Up Californians….Slowly & Unequivocally Being Poisoned In Your Ground Water

3 Billion Gallons of Highly-Toxic Fracking Waste Dumped Into California Drinking Water Supply  November 22, 2014..update 11/26/14 California Has Been Fracked Army psychological operation soldiers   We’ve warned for years that fracking pollutes our scarce drinking water. As the Emmy-winning documentary Gasland demonstrates,  fracking is polluting water all over the country. A study published in…

The Czar would Risk Everything in War in Ukraine

The Czar would Risk Everything in War in Ukraine

Carl von Clausewitz Tuesday, 18 November 2014 (20 hours ago) Worldcrunch.com / DIE WELT*BERLIN* — As German military theorist Carl von Clausewitz once wrote, the aggressor is always peace-loving. He wants to take over our land, our people, our resources without firing a single shot. By this same logic, the defender is always the aggressor.This truth has…

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A new edition of a Cold War World with NO ORDER

There is a widespread belief both in Russia and abroad that the Ukrainian crisis has undermined the system of international relations, which was built after the end of the Cold War at the turn of the 1990s and even since much earlier – after the end of World War II in 1945. This belief is…


The Puppetmaster Behind The Syrian War

  For those to whom the recent US campaign against Syria seems a deja vu of last summer’s “near-war” attempt to ouster its president Bashar al-Assad, which was stopped in the last minute due to some very forceful Russian intervention and the near breakout of war in the Mediterranean between US and Russian navies, it…