
Understanding Leadership in the 21st century: reorganisation of international relations

 GLOBALIST ELITE FEARS PEACE, WANTS WAR The deep state considers negotiating with opponents to be wrong and counterproductive Federico Pieraccini | The Strategic Culture Foundation – JULY 14, 2018 38 Comments The announced meeting between Trump and Putin has already produced a good result by revealing the hypocrisy of the media and politicians. The meeting has been branded as the…

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A Deep State leak to the New York Times reveals that the Obama regime spied on the Trump campaign without evidence of any crime

 Barack Obama was running the entire spygate operation that violated federal law to spy on Trump campaign officials confirmed…… Friday, July 05, 2018 by: Jayson Veley Tags: barack obama, corruption, crime, deep state, Donald Trump, President Trump, scandal, Spygate, treason, White House  In recent months, democrats have laughed in the face of everyone that has even considered the possibility that Barack Obama was involved in the counterintelligence investigation…


Comey And Lynch Will Be Subpoenaed By Senate

Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) says he’ll issue subpoenas for former FBI Director James Comey and former Attorney General Loretta Lynch, but the panel’s top Democrat Dianne Feinstein (CA) has to agree to it per committee rules. Grassley also said he would be open to exploring immunity for Comey’s former #2, Andrew McCabe. “I will want to subpoena…

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We all live in a little Village. Your Village may be different from other people’s Villages, but we are all prisoners.

Government Eyes Are Watching You: We Are All Prisoners Of The Surveillance State     by Tyler Durden Wed, 06/20/2018 – 00:05 “We’re run by the Pentagon, we’re run by Madison Avenue, we’re run by television, and as long as we accept those things and don’t revolt we’ll have to go along with the stream to…

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Discussion of a Crime NOW Becomes a Crime as in Genocide

When Discussion of a Crime Becomes a Crime By Al Lentes Monday, April 30, 2018   When Discussion of a Crime Becomes a Crime The horrific disregard for human rights displayed by Israel in dealing with unarmed Palestinian protestors was on full display for the world to witness this past month. Thousands of men, women and…

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Trump visited by U.S. military leaders in a powerful show of support emphasizing it too shadow players

QAnon on the Rothschild, Saudi & Soros Puppet Masters behind the Deep State WRITTEN BY DR MICHAEL SALLA ON APRIL 21, 2018. POSTED IN FEATURED, US POLITICS There has been a number of important developments within the U.S. that indicate how ferocious the behind the scenes battle has become between President Donald Trump and senior Deep State officials embedded within…

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The Destruction of Testosterone is Destroying men in Mind, Body, and Spirit

CONFIRMED: Sperm count in Western men is HALF what it should be; what is happening to the average American man? 04/11/2018 / By Ethan Huff There’s an infertility crisis of epic proportions ravaging Western society, and the biggest victims are men, whose average sperm counts have reportedlyplummeted to about half of what they should be – with no end…

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This is an issue that will define the next several decades and haunt our children and grandchildren for decades

ENVIRONMENT Scientists are Still Preparing to Spray the Skies in 2018 This is an issue that will define the next several decades and haunt our children and grandchildren for decades more if we don’t pay attention. Markab Algedi, The Mind Unleashed True, Organic and Free Nearly a year ago, we reported that notorious weather modification (geoengineering) proponent, Harvard professor…

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Russia emerges victor over NATO, is gradually giving rise to a new world equilibrium.

Towards a Post-War in the Greater Middle East by Thierry Meyssan Contrary to the picture portrayed by Atlanticist propaganda, Thierry Meyssan takes a long-term view of international relations. For him, what we have seen in Syria over the last seven years is not a civil war, but rather a seventeen-year regional war in the greater Middle…

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Mind Control “effects” and “control mechanisms”

 “SYMPTOMS”  Picture: The most visible and common TI-symptom, especially in the first stages when the attacks are uncontrolable and the body has not coped with them yet, are the red eyes. Here we try to classify all kind of symptoms that targeted individuals experience on one page. We refer to “symptoms” as both “effects” and…