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The deck is stacked. fix is in.

  By Wayne Allyn Root The deck is stacked. fix is in. The Democrat Party, DC Swamp, Deep State, globalists, socialists, various special interest groups, and a few bought-and-sold RINO Republicans are giving your country away, day by day, hour by hour, inch by inch. This is about unbridled greed. Open borders are making a…

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How Porn Grooms Children for Human Traffic

  The Silent Victims: A Hidden World Where Boys Are Trafficked BY BOWEN XIAO June 12, 2019 NEW YORK—One boy was trafficked with his mother by her husband and held in captivity for most of his life. Another was lured through video games into a family that forced him to have sexual relations with them and…

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The Epoch Times’ position on and approach to reporting on the Trump administration is described in this October 2018 letter to our readers.

VIEWPOINTS Our Response to NBC News’ Inappropriate Questions Stephen Gregory PUBLISHER June 20, 2019 Dear Readers, Last week, we were contacted by two NBC reporters who posed a series of highly inappropriate questions. The NBC reporters questioned the religious beliefs of some of our staff members, sought to discredit their beliefs, attacked our journalism based…

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GMOs are killing us, filling our food supply with unnatural sustenance and prompting toxic glyphosate to be sprayed on our food and make its way into our soil, air and water while the FDA looks the other wa

GMOs are killing us: Facts you probably don’t know 06/05/2019 / By Isabelle Z. You’ve probably heard that GMOs are bad, and that’s absolutely accurate – but it’s also an oversimplification. It’s not like high fructose corn syrup, a toxic ingredient that you can easily avoid by not purchasing foods that are made with it. The problem…

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The tech giants must be stopped, or America is lost

To protect speech and democracy, President Trump must now seize the domain names of Google, Facebook, Twitter and other tech giants that abuse their power to silence human beings 03/22/2019 / By Mike Adams If you told me five years ago that I would wake up one day in America and have Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Google…

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Galactic Federation ship with 49 smaller ships 250 feet wide carried inside arrived on March 7th

Ides of March will be known as the month of enforcement and disclosures MARCH 14, 2019~ADMIN James Gilliland – Earlier (February 26th) we said a very large Galactic Federation ship with 49 smaller ships 250 feet wide carried inside was coming on March 7th. They’re here. Remote viewing with John Vivanco confirmed there is an elite…

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Great civilizations are not murdered. Instead, they take their own lives

Studying the demise of historic civilizations can tell us how much risk we face today, says collapse expert Luke Kemp. Worryingly, the signs are worsening By Luke Kemp  February 2019 Great civilizations are not murdered. Instead, they take their own lives. DEEP CIVILIZATION This article is part of a new BBC Future series about the long…

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Going to the moon, without a rocket

First Private Lunar Spacecraft Shoots for the Moon By John Horack, The Ohio State University | February 2, 2019 07:55am ET Art depicting SpaceIL’s Beresheet Lander on the moon. Credit: SpaceIL John Horack, Neil Armstrong Chair and Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, The Ohio State University “Moon of Israel” is an epic 1924 film from the golden era…