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BLOOD MONEY: How Qatar Bought Off the Entire DC Establishment

The new film “Blood Money” deals with how the tiny Gulf Emirate of Qatar funds lobbyists, media outlets, think tanks to advance its agenda in Washington at the expense of the US and our allies. It explains, through this case study, how the foreign influence game works inside the Beltway. It also deals with a…

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Seattle Is Dying: Consumed by Chaos

Liberal cities across America are collapsing into Third World status, including Seattle… all thanks to liberal policies 04/10/2019 / By Vicki Batts It seems Seattle is now seeing what far-left policies look like in reality — and much like the rest of America’s most liberal cities, the results aren’t very pretty. An exclusive report by KOMO News details the…

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Antartica Hidden History : Space Secret Fleet Operations

Navy Insiders Corroborate Secret Antarctic Space Fleet & Mission to Oumuamua » Exopolitics Navy Insiders Corroborate Secret Antarctic Space Fleet & Mission to Oumuamua WRITTEN BY DR MICHAEL SALLA ON FEBRUARY 22, 2019. POSTED IN FEATURED, SPACE PROGRAMS A former Navy Seal and a Marine Corps special operator have just revealed in an interview their knowledge of a secret space…

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Wandering Earth on track to be one of highest-grossing films in country’s history

  China challenges Hollywood with own sci-fi blockbuster Wandering Earth on track to be one of highest-grossing films in country’s history Lily Kuo in Beijing Mon 11 Feb 2019   The Wandering Earth been described as a cross between Armageddon and 2001: A Space Odyssey. Photograph: China Film Group Corporation/IMDB China has entered the cinematic space race. Wandering…

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Going to the moon, without a rocket

First Private Lunar Spacecraft Shoots for the Moon By John Horack, The Ohio State University | February 2, 2019 07:55am ET Art depicting SpaceIL’s Beresheet Lander on the moon. Credit: SpaceIL John Horack, Neil Armstrong Chair and Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, The Ohio State University “Moon of Israel” is an epic 1924 film from the golden era…


ALL Americans have the right to refuse vaccines for ANY reason

  Fox News now demanding the criminalization and ARREST of “anti-vaxxers” … we warned you this was coming 02/1/2019 / By Ethan Huff A quick reminder to our many faithful readers: Don’t believe everything you hear over at Fox News, despite the network’s seeming support for conservative, a.k.a. liberty-centric, ideals – because things are not always as they…

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Obama had been Goldman Sachs lawn boy….What about `Trumpet`

BLACKROCK/VANGUARD Bought THE ENTIRE WORLD? July 30, 2018 Site Admin  by Miles Mathis I got into this one in a weird way, as usual. I was researching famous 19th century author Bret Harte,who wrote about cowboys. You won’t be surprised by what I found first: his grandfather was an Orthodox Jewish immigrant who was one of the…

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Exxon`s Crime of the Millennium and Biggest Scandal in Human History

Exxon’s Never-Ending Big Dig 02/19/2016    Flooding the Earth With Fossil Fuels Cross-posted with TomDispatch.com Here’s the story so far. We have the chief legal representatives of the eighth and 16th largest economies on Earth (California and New York) probing the biggest fossil fuel company on Earth (ExxonMobil), while both Democratic presidential candidates are demanding…