Understand the True Purpose of the FEMA Camps..

The UN plan to break apart and occupy America following the Red Dawn Invasion 09/29/2019 / By News Editors Through the research of Marilyn Rupar and myself, we have established the fact that a major area of military operations is being organized, right now, both inside of Venezuela, off the coast of Venezuela and on the Venezuela-Colombian…

Trumping All the Democrats in Congress

WHAT IF Trump Really is Playing 4-D Chess, and the Ukraine Crisis is the Biggest Baddest Political Trap Ever Set?    Sun, 09/30/2019 update The following conspiracy by David Haggith was published on The Great Recession Blog: Conspiracy theories are like crime novels. You can create an infinite number of them, and all they require is a plausible…

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Mitt Romney Bain Capital Crimes and Unethical Deals

AMERICAN INTELLIGENCE MEDIA Citizens Addicted to Truth MITT ROMNEY: JUST ANOTHER CORRUPT BUSH SON The idea that the corporate media is floating about Mitt Romney “assuming” the senate seat of Orin Hatch is disheartening and underscores the short memories of political pundits who have forgotten the cloud of corruption and crimes that surround Unfit Mitt….

2019, climate confusion and global warming derangement have become the norm among gullible leftists

 Remember the dog sled picture the media claimed was proof of melting glaciers? It was another climate hysteria HOAX 09/26/2019 / By Ethan Huff One by one, various climate hoaxes continue to be exposed as the fake news they’ve always been, including the below photo of what appears to be sled dogs running across a patch of melted glacier…

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Hitler, Stalin, and Mao never forced the homosexual or sex change agenda on their people. America’s contemporary fascists

This is why Americans are arming up for bear: Over 100 million people have been brutally slaughtered by the political philosophy being pushed on America by Democrats in 2019 09/25/2019 / By News Editors We are assured by the Deep State, academia, and the slimestream media that there is a political spectrum that runs from communism on…

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Biden is just another dirty Democrat scoundrel that Trump wants to expose

Dems accuse Trump of asking Ukraine leader to probe Hunter Biden’s business deals but were SILENT over Obama’s use of foreign intelligence to spy on 2016 campaign 09/22/2019 / By JD Heyes You have to admit one thing about Democrats: They have hypocrisy down to a fine art and they are extremely good practitioners. Case in point:…

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Never let a crisis go to waste

Adams warns: Authoritarians are racing to take away your liberties before the coming debt collapse 09/22/2019 / By Mike Adams Are you baffled by the sudden aggressiveness of the push to confiscate your guns and silence your voice? Why are both the First and Second Amendments under such seemingly desperate assault by authoritarian tyrants? The answer is…

Joe Biden reminds us that losers sometimes compose history.

The Madcap Adventures of ‘Buckaroo Banzai’ Biden Joe Biden reminds us that losers sometimes compose history. Victor Davis Hanson – September 22nd, 2019 Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden – photo: AP via Breitbart Sometime-Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden was at it again, voicing his brand of tough-guy boasts that he can “beat Trump like a…

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Liquidity Stress Fractures Begin to Show in the Federal Reserve System.

Fed Loses Control of its Benchmark Interest: Repo Rates through the Roof!  by Knave Dave Sun, 09/22/2019  The following article by David Haggith was published on The Great Recession Blog: Well, that didn’t take long! Four days ago, I stated the following in an article titled “Why are Bonds Going for Broke?“: Central banks are losing control, and are…

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Interior Department Transfers 560 Acres of Public Land for Border Wall Construction

Construction on a new half-mile section of border fence built by We Build the Wall at Sunland Park, N.M., on May 30, 2019. (Charlotte Cuthbertson/The Epoch Times) Pentagon: Border Wall Going Up at About 1 Mile Per Day, and Rising BY TOM OZIMEK September 20, 2019 A Pentagon spokesperson has announced that the border wall is going up…