
New Activisim Empowers Women Worldwide

Technologies That Empower Women by Tom Watson Tom Watson is the author of CauseWired: Plugging In, Getting Involved, Changing the World (Wiley, 2008) and managing partner of CauseWired Communications LLC, a consulting firm that works with nonprofits and causes. Courtesy of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation / Frédéric Courbet 5. E-Learning A public-private partnership…

If you believe private investment banks should be free to loot and plunder

Even the most market-oriented capitalist would hesitate to encourage Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, or Boeing to produce more sophisticated weapons systems for other nations than we produce for ourselves, even if it meant huge profits for those companies and their shareholders. It would simply not be in our national security interest. Yet few voices are raised…

Intelligence Briefing

CREDIT: Mark Alan Stamaty ,,, simon says:  Things are not right with the world ADVANCED FINANCIAL ANALYSIS Yes, I’m dismayed by this weekend’s earthquake in Chile (I really adore the country), and am quite disgusted by the US government’s extension of the PATRIOT Act.  Fortunately, I know the Chileans will pull through just fine, and…