There is a struggle going on right now between the the global elites, C.I.A., Donald Trump, Julian Assange and Wikileaks. A struggle so powerful it threatens to rip apart the fabric of our current reality. It’s not a struggle between left and right. it’s a war between the infinitely rich and powerful, and the rest of human civilization.
It involves Vault 7, Pizzagate/Pedogate, the State Department and The White House, whistle blowers, espionage, hackers and ddos attacks, Ecuador, Russia and us, the masses.
It’s a very real story of corruption at the very core of our society.
Former Rep. Dennis Kucinich on Gen. Michael Flynn resigning as President Trump’s National Security Advisor and the divide between the intelligence community and Trump ? YouTube
I’ve been following and investigating Pizzagate/pedogate, Julian Assange, Vault7, Clinton Foundation, DNC and the Podesta emails from just after the pizzagate Reddit thread was shutdown on Oct 20th 2106
Shortly after the leaks stories started to appear in the MSM alleging that some of Washington DCs elite were part of a satan worshiping pedo cult. Suddenly the phrase “fake news” was invented and the MSM would dismiss any PizzaGate/PedoGate stories as “fake news”.
Soon after that they stopped taking about pizzagate and “fake news” all together. Although the mantra of fighting “fake news” remained. The only thing that seemed to be reported was that the leaked emails were giving Donald Trump and unfair advantage and that the emails came from the Russian government who were colluding with Trump in order for him to become president. There was never really any reporting of what was actually in the emails. Neither was there much reporting on the investigation over Hillary Clintons private email server and the fact she bleachbit the hard drives to hide incriminating evidence.
You would think now the elections have finished and she lost that there would no longer be a need to “fight fake news”. But it seems not. Since Hillary Clinton lost the election and Donald Trump was sworn in they have ramped up the fight on “fake news” even further. Tech giants like Facebook, Google and Apple have been aggressively pushing the war on “fake news” recently. More so now than ever before.
The thing is is that it’s not as if we haven’t seen fake news in the past. In the past it was called lies. The public used their critical thinking skills and would decide for themselves whether it was a lie or not.
I know it’s hard for some people to believe but us humans are able to fact check for ourselves and then decide if its fake or not. This is simply what we were doing over on Fact checking the story for ourselves.
You have to ask yourself why is there so much fuss over “fake news” still and who is pushing the agenda? Especially now the US elections have finished. It’s interesting to note the timing of Google and Facebook joining the drive against fake news in France and Germany (they both have general elections coming up). Both these countries are under threat from loosing their globalist elite leaders.
Why are they involved with France all of a sudden? Why has Wikileaks just released a CIA document exposing the CIAs involvement with the 2012 French general elections? What has suddenly changed? Why are big tech companies so eager to fight the “Fake News”? Is something about to be exposed by Wikileaks? Are the shadow government trying to limit the damage before it’s made public? They have even pushed through new laws in the U.K. banning journalists from reporting on the the content of leaked information. All of this can’t just be a coincidence surely!
My conclusion is based on many months of research that started with the Podesta and DNC emails. To be honest I never in a million years expected to come to this conclusion and it scares me.
Vault 7 is on the 7th floor of the State Department previously ran by Hillary Clinton and her staff.
From what I have pieced together from the research I have done I believe it’s a file that will expose the CIA, 100s of public figures including Hillary Clinton, and many of it’s secrets. It can only be this. Why all the sudden flurry of activity based around news and leaked documents. The link with vault7 and the DNC and pizzagate. Its all linked.
There is something big in the shadows they don’t want us to see. It’s big and scary and its probably going to fuck us up. It could be anything from spying on countries and manipulating elections to the war on terror, ISIS and the destabilization of the middle east or the banking crisis being created by Goldman Sachs and Wall Street. Maybe even 9/11 if it was planned.
The leaks have already begun. On 02/16/2017 Wikileaks released the first in a series of CIA documents that showed the CIAs was spying on all the major parties from the 2012 French general election.
Interestingly there has been large scale restructuring of the 7th Floor State Department over the last few days.
- While Rex Tillerson is on an overseas trip as Secretary of State, his aides laid off staff at the State Department.
- Much of seventh-floor staff, who work for the Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources and the Counselor offices, were told today that their services were no longer needed.
- These staffers in particular are often the conduit between the secretary’s office to the country bureaus, where the regional expertise is centered.
- Inside the State Department, some officials fear that this is a politically-minded purge.
- Clear signals being sent that many key foreign policy portfolios will be controlled directly by the White House, rather than through the professional diplomats.
- Not a single State Department official was included in the White House meetings with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu this week.
- Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner – who has no regional expertise or diplomatic experience – had a greater role in the meeting than the Senate-confirmed secretary of State.
There is certainly more going on here that what is initially reported. Trump decided to lay off many of the 7th Floor staffers from Hillary Clintons department. This by itself wouldn’t be unheard of but then to also shut out the entire state department from talks with the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu seems rather extreme. Especially considering he would rather trust his Son-in-Law, who has no regional expertise or diplomatic experience, over his own government.
The face of this hidden agenda is the Clinton Foundations and all of its partners, associates and initiatives.
- The Clintons have relied heavily on their close ties to Wall Street, with donations from the financial services sector representing the largest share of corporate donors.
- Many of the foundation’s biggest donors are foreigners who are legally barred from giving to U.S. political candidates.
- A third of foundation donors who have given more than $1 million are foreign governments or other entities based outside the United States, and foreign donors make up more than half of those who have given more than $5 million.
- The Clinton Foundation’s finances are so messy that the nation’s most influential charity watchdog put it on its “watch list” of problematic nonprofits last month.
- The Clinton family’s mega-charity took in more than $140 million in grants and pledges in 2013 but spent just $9 million on direct aid.
- The group spent the bulk of its windfall on administration, travel, and salaries and bonuses, with the fattest payouts going to family friends
Before the DNC leaks the shadow government were certain that Hillary would win. The reason the attack is so sustained on Trump is because Trump ruined their plan for a silent globalist elite takeover of American. Whether the emails came from Russia or the DNC it doesn’t matter. All that matters is the truth was told and people could make there own decision.
With help from Wikileaks and a large % of the American public Trump was elected.
GLENN GREENWALD: The deep state, although there’s no precise or scientific definition, generally refers to the agencies in Washington that are permanent power factions. They stay and exercise power even as presidents who are elected come and go. They typically exercise their power in secret, in the dark, and so they’re barely subject to democratic accountability, if they’re subject to it at all. It’s agencies like the CIA, the NSA and the other intelligence agencies, that are essentially designed to disseminate disinformation and deceit and propaganda, and have a long history of doing not only that, but also have a long history of the world’s worst war crimes, atrocities and death squads.
Don’t get me wrong. I don’t like Trump. I believe there has to be a certain level corruption to get to that level of wealth and power. But he is by far less corrupt than Hillary. That simply is why people voted for Donald Trump.
I can understand why people voted for him. It wasn’t because they were racists or bigots (although statistically speaking there would have to be some). It was because he was the only alternative choice.
If Donald was as corrupt as Hillary don’t you think something would have come out on him over the election other than the grabbing pussy incident and a few racist remarks. (I’m not condoning anything he says or does. I’m just pointing out the relative size of the things exposed about him during the election compared to Hillary.) And you know the DNC had a whole team of people trying to dig up dirt on him.
- If we hate or fear what Donald Trump stands for, whips up, and is trying to do, it is easy to be gleeful about anything that weakens his administration. But this is a moment for discernment, and most of us are getting sucked into something extremely dangerous.
- The Deep State (a/k/a the Foreign Policy Establishment) consists of people and institutions who maintain a fairly consistent foreign policy regardless of which political party holds power. It has been reshaping Russia into an enemy again for some time. The weapons manufacturers, the oil oligopoly, and their bedfellows in agencies like the CIA have much to gain from the growing adversarial relationship.
2 informative videos from @PressForTruth giving you the run down of the Vault 7 tweets.
Never in the entire history of the CIA had it exposed itself in this way. But after exposing Flynn of talking to the Russian ambassador, which is not a crime by itself as proven by an FBI investigation [here], the agency also admitted to having withheld vital information to the president as a way of insulting him, which happens to be bordering on treason, if only we have a fully functioning republic in the United States.
Hopefully soon we will have the power to change it. A chance to understand what has been going on and a chance to reinvent our future. Thanks to the brave people at Wikileaks and Julian Assange we will now have the tools to fight back. We need to fight back with open sourced citizen journalism. We need to fight back with education. We need to fight back with freedom of speech. We need to stand together and shout the truth.
Hillary Clinton Staffer AMA from 4chan
DHS insider Interview ? Victurus Libertas
Fbi anon returns to 4chan ? Steemit @ausbitbank – 02/17/2017
Fake news is real news. The fight on fake news is a fight on real news getting out concerning a big leak of a CIA file that contains evidence of a secret global elite that worked out of the 7th floor, known as a shadow government. The shadow government have plans to potentially start world war 3 with Russia so they can profit from the weapons and wipe out half the planet in the process. DAM!! Looks like 2017 is going to be a bumpy ride.
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michaelstobiersk64 · 2 days ago
This is an outstanding post. Shared od FB TWEET RESTEEMED!
????? ????? ?????
fortified54 · 2 days ago
Thank you. This is important.
ausbitbank69 · 2 days ago
Resteemed and retweeted, great post 🙂
fortified54 · 2 days ago
Thank you. This is important. I can’t believe there aren’t more people speaking about it.
notoriousdjp46 · yesterday
Fantastic, phenomenal article my friend. Loved it!! I did notice you said you didn’t like Trump and he has to have some corruption to get where he was. But then you said the DNC was scouring the internet to find dirt on him and the best they could do was audio of him saying “grab her by the pussy” eluding to women throwing themselves at him because of his wealth. I personally believe he is the real deal and got where he is with hard work and good intentions. Please let me know what you think of my articles as well. I’ve been putting a religious spin on the same type of subject matter. Blogging is new to me but your article was very professional and I will use it as a guide for my own work. Thanks!
fortified54 · yesterday
Indeed he seems to have got where his is by hard work. But I’m also very aware of how corrupt the building industry is. Its very cut throat and people will stop for nothing to get prime real estate. Even if that means paying someone off or evicting families from their homes.
I feel if you have a good work ethic and want to earn money then Trump has no problem with you. Inherently though money does corrupt. History tells you this. Hillary was far more corrupt and the public saw this even with the MSM trying to hide it.
eric-boucher66 · 15 hours ago
Whoaaaa… I can hardly believe you were able to share all of this very precious information. This is going to be shared widely! Thank you for exposing it for us all to be fully aware of. All for one and one for all! Namaste 🙂
fortified54 · 12 hours ago
Shout it from the rooftops. This is real.
Thank you for taking the time to read it.
rebelskum60 · 2 days ago
Great research. Julian is tweeting that the poll leader is pro-Julian, but we’ll see. Can’t put anything past the CIA anymore. Definitely following.
fortified54 · 2 days ago
Thanks for the update.
inchhigh925 · 52 minutes ago
Amazing post filled with a wealth of information. Bravo to you for all the work you put into this and sharing. I am going to go through all the links as well. Thank you!
reddust67 · yesterday
FInall someone covers the lays off floor seven ….I heard it’s part of the shadow government.
fortified54 · yesterday
Indeed it is. 7th Floor group/shadow government.
The FBI confirms this.
shayne59 · yesterday
Awesome. Thanks so much for this.
fortified54 · yesterday
Thank you.
It’s very important.
steemjesus54 · 2 days ago
fuck yeah!
fortified54 · 2 days ago
Whales unite.
mammasitta64 · yesterday
Just found this impressive article on Twitter !
Great work ! Followed you for more. It will be probably more than just a bumpy ride
fortified54 · 21 hours ago
It’ll be an interesting ride for sure. Prepare to adjust everything you have ever known to be true.
daisyd63 · yesterday
Thank you so much for this @fortified – most interesting post I’ve read in days.
I wrote one earlier asking for answers;
Although you’ve answered a few, I’ve taken away more questions! Would love your insight on the topics I covered. And thank you for giving me days worth of reading and research 🙂
fortified54 · 21 hours ago
Very kind. This is big . I have tried to reply to your post the best I can. If you have any other questions feel free to ask.
daisyd63 · 15 hours ago
Thank you so much!!
daisyd63 · yesterday
P.S Resteemed and upvoted
transisto62 · 23 hours ago
Congratulation on your high view count, Where else did you post the link ?
fortified54 · 22 hours ago
No where else. I believe in steam only.
fortified54 · 21 hours ago
I’m intrigued by your question though.
Please elaborate why you ask.
transisto62 · 21 hours ago
Because many posts here manage to gather about $1.50 per views, (which is completely retarded) this post has 6200 views so far. Which mean that it must be linked outside of and actually bringing people to Steem.
fortified54 · 21 hours ago
I do not know of any external links. I am new to Steemit and felt it was the right platform to share my research. I’m glad it’s gained traction. People need to know. I’m not here for the money.
If you find an external link I would like to see it.
Thanks for your interest.
wolfbite25 · 4 hours ago
I found it on facebook
tyroan42 · 2 days ago
Bookmarked. Excellent work my friend. Thank you!
fortified54 · 2 days ago
onetree67 · 15 hours ago
Amazing post! This is what I like to see on Steemit!
fortified54 · 12 hours ago
The new wave of citizen journalism.
Please make sure everyone you know knows about this.
onetree67 · 7 hours ago
Problem is, most people don’t care. I resteemed & shared to fb for what it’s worth.
fortified54 · 7 hours ago
Thank you.
It’s only a matter of time.
valiozzi47 · 15 hours ago
Yeah, a storm in a cup. It would be so dull w/out all these conspiracy things
gabosh61 · yesterday
great investigation, i really enjoy the subject, upvote and resteemit, thank you for sharing
fortified54 · yesterday
Thank you. It amazes me how little this is being covered.