
20 States Planning to Reopen Their Economies in Near Future…


More Than 400,000 In L.A. County May Have Already Had Coronavirus, New Study Finds

As many as 442,000 Los Angeles County residents might have already been infected with the coronavirus by early April, a number far higher than the 8,000 cases confirmed at the time, according to a report released Monday.

In the first large-scale study of adults tested for COVID-19 antibodies in their blood, initial results show researchers found that 4.1% have the antibodies, an indication that they have already been exposed to the virus.

“That translates to roughly 221,000 to 442,000 adults who have recovered from an infection, once margin of error is taken into account, according to the researchers conducting the study,” the Los Angeles Times reported. “The estimated infection numbers are 28 to 55 times higher than the 7,994 confirmed COVID-19 cases L.A. County had reported at the time of the study in early April.”

The study, conducted by the University of Southern California and the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, tested more than 860 people deemed representative of L.A. County, the researchers told The Times.

TRENDING: DEVASTATING! Trump Campaign Releases BEST VIDEO AD of the Year – “Let Them Eat Ice Cream” (VIDEO)

“We haven’t known the true extent of COVID-19 infections in our community because we have only tested people with symptoms, and the availability of tests has been limited,” said lead investigator Neeraj Sood, professor of public policy at the USC Price School for Public Policy. “The estimates also suggest that we might have to recalibrate disease prediction models and rethink public health strategies.”

Said The Times: “The findings suggest the fatality rate may be much lower than previously thought. But although the virus may be more widespread, the infection rate still falls far short of herd immunity that, absent a vaccine, would be key to return to normal life.”

Trump Suspending Immigration Into US, Adviser Cites Health

April 20, 2020


US to Reopen Healthcare System in Regions With Few COVID-19 Cases

April 20, 2020

Updated April  19th

General Flynn’s defense team hits upon new documents

New documents discovered by General Michael Flynn’s former law firm are now in the hands of his current attorneys. One such document is likely to exonerate him from the crimes he has been charged with.

According to his lawyers, this whole affair has been made possible only because the Justice Department refused to declassify a document showing that an FBI spy had illegally infiltrated an August 2016 closed-door briefing of future President Trump with the CIA.

General Michael T. Flynn, former commander of US Military Intelligence and subsequently National Security Advisor to President Trump, had become the target of prosecutor Robert Mueller during the Russiagate impeachment push, leading to his forced resignation. He was notably accused of deliberately withholding information from Vice President Mike Pence. An exemplary soldier, he did not approve of “American imperialism and exceptionalism.” General Flynn came under the spotlight by denouncing the Obama administration’s support for the Muslim Brotherhood, Al-Qaeda and Daesh.

THE END OF NEW YORK: Mayor deBlasio Says New York City Will Not Reopen Until July or August AT THE EARLIEST!

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio joined Bill Hemmer today on FOX News

The mayor told Hemmer he does not expect New York City to open until July or August.

There will be nothing left in the city in July.

This is a good time for New Yorkers to look for an exit.

TRENDING: MSNBC’s Joy Reid: Shutdown Protests Are ‘Paid For By Activists For The Super-Rich’ (VIDEO)

NYC Mayor Deblasio tells Bill Hemmer that the city will start to reopen in July or August at the earliest.

Mayor de Blasio already announced schools will be closed for the rest of the year.

JUST IN: New York City public schools will remain closed for the remainder of this school year, Mayor de Blasio announces 

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And to think it wasn’t that long ago that Bill de Blasio was virtue-signalling and downplaying the virus.



Hong Kong Police Detain Veteran Democracy Activists in Raids

April 18, 2020 Updated

Tying It All Together: China, Dr. Fauci, French Company Sanofi Pasteur, George Soros and the Gates Foundation

Links between Dr. Tony Fauci, China, French company Sanofi Pasteur, George Soros and the Gates Foundation are old and deep.  The China coronavirus ties them all together.

In late December 2019, Taiwan sent an email to the World Health Organization (WHO) stating that a unique ‘atypical pneumonia’ was identified in China and asking the WHO to provide any information they might have regarding the pneumonia:

Breaking – @Taiwan_CDC releases the full content of the email that they sent to @WHO on December 31, 2019, warning them about the emergence of “atypical pneumonia” cases in and request WHO to share more information with them.

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At exactly the same time, and perhaps in response to Taiwan’s notice, Chinese Health officials notified the WHO of the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan:

TRENDING: Antibody Testing Reveals Coronavirus 50-85 Times More Widespread Than Previously Known and Thus Far Less Dangerous Than Expected

Chinese health officials informed the World Health Organization about the new virus on Dec. 31. By Jan. 8, it had been identified as a new coronavirus, a large family that causes the common cold and more serious illnesses including SARS, which also began in China. By Jan. 12, Chinese scientists had sequenced the virus’ genetic makeup and shared it with WHO, drawing praise for their transparency and swift action.

In contrast, the Wuhan heath commission reported no new cases from Jan. 5 to 10 and again from Jan. 12 to 16. China’s Lunar New Year rush —the world’s largest annual human migration — began to get underway, with millions of people passing through Wuhan, a major transit hub.

But then for most days between January 5th and 16th, China reported no new cases of the coronavirus leading up to the China New Year, yet there were hundreds of cases being reported in Wuhan and around China at this time:

Unemployment Hits Record High as 5.3 Million Workers File Jobless Claims

April 16, 2020

Anti-Trump “Anonymous” Leaker Victoria Coates Who Wrote Tell-All Book on Trump White House Is Reassigned to Saudi Arabia

BIG NEWS: New Study Finds 28 Million Americans Likely Infected by Coronavirus — Puts US Mortality Rate at 0.1% Just Like the Seasonal Flu

A new report by Justin Silverman and Alex Washberne on COVID-19 and featured in The Economist finds that the coronvirus is widespread in the US.

The authors argue that 28 million Americans have or have had the coronavirus.

Our work (@Alex_Washburne and I) on COVID-19 has been featured in @TheEconomist. I am extremely impressed by @DanRosenheck who wrote the piece.

Key points: We find strong evidence that COVID-19 is widespread (>28 million) in the US but don’t panic. 

Why a study showing that covid-19 is everywhere is good news

If millions of people were infected weeks ago without dying, the virus must be less deadly than official data suggest

If this study is accurate then the mortality rate of the coronavirus is 0.1%

@AlexBerenson “We find strong evidence that COVID-19 is widespread (>28 million) in the US but don’t panic.”
Yes. Reduces case-fatality ratio to ~0.1% 

Our work (@Alex_Washburne and I) on COVID-19 has been featured in @TheEconomist. I am extremely impressed by @DanRosenheck who wrote the piece.

Key points: We find strong evidence that COVID-19 is widespread (>28 million) in the US but don’t panic.

If this is true then the COVID-19 is no more dangerous than the seasonal flu this season.

Fauci ‘Cautiously Optimistic’ US Can Gradually Reopen Next Month As Virus Outbreak Flattens

April 13, 2020 Updated: April 13, 2020


Hydroxychloroquine Consignment Arrives in US After India Lifts Export Ban

April 12, 2020 Updated: 

DOJ to Review COVID-19 Restrictions On Religious Services

DOJ to Review COVID-19 Restrictions On Religious Services



US Jobless Claims Soar to Over 6 Million As Labor Market Rout Continues

April 9, 2020 Updated: April 9, 2020


Tyranny vs. Free World: Responses to Pandemic Expose Dark Side of Communism

Tyranny vs. Free World: Responses to Pandemic Expose Dark Side of Communism


HUGE! MN Senator and Dr. Reveals HHS Document Coaching Him on How to Overcount COVID-19 Cases — WITH COPY OF DOCUMENT (VIDEO)

HUGE! MN Senator and Dr. Reveals HHS Document Coaching Him on How to Overcount COVID-19 Cases — WITH COPY OF DOCUMENT (VIDEO)

Chris Berg

SHOCKING: MN Sen & Dr. @drscottjensen said that he received a 7 pg doc from @mnhealth to fill out death certificates with a diagnosis of -19 whether the person actually died from COVID-19 or not.

Why is inflating COVID-19 death numbers?

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Trump Reaches Deal With 3M to Bring 55.5 Million Masks to Healthcare Workers a Month

April 7, 2020

LATEST NUMBERS: Govt. Models Overestimated Hospitalizations by 8 Times; ICU Beds by 6.4 Times; Ventilators Needed by 40.5 Times

This is quite stunning.
The government models used to predict the extent of the coronavirus pandemic are off by huge margins in the latest coronavirus tracking numbers.

The current government predictions reported by Covid Tracking ( ) for Apr 5th show:

– All beds needed: 179,267
– ICU beds needed: 33,176
– Invasive ventilators: 26,544

TRENDING: HUGE! Official IMHE Model for Coronavirus Used by CDC Just Cut Their Numbers by Half!… They’re Making It Up As they Go Along!

Those were the predictions.

The actual numbers as recorded at The Covid Tracking Project:

– Actual hospitalizations: 22,158
– In ICU: 5,207
– On ventilator: 656

Via Dr. Ned Nikolov:

Ned Nikolov, Ph.D.@NikolovScience

Comparing Projections ( ) with reported data by Covid Tracking ( ) for Apr 5:
– Overestimation of hospitalizations: 8 times
– Overestimation of of ICU beds needed: 6.4 times
– Overestimation of ventilators needed: 40.5 times

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This is a complete failure of estimates and models.

The actual numbers show:

– Overestimation of hospitalizations: 8 times
– Overestimation of of ICU beds needed: 6.4 times
– Overestimation of ventilators needed: 40.5 times

This is completely unacceptable.
At this time in history and with the technology in place it is absolutely shocking that this could happen!
Millions of Americans will lose their jobs due to these panic-driven lockdowns.
The first people to be fired should be the ones who drove this panic!


MUST READ: Fired and Disgraced Former ICIG Atkinson Left Behind a Trail of Lies and Corruption

This guy should be locked up.  Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) Michael Atkinson left behind a trail of lies and corruption from his days at the DOJ and as ICIG.  Even his wife is connected to the Deep State.

Trump Has Approved Major Disaster Declarations for All 50 States

April 6, 2020 Updated: April 6, 2020

All 50 states and territories in the United States have now been approved for major disaster declarations, President Donald Trump announced at the daily White House Coronavirus Task Force briefing April 5.

The major disaster declaration provides a wide range of federal assistance programs for individuals and public infrastructure, including funds for both emergency and permanent work. The United States is already under a national emergency declaration issued March 13, which freed up $50 billion in emergency relief funds for cities and states.

“I just want to say … this is an all-out military operation that we’ve waged and especially over the last number of weeks. Fifty states and territories have now been approved for major disaster declarations, which is very unusual thanks to the Army Corps of Engineers,” Trump said.


Trump Warns US Will See ‘A Lot of Death’ in Coming Weeks From CCP Virus

April 5, 2020

NATO’s Military Readiness Not Undermined by CCP Virus, Says NATO Secretary General

NATO Assists Civilians to Combat Health Crisis Caused by CCP Virus
Updated: April 4, 2020

Democrats Postpone National Convention with Sleepy Joe — Moved to Week of August 17th

Democrats moved their national convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin to the week of August 17th the party announced on Thursday.

The convention committee said the event will be held the week of Aug. 17, in Milwaukee, Wis. It was originally slated for July 13-16.

FOX News reported:

“In our current climate of uncertainty, we believe the smartest approach is to take additional time to monitor how this situation unfolds so we can best position our party for a safe and successful convention. During this critical time, when the scope and scale of the pandemic and its impact remain unknown, we will continue to monitor the situation and follow the advice of health care professionals and emergency responders,” Joe Solmonese, CEO of the Democratic National Convention Committee, said in a statement.

“I have always believed that American innovation and ingenuity shine brightest during our darkest days, and for that reason, I’m confident our convention planning team and our partners will find a way to deliver a convention in Milwaukee this summer that places our Democratic nominee on the path to victory in November.”

TRENDING: UN Wants a 10% Global Tax to Pay for New “Shared Responsibility” Program to Address Coronavirus Pandemic

The Republican convention is scheduled to take place Aug. 24-27 in Charlotte, North Carolina, a week after the Democrat Convention.



GOP Leaders Seek DOJ Inspector General’s Testimony on New FISA Report
GOP Leaders Seek DOJ Inspector General’s Testimony on New FISA Report

DOJ Inspector General Finds Rampant Errors in FBI Surveillance
DOJ Inspector General Finds Rampant Errors in FBI Surveillance


Trump Invokes Defense Production Act for More Companies, Including 3M
Trump Invokes Defense Production Act for More Companies, Including 3M

Trump to Announce Free Virus Treatment for Americans Without Insurance
Trump to Announce Free Virus Treatment for Americans Without Insurance

Social Security Recipients Will Automatically Get Virus Relief Checks

Trump Says Iran Planning ‘Sneak Attack’ on American Troops in Iraq

Diarrhea Could Be a First Symptom of CCP Virus: Study

Kroger Pledges ‘Hero Bonus’ for Frontline Workers

Ill-Fated Cruise Ships Awaiting Approval to Dock in Florida

Chinese Regime Concealing True Number of COVID-19 Cases, Evidence Shows

Trump Deploys Military as Drug Cartels Try to Exploit Pandemic to Infiltrate US

Boy, 5, Found Dead on Alaska Hiking Trail

Chinese County on Lockdown Over CCP Virus, First Time Since Regime Lifts Restrictions

Over 4,000 Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients Discharged From Hospitals in Spain


Trump Mulls Restricting Travel to CCP Virus Hot Spots

April 2, 2020


CCP Virus Death Toll Exceeds 4,000 in America

April 1, 2020




US COVID-19 Deaths Soar Past 3,000 As New York Issues Appeal For Medical Volunteers

US COVID-19 Deaths Soar Past 3,000 As New York Issues Appeal For Medical Volunteers

On Thursday Michigan Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer was the latest Democrat to ban doctors from prescribing the lifesaving drugs hydroxychloroquine and Z-Paks to save senior citizens in the state from coronavirus.

Hydroxychloroquine is safe and in at least three international tests was found 100% effective in treating the coronavirus.

Whitmer follows Nevada’s Democrat Governor Sisolak in banning the life-saving drugs from coronavirus victims.

On Friday coronavirus survivor Jim Santilli blasted Michigan Governor Whitmer after he was saved from the virus by a hydroxychloroquine treatment.

Via 100% Fed Up:

The governor’s radical announcement hit a nerve with a Michigan man who credits the combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin with saving his life after he was convinced he was on death’s doorstep after a serious bout with the Chinese coronavirus.

Michigan resident, Jim Santilli wrote about his miraculous recovery and shares his feelings about Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s decision to punish doctors who prescribe and pharmacists who give prescriptions for hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine to patients. Santilli also explains how Whitmer dropped the ball on testing Michigan citizens with low-cost, rapid response tests that are produced and made available by a Michigan company. Mr. Santilli also points out how Whitmer failed to apply for FEMA funding, yet another critical failure on the part of a governor. Santilli claims the Democrat governor of Michigan should be less concerned scoring political points for her party by “wrongfully pointing the finger at President Trump,” while she’s failing to properly do her job for Michigan residents.

Here is Jim Santilli’s incredible story that he sent to me via Facebook:

Here is Jim Santilli’s Facebook post.

White House Outlines 5G Security Strategy, Warns of ‘High-Risk’ Vendors

March 29, 2020