A nuclear war would mean the end of civilization as we know it today, and so we must not allow one to happen.

4/27/22 By Michael Snyder Vladimir Putin is threatening to use nukes again. If Russia ultimately decides to conduct a surprise first strike, are you living near a location that is likely to get nuked? Many people assume that the vast majority of the U.S. population would immediately die if a nuclear war erupts, but that…

Russia’s Sergey Glazyev introduces a new global financial system

Exclusive: Russia’s Sergey Glazyev introduces a new global financial system The world’s new monetary system, underpinned by a digital currency, will be backed by a basket of new foreign currencies and natural resources. And it will liberate the Global South from both western debt and IMF-induced austerity. By Pepe Escobar April 14 2022 Leading Russian economist Sergey…

GITMO Double-Header Execution: Anthony Fauci & Loretta Lynch

GITMO Double-Header Execution: Anthony Fauci & Loretta Lynch Posted By: Mr.Ed [Send E-Mail] Date: Monday, 25-Apr-2022   GITMO Double-Header Execution: Anthony Fauci & Loretta Lynch By Michael Baxter April 25, 2022 For reasons not given but easily imagined, the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps abruptly amended Anthony S. Fauci’s scheduled date of execution from April 26…

7 Different Patented Poisons in CV19 Injections

7 Different Patented Poisons in CV19 Injections – Karen Kingston w/ Greg Hunter (Video) Posted By: SpaceCommando [Send E-Mail] Date: Wednesday, 20-Apr-2022 10:54:09 www.rumormill.news/197796   Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and a former Pfizer employee who has researched and written about many aspects of the so-called CV19 vaccines. It was never intended to cure anything, and…

Exclusive: Russia’s Sergey Glazyev introduces the new global financial system

Exclusive: Russia’s Sergey Glazyev introduces the new global financial system The world’s new monetary system, underpinned by a digital currency, will be backed by a basket of new foreign currencies and natural resources. And it will liberate the Global South from both western debt and IMF-induced austerity. By Pepe Escobar April 14 2022 Leading Russian economist Sergey…

Dr Artis Explains Remdeathisvir, Cobra Venom, Cobrevax, Drinking Water, The Plandemic and Human Serpents.

  Dr Artis Explains Remdeathisvir, Cobra Venom, Cobrevax, Drinking Water, The Plandemic and Human Serpents. Intro by Dee McLachlan Dr Bryan Artis, the anti-Remdesivir warrior, is interviewed by Patriot Streetfighter to broadcast a new message. Dr Zelenko has informed him that he #1 on the Pfizer “hit” list. Dr Artis’ research all started with a…

Remdeathisvir, is Cobra Venom, Cobrevax, Drinking Tap Water is One Delivery System

Dr Artis Explains Remdeathisvir, Cobra Venom, Cobrevax, Drinking Water, The Plandemic and Human Serpents. April 13, 2022 89 Intro by Dee McLachlan Dr Bryan Artis, the anti-Remdesivir warrior, is interviewed by Patriot Streetfighter to broadcast a new message. Dr Zelenko has informed him that he #1 on the Pfizer “hit” list. Dr Artis’ research all…

Battle For The World

  Research, Politics, UFO, News   Global Confusion – Neo Things Are Coming – Part 1  March 9, 2022  Editor   War coming to an end in Ukraine soon BATTLEFORWORLD.COM | April 11, 2022: This intel bit arrived on April 10th. And from this date, in one and a half weeks time, to two weeks, the war in Ukraine…

You’ve Been Misinformed If you don’t know that Twitter, Facebook, and Google are proxies serving the US Intel Community, then you have not been paying attention

– April 15, 2022 Isn’t it obvious by now that pervasive dishonesty is the foremost crisis of many crises in Western Civ generally and American life in particular? All our authorities have made themselves false, lying their way into the broad collapse of confidence that drives the nation toward some culminating horror show of strife…

The very enzyme that is associated with increased covid-19 mortality is blocked by an ANTI-VENOM compound

The very enzyme that is associated with increased covid-19 mortality is blocked by an ANTI-VENOM compound Wednesday, April 13, 2022 by: Lance D Johnson Tags: alternative medicine, anti-venom, badhealth, badscience, bioweapon, cardiovascular injury, covid-19, diagnostic fraud, disease pathology, infections, lung injury, mass formation psychosis, outbreak, pandemic, poison, science fraud, snake venom, sPLA2, varespladib, venom This article may contain statements that reflect the opinion of the author Bypass censorship by sharing this link: Copy URL 8,580VIEWS (Natural…