Is Donald Trump a Trojan Horse?

Trojan Horse for the Establishment or Mighty Mouth for Mankind? I crave the opportunity to see an anti establishment candidate win the election. I would exult in seeing our corrupt establishment shattered. So, while I do not like Trump the man (as it would appear he has never done anything that didn’t entirely serve his own self-interest and pompous ego),…

The Empire of Mediocrity

The Empire of Mediocrity and the End of the World  Vladimir Putin has harmed no American. Russia has not stood in the way of any American’s dream. As for the billionaires though, those American and British money bags, the Russians are posing an insurmountable hurdle for their investments. And we all know nothing can stand…

Trade agreements are the tools being used to achieve subjugation of governments and humanity

  The Most Brazen Corporate Power Grab in American History Posted on September 2, 2016 by WashingtonsBlog By Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Chris Hedges, formerly of the New York Times. Truth Dig(republished with permission of the author.) By Chris Hedges   A 2014 protest in Tokyo against the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement. (Shizuo Kambayashi / AP) Chris…