An international trade deal being negotiated in secret is a “turbo-charged privatisation pact” that poses a threat to democratic sovereignty and “the very concept of public services”, campaigners have warned.

The new TTIP? Meet TISA, the ‘secret privatization pact that poses a threat to democracy’ It sidelines laws of the nation Government insists ‘public services are under no threat whatsoever from this deal’ Anti-TTIP protests have brought thousands onto the streets across Europe, while the TISA talks have gone largely unnoticed Getty An international trade…

DEET is one chemical component of a binary chemical weapon system currently being carpet bombed onto U.S. civilian populations.

  CHEMICAL WARFARE RED ALERT: Zika panic DEET chemical part of a brain damaging binary weapon being carpet bombed across America’s cities August DEET is one chemical component of a binary chemical weapon system currently being carpet bombed onto U.S. civilian populations. That’s an aggressive assertion, I fully realize. So in this article, I’m going…

Staggering Corruption at Pentagon Reveals NATO/NASA Lies

Staggering Corruption at Pentagon Reveals NATO/NASA Lie at Heart of Fedgov  August, 2016 Sailors And Marines Can Officially Declare They Are Transgenders This Fall  …  Before declaring transgender status, these service-members have to be at the start, in the middle of, or finished transitioning. Only then will they be able to ask for a formal…

Clinton has major neurological health problems

Secret Service Whistleblower: Hillary Has Major Neurological Problems Source says big announcement from Clinton campaign about her health coming soon Paul Joseph Watson August 15, 2016 A Secret Service source has told Infowars that Hillary Clinton has major neurological health problems and that a big announcement regarding her medical situation is coming soon. The Secret…

One Giant Leap for Humanity

Geopolitics PUTIN  RESPONDED TO KESHE PEACE ROADMAP CHALLENGE AUGUST 11, 2015 For at least four years, the Keshe Foundation has been calling on all governments around the globe to come to a mutual agreement of ending all wars of aggressions and give peace a chance through the responsible utilization of the foundation’s own plasma technologies….

Julian Assange announced a $20,000 reward for information leading to Seth Rich’s July 10 death

Julian Assange announced a $20,000 reward for information leading to Seth  Rich’s July 10 death   EXCLUSIVE: Outrage at Julian Assange for implicating murdered DNC staffer in email leak and offering $20k reward – as the victim’s parents accuse Wikileaks founder of ‘politicizing this horrible tragedy’ Seth Rich, an analyst with the DNC. was shot…

Behold, a Pale Horse and its Rider’s Name Was Death and Hell Followed Him

NEW WORLD DISORDER FISSURES IN THE EMPIRE | PAUL C. ROBERTS AUGUST 8, 2016 If you have been wondering what all the terror events in France and Germany are about, here is the answer: Washington has raised the cost of being a member of its Empire too high. Vassals such as France and Germany are…