Chinese Communist Party outraged over Nobel Peace Prize

Liu Xiaobo, this year’s winner of the Nobel Peace prize, is often called the “conscience” of China. Currently serving an 11-year jail term for subversion, Liu had been a strong advocate for human rights, freedom of expression, and democracy in China. He had joined student protesters at Tiananmen Square in 1989, and spent time in…


Will President Obama go down in history for having set a new course on foreign policy, or for having shown unexpected continuity with his predecessor? As one of his first acts after taking office, President Barack Obama signed an executive order to close the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay within one year. “This is me,”…


TEARS of a CLOWN: GLEN BECK, The Tea Baggers and Mormonism

In one of his first appearances on Fox News, Glenn Beck sent a coded message to the nation’s six million Mormons — or at least those Mormons who believe in what the Latter-day Saints call “the White Horse Prophecy.” “We are at the place where the Constitution hangs in the balance,” Beck told Bill O’Reilly…

Winds Of Change: Israel and Palestine share vital interests

In late August, when Israeli and Palestinian leaders agreed to the Obama administration’s plan to renew face-to-face negotiations without preconditions, most opinion makers reacted with deep skepticism. So anxious were the editors of the New York Times to declare the talks all but dead-on-arrival that they led with a dismissive article labeled “News Analysis”—the first…