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Eurasian Integration or Empire of Chaos

Today, 90% of the global container trade still travels by ocean, and that’s what Beijing plans to change.     November 18, 2014: it’s a day that should live forever in history. On that day, in the city of Yiwu in China’s Zhejiang province, 300 kilometers south of Shanghai, the first train carrying 82 containers…

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The Sony Saga continues with threats and extortion

Sony Hackers Threaten 9/11 Attack on Movie Theaters That Screen ‘The Interview’       ….. updated  IT’S OVER                 DECEMBER 16, 2014 and the saga begins here… Senior Film and Media Reporter@BrentALang The Sony hackers have threatened a 9/11-like attack on movie theaters that screen Seth Rogen…

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Brazil’s penchant for “slow and steady” transitions of Truth

. Christ The Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil A country whose recent presidents all suffered at the hands of the military regime that ruled from 1964 to 1985, Brazil has been awfully slow to probe that dark chapter of its history. Dilma Rousseff, the incumbent, was tortured. Her two immediate predecessors, Luiz Inácio Lula…


The most talked-about eight minutes in cinema last year French film: “Blue is the Warmest Colour “

  Sex on screen: No longer taboo? (Sundance Selects) Blue Is the Warmest Colour and Nymphomaniac have attracted attention for their graphic sexual content. But what does the explicit trend mean for films? Nicholas Barber reports. The most talked-about eight minutes in cinema last year were in the French film, Blue is the Warmest Colour. The…

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What is Competitive Devalution = Robbing and Cheating Citizens of their money

  12/10/2014 08:59 -0500 Readers are familiar with the fable of “The Goose That Laid The Golden Eggs”, or at very least, are familiar with the metaphor which was the moral of that fable: one should never kill a goose that lays golden eggs. Such advice seems obvious to the point of being simplistic, and…


This Years Big Theme 2014 : Female Orgasm

Sigmund Freud once told a female colleague: “The great question that has never been answered, and which I have not yet been able to answer, despite my 30 years of research into the feminine soul, is ‘What does a woman want?’” Female sexuality has long confounded researchers and eluded popular understanding. We have spent decades…

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Economic Sense for Everyone to Divest from Fossil Fuels

  As the 20th UN Climate Summit begins in Peru, one faster way to fight global warming is to steer investors away from oil and gas, and bet instead in clean energy. The planet depends on it. Why it makes Economic Sense for Universities to Divest from Fossil Fuels By John Quiggin, The University of…

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A new “business model” for African defence ministries is taking shape.

  THE north-eastern Nigerian town of Chibok is spared little. Earlier this year fighters from the extremist group, Boko Haram, abducted more than 200 local schoolgirls. In the past week insurgents and government troops have traded possession of urban districts and surrounding farmland, leaving much of it burnt. The Nigerian army, one of the biggest…