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Orwell and Huxley were paradoxically not SF or Political Fiction but instead the most-down-to-earth writers

  The Space Race…a deceptive détournement. By  VT Editors July 22, 2019 By Claudio Resta per VT Italia A deceptive détournement exists when significant elements such as a major political or philosophical text, great artwork or work of literature, in this case an awful mass destruction weapon, take on new meanings or scope by being placed…

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The DNC had him murdered. His name was Seth Rich

Deep State Finally Meets Its Match – Ed Butowsky [Video] JULY 19, 2019~ADMIN The DNC had him murdered. His name was Seth Rich – Kiwi Lead. Source: i.reddituploads.com. Alexandra Bruce – This is a chilling story about the lynchpin that, in a just world, would dismantle the pathetic “Russian Collusion” fraud and the DNC’s psychological civil…

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Evidence shows Minnesota Representative Ilhan Omar Lies about Marital Fraud

EXCLUSIVE: High Tech Image Recognition and Other Evidence Proves Representative Omar Lied in Front of the Divorce Court Claiming She Hadn’t Seen Husband Since 2011  July 17, 2019 Evidence shows Minnesota Representative Ilhan Omar lied about the location of her brother/husband as well as when she last saw him in front of the court.  Omar…

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Google exposes itself as pro-pedophilia, pro-child abuse…..

Google exposes itself as pro-pedophilia, pro-child abuse by opposing sex trafficking laws that would protect children 07/10/2019 / By Ethan Huff A child protection bill with broad bipartisan support is under fire by Google because it threatens to actually hold the Silicon Valley tech giants accountable for their complicity in allowing underage children to be abused and sex trafficked…

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October 19, 2017, shows a rectangle shaped UFO flying together with a triangle shaped craft.

Did a Flying Rectangle shoot down a Nuclear Ballistic Missile aimed at Hawaii? WRITTEN BY DR MICHAEL SALLA ON JULY 6, 2019. On July 3, 2019, a photo was released of a flying rectangle shaped UFO near the island of Maui that was taken over a year earlier, and only recently discovered by the photographer. What is remarkable…

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Assange had been systematically slandered to divert attention from the crimes he exposed.

Demasking the Torture of Julian Assange Nils Melzer Jun 26 ·2019 By Nils Melzer, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture On the occasion of the International Day in Support of Torture Victims, 26 June 2019 I know, you may think I am deluded. How could life in an Embassy with a cat and a skateboard ever amount…

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The deck is stacked. fix is in.

  By Wayne Allyn Root The deck is stacked. fix is in. The Democrat Party, DC Swamp, Deep State, globalists, socialists, various special interest groups, and a few bought-and-sold RINO Republicans are giving your country away, day by day, hour by hour, inch by inch. This is about unbridled greed. Open borders are making a…

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How Porn Grooms Children for Human Traffic

  The Silent Victims: A Hidden World Where Boys Are Trafficked BY BOWEN XIAO June 12, 2019 NEW YORK—One boy was trafficked with his mother by her husband and held in captivity for most of his life. Another was lured through video games into a family that forced him to have sexual relations with them and…

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The Epoch Times’ position on and approach to reporting on the Trump administration is described in this October 2018 letter to our readers.

VIEWPOINTS Our Response to NBC News’ Inappropriate Questions Stephen Gregory PUBLISHER June 20, 2019 Dear Readers, Last week, we were contacted by two NBC reporters who posed a series of highly inappropriate questions. The NBC reporters questioned the religious beliefs of some of our staff members, sought to discredit their beliefs, attacked our journalism based…

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There are truly so many things to love about Hong Kong.

  Not too shabby for a place with no natural resources… Simon Black June 10, 2019 Hong Kong There are truly so many things to love about Hong Kong. Most visitors would probably gush about the exotic night life or legendary cuisine (the Cantonese, they say, eat anything with four legs… except the table.) All…