
Turkey: Prime Minister Erd is now being showered with Western accolades

  Our prime minister has suddenly reached elevated status in Western capitals. Not so long ago, the same voices were accusing Recep Tayyip Erdogan an of changing Turkey’s orientation, of aspiring to establish an Islamic Republic. Now they are applauding him. Why? What happened to turn the tides so dramatically? What we have been witnessing over…


The Naked Truth Of Internet Sex Addiction

The Sex Addiction Epidemic   It wrecks ­marriages, ­destroys ­careers, and saps self-worth. Yet ­Americans are being ­diagnosed as sex ­addicts in ­record numbers. Inside an epidemic.         Valerie realized that sex was wrecking her life right around the time her second marriage disintegrated. At 30, and employed as a human-resources administrator…


Assad`s Killer Regime: A Middle East Checkmate

What’s at stake in Syria goes well beyond the mere fate of a local dictatorship – however deadly it may be. What is at stake, and is on the brink of collapse, is a major strategic alliance in the Middle East. The Syrians who have been challenging Bashar al-Assad’s regime since March – many paying…


Painting Nudes: Do Good Artists Have More Sex

    Relationship Between Artistic Success And Mating Success         Your date lets it slip: “I’m an artist.” Do these words scream “code red” or “take me to bed”? According to some scientists, even human beings are just trying to make it in the animal kingdom, and everything we do can be…


Latin America Gets No Respect

Near Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica, the Country Brand Index’s highest ranked Latin American country   Conducting business meetings isn’t easy when people don’t even know you exist. Just ask Eduardo Clari, an investments specialist.  Paraguay’s state export and investment promotion agency. “They confuse us with Uruguay. Or else they think we’re part of Brazil,” says…


Wall Street Is Moulding Your Taste In Art.

Monoculture: How Our Era’s Dominant Story Shapes Our Lives What Galileo has to do with the economy, or how Wall Street is molding your taste in art. “The universe is made of stories, not atoms,” poet Muriel Rukeyser famously proclaimed. The stories we tell ourselves and each other are how we make sense of the…

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Understanding the Occupy Wall Street movement: A primer

Understanding the Occupy Wall Street movement: A primer Occupy Wall Street, the amorphous series of demonstrations that are reshaping the political debate in many major American cities and in countries around the globe, entered its second month on Monday. Here is a primer to understanding the movement that has mobilized hundreds of thousands of people…

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China`s Shifting Power : Sloth and Indolence Of The West

 How the West became China’s willing servant Eurozone leaders have brought their begging bowl to China, looking for help in boosting their bailout fund. So what does this say about the shift in the global balance of power? In October 1911, China rose up in revolution. Four months later the last emperor had fallen and…