
China’s Mammoth Rare Earth Industry

Secrets And Shortcomings Of China’s Mammoth Rare Earth Industry Analysis: China’s approach to rare earth mining is putting it at odds with the WTO. China’s Economic Observer outlines where China’s gone wrong, and what it needs to do to set the industry straight. Rare earth oxides By Chen Jibing BEIJING – The World Trade Organization’s Dispute…

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Christine Lagarde The Most Powerful Woman In The World

Reuters All of the IMF’s Problems Now Belong to Christine Lagarde John Hudson Jun 28, 2011 97 The International Monetary Fund’s newly-minted leader Christine Lagarde has a lot on her plate. As the 55-year-old French Finance minister replaces Dominique Strauss-Kahn as managing director, she’ll be saddled with reviving a disgraced institution mired with challenges as…


President Trichet… will temper any market expectations

Eurozone interest rates raised to 1.25% by ECB The European Central Bank has kept rates low for almost two years Global Economy ECB urged Portugal to seek rescue Q&A: Why is Portugal in trouble? Will the rate rise damage growth? EU austerity drive by country Eurozone interest rates have been raised to 1.25% from the…

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The Greek debt crisis simplified and updated and cut to the bone

Greece’s government must cut spending and improve tax revenue in order to greatly reduce or eliminate its need to borrow, reduce the cost of its output (via domestic deflation or leaving the Euro and depreciating a new currency) in order to restore the external balance between its imports and exports, and to reduce the impediments to economic efficiency and productivity growth so that its economy can grow more rapidly. How did it get in such a mess? What role was and is played by its use of the Euro? And what are its options?