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THE U.S.A. has pushed itself from a bad position into one worse than anyone could imagine 20 years ago!

      Don’t Push A Bad Position! Bill Holter | June 26, 2015 – 11:07am Facebook Twitter Forward Print     “Don’t push a bad position”! This is good advice in many varied quests. It is good advice in games like chess or poker. Good advice in sports, business, politics, geopolitics and certainly in…


Iraq can kill fanatics, but not the fanaticism of barbaric Jihadist threats

JUNE 18, 2014 A THIRD IRAQ WAR? POSTED BY ROBIN WRIGHT     The United States now faces the possibility of its third intervention in Iraq. On paper, the two earlier wars quickly achieved their military goals. In 1991, a muscular alliance of thirty-four nations, led by the United States, forced Iraq to withdraw from…

Noam Chomsky: America’s “yearning for democracy is a bad joke”

                                           This piece originally appeared on TomDispatch. This piece is adapted from “Uprisings,” a chapter in Power Systems: Conversations on Global Democratic Uprisings and the New Challenges to U.S. Empire, Noam Chomsky’s new interview book with…


Saudi Arabia: The Courage Of One Woman Speaks For An Entire Nation

    Saudi Arabia: The Courage Of One Woman Speaks For An Entire Nation   Samar Badawi looks a little forsaken on the big stage in Washington. Shyly, she listens to the noble words a world-famous figure is saying about her: “You are making a difference. And we thank you for that.” Then suddenly the…

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Qatar: War Chest Of Money For Influence In Libya

SPECIAL REPORT – Qatar’s big Libya adventure June 9, 2011 Posted in News, Week Commencing: June 6, 2011 (Reuters) – To get an idea of who might wield influence in post-civil war Libya, take a look at the flags flying in the rebel-held east of the country. Outside the courthouse in Benghazi — rebel headquarters…

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Saudi Arabia: Self Destructive And Undermining The Arab Revolution

The Saudi threat is intended to present U.S. policymakers with a choice between U.S. values and U.S. interests. In his speech last week on the Middle East, President Barack Obama left little doubt that America stands with the people of the region in their demand for change. This puts the U.S. on a collision course…