Call Millennials pampered and spoiled if you want, but the country they’ve inherited is broken

    10 reasons millennials are screwed   Generation gaps are nothing new. Back in the 1930s, members of the World War I generation complained bitterly about their World War II generation offspring and all the swing-dancing, noisy big bands and awful crooners they were into (many of those jitterbugging teenagers of the 1930s went…


The Worst Global Crisis We Face: Nuclear – Evironmental – Financial

        Chomsky on Civil Liberties, Obama and the Future Of  Politics by STEVEN DUREL Linguistics professor Noam Chomsky has been America’s premier political dissident since the Vietnam War. As a vocal critic of US foreign policy, the self-described “libertarian socialist” has been beloved by generations of students and activists. In the wake…


Public Health in Egypt : Muslim Brotherhood strangles healthcare sector….

EGYPT Egyptian hospitals on strike: “The Muslim Brotherhood wants to maintain a stranglehold on healthcare” Medical students protesting in solidarity with hospital staff in Cairo. Photo posted on the movement’s Facebook page. On Monday morning, more than 500 public hospitals in Egypt began an unlimited national strike. The staff is calling for, among other things, a…


Three Horseman of a New Apocalypse

What a world! Much of North Africa remains roiled with mass protests against autocratic or crazed leaders. One predictable result has been skyrocketing oil prices with potentially adverse consequences for recovering economies. And, in the United States, a possible shutdown of government looms because America’s two political parties prefer to indulge in a game of…

Christopher Hitchens war against Thantos

Topic of Cancer One fine June day, the author is launching his best-selling memoir, Hitch-22. The next, he’s throwing up backstage at The Daily Show, in a brief bout of denial, before entering the unfamiliar country—with its egalitarian spirit, martial metaphors, and hard bargains of people who have cancer. JOINING THE RESISTANCE? The humor is…